Politics in 2022

Harris's little game seems to have backfired....by several different articles...some may agree with Harris on the busing....but most don't think Biden a racist either....seems old Joe even though he lost the argument got a boost in the poles from the blacks

Kamala Harris' Attack on Joe Biden May Have Backfired
2 days ago · Last night, Kamala Harris savaged Joe Biden on the topic of race in the first Democratic party debate. The consensus opinion wasn’t just that Biden lost the exchange, but that Harris had suddenly catapulted herself into the top tier of candidates. In fact, some of the better markets even have her as the front runner now.

what ever she might have gained attacking Biden she lost in attacking Obama!
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there you go again...….off on some right wing idea that is just going to ******* this country!

his style.....most crooks can put on a touch of class....although this guy said he would act so presidential...and hasn't yet...so far just praise dictators that the rest of the world wants nothing to do with

where he wants to take the country?....have you looked at his record?....at all the bankruptcies and corruption...he is taking us there...most corrupt government in US history....added how much to the deficit.....how many jobs lost to overseas since he took over....got inflation going up.....cost of health care going up.....wages stagnate and not keeping up with his cost of living....our allies don't support us anymore.....France talking about starting another G8? without the US because of our stance on Russia....secret meeting cavorting with the enemy for personal gain?.....likely be the first president to go to jail after leaving the office of president where the office can not protect him anymore....the amount the taxpayers are paying in lawyer fees could probably build a wall

if you didn't have your head planted in his rear you would see all that....blinded by devotion to a crook!

our side is just trying to save the country from being destroyed from within by unknowing souls that have lost their way

you need to look closer to what the Dems are offering....hope for America again

dump the chump
go Biden

I am happy living in a United States where our President tries to advance our position in the world and tries though humstrung by Democrats to improve our country - it’s a dream come true really after Obama :}
Well, we liberals know that Obama didn't have to announce & brag about his accolades as President ... something Trump does EVERY day. Name one time Trump has admitted to doing something wrong and apologizing? (((crickets)))
With Trump, its always about HIM ... what he's done, what he's doing, what he's gonna do ... and if you try changing the subject away from Trump, he changes it right back.
Well, we liberals know that Obama didn't have to announce & brag about his accolades as President ... something Trump does EVERY day. Name one time Trump has admitted to doing something wrong and apologizing? (((crickets)))
With Trump, its always about HIM ... what he's done, what he's doing, what he's gonna do ... and if you try changing the subject away from Trump, he changes it right back.

Yeah well ya know what Mac ?
If Trump didn’t say what he’s accomplished we’d NEVER hear it cause the MSM won’t report anything positive he does only the negative - SO biased only the truly myopic would not see it.
As regards Obama the press fell all over him
singing his praises - he didn’t have to do it for himself as President Trump is ****** to.
GOT ONE OF THESE? Obama does, so does Jimmy Carter. Even Al Gore has a Nobel Prize! But, Donald J TRUMP ........
pic_political-NobelPeacePrize.jpg ... why, of COURSE NOT ... pic_political-Trump-NobelPeacePrize.jpg
I heard Trump was going to sign an executive order AWARDING HIMSELF the Nobel Peace Prize for his successes in North Korea & Iran. gif_Yellowball-laughing4.gif

If FACT, no Republican in the past half century.
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Somehow I feel on safe ground assuming you never read the citations on BO's Nobels. Nor did it occur to ask how just being elected POTUS was deserving of said award, I'd wager. Seriously, all he had done from January to October 2009, when given the award was to talk. Talk, I'd suppose you'd agree, is cheap and nothing concrete had come from his talking nor, more importantly, had anything by the end of his time in office. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, etc. were still hotspots at a minimum and full-blown war zones in actuality both hot wars and diplomatic ones. Seriously, you want to trot out a Nobel as an indication of effectiveness for BO? Regardless of party, I'd feel the same.

Esoteric feelings and ineffective talking should not be the basis for a Nobel, but now they are since the prize is political in nature now...which they were supposed to be above said fray! Bottom line, perhaps at some point in our lifetime, the Nobel PP was actually awarded to people who had ACTUALLY done something to further peace in the world...mom Teresa, Dag Hammarskjold, Cordell Hull, Ralph Bunche, etc. Now, it is, purely, an exercise in politics and, hence, another worthless politicized award...a position I'd maintain even if the unthinkable happened and DJT was "given" one...as it is so hard to think of anyone actually earning said award given its current sad state. Hell, even the ability to use math is lost on the committee now; witness their awarding the EU the award in 2012 when the EU hasn't been in existence for "over six decades" as written in the verbiage "justifiying" the award. While I admire Malala Yousafzai as much as the next person, she didn't deserve the Nobel for what she did in Afghanistan. Admirable? Yes. Worthy of the Peace Prize? No. The result of a political statement by the committee? Absolutely and any thoughtful, non-sycophant observer would come to the same conclusion. YMMV.
Don't care enough about the award and its current abject politization to be pissed. As I stated, award is not what Alfred Nobel wished it to be now and that is what upsets me. MLK, Jr. did more in an afternoon to earn his Nobel than BO did in eight plus years or, in the seven and a half years he had left after October 2009. Word!
President Trump will mostly win re-election. The dem party is a joke. Seriously! The party Thts fishing for straws. Can’t run on being hip and cool like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did.
GOT ONE OF THESE? Obama does, so does Jimmy Carter. Even Al Gore has a Nobel Prize! But, Donald J TRUMP ........
View attachment 2716578 ... why, of COURSE NOT ... View attachment 2716577
I heard Trump was going to sign an executive order AWARDING HIMSELF the Nobel Peace Prize for his successes in North Korea & Iran. View attachment 2716587

If FACT, no Republican in the past half century.

Maybe just maybe a liberal organization - ya think - what did Obama do to deserve one???