Politics in 2022

Never seen a politician try to fulfill their campaign promises as hard as Trump even facing all the hate and resistance from the left and even some in his own party.
Wow, were you around for 8 years when the republicans attempted to block every goddam thing in site with Obama?
And you had Punk Ass Mitch McConnell that said that he would not do anything until Obama left office. Wow!
As the country becomes more diverse, the era of the moderate / liberal white candidate is coming to an end fast. Elections will become nothing more than a census count. ideological diversity within a demographic group is only possible long term when that group is the overwhelming majority.
As the country becomes more diverse, the era of the moderate / liberal white candidate is coming to an end fast. Elections will become nothing more than a census count. ideological diversity within a demographic group is only possible long term when that group is the overwhelming majority.

just a little racist there aren't you?
so what now? turn it over to the white supremist and let them decide the race issue?
just a little racist there aren't you?
so what now? turn it over to the white supremist and let them decide the race issue?

what did I say that was racist? I just noted reality as I see it and observed historical patterns. Sorry you don't like the implications. What does the word racist mean exactly to you?
there are a lot of good Dems out there running....with a lot of good ideas

BUT sad to say we have become a "ME" country.....what can you do for me!

these ones with medicare for all and giving this and that away...….just are not going to go anywhere
repair what we have and correct so many errors the right has created are the ones that stand a chance
There are know good dems running GO Trump
any dem is better than trump...….a couple of states are staring to show that.....2 that he won last time have turned blue right now

watching Fareed Zakairia on right now on the economy....the thing to hurt trump the most...….is Donald trump

his economic policies are in conflict with each other....needs to go one way or the other....he has lost the trade war...need to drop it!
Dems don’t get that President Trump is sick of the world taking advantage of us - and - is smacking them back down. He’s actually very consistent - Oprah interviewed him back in the 80s and he was saying the same things then as now.
We need to stop buying foreign ******* pay uour neighbor

I will agree with that....but hard to change 50 years of Reagan fucking the country....had he let others think for him instead of just shooting off his mouth we might have got several other countries that are in the same shape to go along with us...instead of the American consumer taking it in the shorts
Wow, were you around for 8 years when the republicans attempted to block every goddam thing in site with Obama?
And you had Punk Ass Mitch McConnell that said that he would not do anything until Obama left office. Wow!

he was but he has selective memory....and even that is very short....if you read his posts you will see he doesn't have a lot going for him in the "smart" department
Every purchase look for American made even small stuff eventually store will stock more American products

if you remember when the Sam Walton had the store......he would state everything American made......he dies and greed and money took over

The Walton family is the richest family in the world. Walton’s own over 50% of the company and is a worth total of $152 billion. Walton’s family is referred as the vast wealth as they have the highest income in the United States.

Just how wealthy is the Wal-Mart Walton family ...
"The Walton family, which owns Wal-Mart, controls a fortune equal to the wealth of the bottom 42 percent of Americans combined." — One Wisconsin Now on Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 in …

Secrets - Wal-Mart And China - A Joint Venture | Is Wal ...
CEO Lee Scott would continue to improve the Wal-Mart-China joint venture through better predictions of future sales, improved forecasting models of coming fashion trends and the development of a ...

Walmart is Still Misrepresenting its Made in America ...
Jun 27, 2016 · It also doesn’t mention that the combined effect of imports from and exports to China through Walmart accounted for about 15 percent of the growth of the overall American goods trade deficit with China between 2001 and 2013. Or that the Walmart-based Chinese trade deficit eliminated 400,000 American jobs during that time.

Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies ...
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies: Study. The $7.8 billion includes an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance for low-wage Walmart employees, including programs like food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaid. It also includes an estimated $70 million per year in “economic development subsidies” from state and legal governments eager to host Walmart in their cities.

bottom line...people with no money buy where they can afford it...and that's wal mart!

they hire people at below a living wage......and we give wal mart money for hiring them...….we also give those same people food stamps and etc because they don't make a living wage
They go to the grocery store for what they dont produce. You can usually buy that kind of products local cheaper then imports. You dont have to go to walmart you choose to I did go a few times and always spent more on ******* i didn't need
They go to the grocery store for what they dont produce. You can usually buy that kind of products local cheaper then imports. You dont have to go to walmart you choose to I did go a few times and always spent more on ******* i didn't need
They go to the grocery store for what they dont produce. You can usually buy that kind of products local cheaper then imports. You dont have to go to walmart you choose to I did go a few times and always spent more on ******* i didn't need

Mmmm an admitted Wal mart shopper...….what happened to buy American?

BTW: I do to and hate it...….I live between 2 towns...5 miles either way....wal mart on the highway in the middle..less than a mile from me up on the highway....if I need a bunch of stuff I go to town..if not I go to.....
smart planning on their part...catch traffic from both towns..it is a 4 lane highway so lots of traffic....I said they were crooks...I didn't say they were stupid!