Politics in 2022

They lie waaaaaaaay more than Trump - lied for over two years about the Russia Hoax.
If it was such a hoax, why has the Attorney General's office written instructions to Mueller telling him what and what NOT to say to the two committees tomorrow?
I think you've been drinking way too much Republican koolade.

This is the most CORRUPT president in the history of this great country, and KARMA will have its DAY with Trump and his thugs.

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talk about low...Harris asked Biden to come out to calif.....and nominate her for her Senate seat.....then more than willing to throw him to the dogs to move up......cheap shot
No that would be the Obama administration- weaponizing the IRS and the DOJ for his own purposes.

your head is so one sided I am surprised you can even walk....you hate for Obama and any dem is blinded only by your stupidity....reason for that?....you are unwilling to look or think before you speak......and very un knowing of what goes on around you...maybe selective memory.....Bush did the same thing as Obama!....but being a republican naturally you have limited mind space for anything against the right!
I love when they tear at each other Go Trump

Narrow down soon....Harris I think will fall this week....she has another plan to give 12 billion to BLACK small biz owners and another plan for more money to Blacks....she is going all out for the blacks and like trump doesn't seem to care about the rest of the country.....even in SC Biden has a 35% lead over her!

the guy to watch for and just announced some great plans....Buttigieg....he doesn't have any give away programs ...instead has plenty of take away from those over seas...named them even Google, AT&T and several others.....I read a couple of weeks ago it would end up between Biden and Buttigieg
your head is so one sided I am surprised you can even walk....you hate for Obama and any dem is blinded only by your stupidity....reason for that?....you are unwilling to look or think before you speak......and very un knowing of what goes on around you...maybe selective memory.....Bush did the same thing as Obama!....but being a republican naturally you have limited mind space for anything against the right!

I am an Independent but you crazy lefties have pushed me right.

Obama is known to have weaponized the IRS against conservatives - the left leaning media just lets those stories die.

Soon the truth about the Hillary investigation and the origins of the Russia Collusion story will come out and it will go all the way back to Obama.
some people just don't have a clue and yet get on here and show their ass

Bush Used the IRS, FBI, CIA and Secret Service to Go After ...
May 14, 2013 · A year later, we learned that along with the IRS, Secret Service and FBI, the Bush administration may have also been using the Central Intelligence Agency against its …

Bush Used the IRS, FBI, CIA and Secret Service to Go After ...
May 15, 2013 · In fact, conservatives said so little back then that Fox News apparently doesn't even know (or is pretending not to know) the Bush administration used the IRS in the same way the Obama ...

IRS Reviews Church's Status - washingtonpost.com
Nov 19, 2005 · The Internal Revenue Service is examining the tax-exempt status of a liberal church in Southern California because its former pastor delivered a fiery antiwar sermon that criticized President Bush

List of allegations of misuse of the Internal Revenue Service
G. W. Bush. Although the IRS maintained that the audit was an attempt to determine whether the NAACP had involved itself in a political campaign, the NAACP and Democratic Party representatives characterized the audit as an attempt to stifle criticism of Bush, intimidate NAACP members, and harm the NAACP's get-out-the-vote campaign.
Back up with BULLSHIT - mostly left wing propaganda spouted by the biased MSM and regurgitated by you in here. A lot of the so called lies you and the MSM accuse the President of turn out to be true - for instance when he said his campaign was being spied on - it WAS !!!!!
Getting all ones facts of the internet has a 50/50 chance of it being wrong. I am no so much a republican or a democrat, I vote for the person I can most relate to. There isn't a candidate on the democratic side I would even consider. Biden, the worst thing against him is he was Obama's vice president, Obama turned out to be a disaster and I voted for him the first time. Harris is arrogant with nothing to back it up. Booker a major disappointment, Warren I have listened to her campaign promises and the way she presents them, not good. Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders, no way. So many people think that they know so much, the country is completely dumbed down and the general public have no idea what is happening or what is coming in the future if they don't wise up. Our government has grown into monster size, It needs to stop, corruption is at every level City, County, State and Federal it is so clear. I can't see any democratic candidate beating President Donald Trump at this stage.
I am no so much a republican or a democrat, I vote for the person I can most relate to

ok sounds like unbiased

There isn't a candidate on the democratic side I would even consider. Biden, the worst thing against him is he was Obama's vice president, Obama turned out to be a disaster

Mmmmmmm it would appear your "unbias" is slipping

but I do understand what you are saying....feel very similar
Have never seen a republican I could vote for
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