Politics in 2022

Deer season for me and the 2 boys I buy a lot of 30-30......and if you click on 30-30 on the site I gave...can't even read the manuf name...but there are several 30-30 brands...Remington and Winchester are 2....was told to buy the Remington and avoid the Winchester....so I do

If you Google where Remington is manufactured like 5 cities in the USA come up. Good luck with the hunt great round for deer the 30-30 - in Mass. we’re only allowed to use shotguns :|
BTW I just looked at that link I gave you......Wolf ammo...made in Taiwan….

Maybe now was Russian when I bought it - while ago - grabbed a coupla thousand rounds before this *******-eatin state made it illegal to buy in that kinda quantity.
I thought all dems wanted to take away guns

NOT ALL....I do agree with the 3 judges that have ruled against assault weapons.....there is nothing in the constitution that says you need an assault weapon to protect your self.....as for the rest......like the saying goes you can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead hands!
Maybe now was Russian when I bought it - while ago - grabbed a coupla thousand rounds before this *******-eatin state made it illegal to buy in that kinda quantity.

got a pretty good stock pile myself....everytime a Dem runs for election the NRA runs up that scare that the Dems are going to take your guns away....and sales just skyrocket......gun manuf just love it....anyway when the opportunity came.....I filled every shelf in my cabinet with shells....all the cleaning stuff had to go on top...no room....I could hold off a bunch of people for a long time

Obama never even brought it up.....Clinton just banned assault....

Gun Sales Rise On Fear Of Democratic President : NPR
Nov 09, 2008 · Gun Sales Rise On Fear Of Democratic President. But that isn't stopping an apparent nationwide run. Curtis says other gun shops he knows are reporting huge sales. The FBI has reported a 15 percent increase in background checks for gun purchases in …

and the NRA does it everytime……….but then people think the NRA is for them...not so.....the NRA represents the gun Manuf.....and does what it can to help sales
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Ruger ROCKS - best bang for the buck - great stainless steel - own a bunch - oldest ******* just bought a Ruger Precision 6.5 Creedmoor - super price for such an accurate long range rifle - Ruger’s stock is a great way to go too - bought some a long time ago - glad I did!!!!
No worship - just like his style and where he wants to take the country - if you didn’t have terminal TDS maybe you’d see that. Your side has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far left.
No worship - just like his style and where he wants to take the country - if you didn’t have terminal TDS maybe you’d see that. Your side has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far left.
there you go again...….off on some right wing idea that is just going to ******* this country!

his style.....most crooks can put on a touch of class....although this guy said he would act so presidential...and hasn't yet...so far just praise dictators that the rest of the world wants nothing to do with

where he wants to take the country?....have you looked at his record?....at all the bankruptcies and corruption...he is taking us there...most corrupt government in US history....added how much to the deficit.....how many jobs lost to overseas since he took over....got inflation going up.....cost of health care going up.....wages stagnate and not keeping up with his cost of living....our allies don't support us anymore.....France talking about starting another G8? without the US because of our stance on Russia....secret meeting cavorting with the enemy for personal gain?.....likely be the first president to go to jail after leaving the office of president where the office can not protect him anymore....the amount the taxpayers are paying in lawyer fees could probably build a wall

if you didn't have your head planted in his rear you would see all that....blinded by devotion to a crook!

our side is just trying to save the country from being destroyed from within by unknowing souls that have lost their way

you need to look closer to what the Dems are offering....hope for America again

dump the chump
go Biden