Politics in 2022

I am happy living in a United States where our President tries to advance our position in the world and tries though humstrung by Democrats to improve our country - it’s a dream come true really after Obama :}

well then why is this one doing all he can to chase off our allies and embarrass us around the world....I posted an article a while back...most other countries see p u t I n as far more trustworthy than trump
GOT ONE OF THESE? Obama does, so does Jimmy Carter. Even Al Gore has a Nobel Prize! But, Donald J TRUMP ........
View attachment 2716578 ... why, of COURSE NOT ... View attachment 2716577
I heard Trump was going to sign an executive order AWARDING HIMSELF the Nobel Peace Prize for his successes in North Korea & Iran. View attachment 2716587

If FACT, no Republican in the past half century.

you know what is really funny on that.....when the pats won the superbowl with Obama as pres......he got a helmet signed by the whole team...…..when it came time to give trump one...most wouldn't sign it so he got a plain helmet with NO signatures!

that's a fact!
Your easily impressed aren't you?
Well, NO, I was thinking the very same thing of you Trump drones ... easily impressed with Trump with "nothing" thus far to really show for it. Trump is all hype ... talks the talk ... but doesn't walk the walk.
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well then why is this one doing all he can to chase off our allies and embarrass us around the world....I posted an article a while back...most other countries see p u t I n as far more trustworthy than trump

Just simply the liberal perspective
Maybe just maybe a liberal organization - ya think - what did Obama do to deserve one???
You see, you Trump drones are always asking the WRONG questions. What you should be asking is WHY Republican presidents, like Reagan, GH Bush, and GW Bush didn't win Nobel Prizes ... hell, all you have to do is goodgle Obama & Nobel Prize and get a complete explanation of why Obama won a Nobel Prize.
Lets continue that other question ... WHY do YOU THINK that all those Republican presidents never earned a Nobel Prize? (give that some thought and think about what's happened to the majoritiy of voters over the past 40 years under Republicans).
Just simply the liberal perspective

and what did the UK say last week?

Shock Poll: Most Countries Prefer Putin Over Trump - Forbes
Aug 16, 2017 · Colombia, a friendly country to the United States, prefers Putin too with 23% trusting the Russian spear-fisherman over Trump, who ranks at 15%.

Survey: Citizens of many US allies trust Putin over Trump ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Citizens of many US allies trust Putin more than Trump 'to do the right thing regarding world affairs'. The disparity in favor of Putin over Trump was most dramatic in Greece and Germany — where he outscored the U.S. president by 31 and 14 points, respectively. Half of Greeks surveyed said they had confidence in Putin, while only 19 percent said the same of Trump. Putin had the …

and some on the right still consider Russia the enemy even though trump considers them a biz partner and a source for money

Ohio County GOP Leader Resigns Over Trump-Putin Meeting
Jul 17, 2018 · Ohio County GOP Leader Resigns Over Trump-Putin Meeting. For at least one Republican in Ohio, President Trump's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was more than he could take. Belmont County, Ohio Republican Chairman Chris Gagin on Twitter Monday announced his resignation shortly after the controversial press conference in Helsinki...

The US can't trust Trump – so how can we?
Jul 18, 2018 · Donald Trump is at least as big a threat to the rules-based order as Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin, and the advantage of the other two is that they are at least consistent. Australia is deeply exposed.

Survey: Citizens of Many US Allies Trust Putin over Trump ...
Aug 16, 2017 · Survey: Citizens of Many US Allies Trust Putin Over Trump. In South Korea, Putin's margin was 10 points. He got 27 percent to Trump's 17 percent. Elsewhere, confidence in Putin outpaced that of Trump by 31 points in Lebanon, 21 points in Vietnam and 14 points in Mexico. Trump only barely came out ahead of Putin in Australia, Canada and Britain.

want more....there are several pages from different news sources and different countries

These Are the Countries That Really Hate Donald Trump
  • Author: Jess-Bolluyt
    1. Sweden. Change from Obama to Trump: -83. Want to know which country hates Donald Trump …
    2. Netherlands. Change from Obama to Trump: -75. The Netherlands ties with Germany in terms of …
    3. Germany. Change from Obama to Trump: -75. Germany lands in third place among the countries …
    4. South Korea. Change from Obama to Trump: -71. Donald Trump has become even less popular in …
    See all full list on cheatsheet.com
The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
Cartoons on President Donald Trump. Many of the same things that account for his domestic unpopularity, specifically his personal qualities and his policies. So a median of 75 percent find Trump to be "arrogant," which seems low, while a median of 65 percent says he's "intolerant" and a median of 62 percent see him as "dangerous."...

so now ….don't tell people are tired of hearing things when it clearly shows...they are tired of trump!

Analysis: Only 1 in 4 Americans strongly support Trump ...
While 34 percent trust Trump to negotiate on America’s behalf with other world leaders, only 19 percent trust him “a great deal.” The other 15 percent trust him just “a good amount.”
And I just read...…..most think the Democratic race will come down to Biden and the gay mayor Buttigieg or whatever his name is...…….they think he has worked miracles in his city and want him to do it to the country....even though a black was shot a couple of weeks ago......most blacks in that city still like him!
Mmmm caught pushing some "fake news"? and a little character assignation?

New Republic Retracts, Apologizes for Pete Buttigieg 'Mary ...
Jul 14, 2019 · The New Republic has retracted and apologized for a widely-criticized article in which the author attacked South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is gay, as “Mary Pete” for accepting American cultural norms and “neoliberal” ideas.

Mmmm if memory serves...….those are the same dickwads that supported the pumpkin
Don’t care what the world thinks - Obama went around apologizing for the USA. I like that Trump looks out for us first - must be doing something right if the world is bitchin.
Ungrateful sons o bitches all be speaking German if it wasn’t for us.

Wait until they get in to POTUS again, they will be apologizing again and paying retribution to all nations.
Don’t care what the world thinks - Obama went around apologizing for the USA. I like that Trump looks out for us first - must be doing something right if the world is bitchin.
Ungrateful sons o bitches all be speaking German if it wasn’t for us.

he went around the world apologizing for the embarrassment trump is doing world wide...and that is a full time job...since trump has shown his ass in most countries
I was speaking of when Obama was President - his apology tour. Now he should just mind his own business - we have nothing to apologize for. Except of course the insane TDS whining liberals - such a freaking embarrassment for the good ole USA!!!!!!!
I was speaking of when Obama was President - his apology tour. Now he should just mind his own business - we have nothing to apologize for. Except of course the insane TDS whining liberals - such a freaking embarrassment for the good ole USA!!!!!!!

his apology tour is going on now...trying to repair the trump damage

btw if trump is so great why are 2 different republicans thinking of running against him?