Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

:Lowering ... black men to objects": by that reasoning you should also be offended and walk away if she says: "give me that BLACK dick".

I'm pretty sure objectifying (both of his black stick and her white pussy) is a key part of these relationships.

Do you feel otherwise? Respectfully.
You’re exactly right. If people are going to refrain from any race play they should refrain from all race play
both of his black stick and her white pussy
These two descriptive phrases are in a state of equilibrium.
There is no parity to a white person calling a Black person a Níggér.
Not Cracker
Not Honky
Not Ofay
Not Peckerwood
Not Toubob
Because none of those words have been used by Black people, to systemically terrorize and disenfranchise white people...
That's why.
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My wife is caucasian and hasn’t and never will use the word. Best believe if we ever find another bull she will be calling him Daddy.
I know it normally wouldn't make someone feel good. That's why I wouldn't say it unless asked. But sometimes people sexually enjoy stuff they wouldn't normally like in any other circumstance.
Im glad you brought that up, most people wouldn't be able to make the distinction between persons character and their sexual kinks/ gratifications. One of the worst things is finding an attractive white woman who is only trying to be seen as progressive in dating outside their race (aiming for "social coin" ) and not trying to get along or experience new things with the person they're actually dating. It defeats the purpose and only reaffirms my idea that whatever the major societal opinion is at the time, they would go along with; which ironically brings me to think, if society chooses that its acceptable to actually be racist again, those same people would have no issue with partaking in that as well.
These two descriptive phrases are in a state of equilibrium.
There is no parity to a white person calling a Black person a Níggér.
Not Cracker
Not Honky
Not Ofay
Not Peckerwood
Not Toubob
Because none of those words have been used by Black people, to systemically terrorize and disenfranchise white people...
That's why.
The comment was that he did not want to be "objectivised". I merely pointed out that being objectivised is a key part of the relationship - both for him and for her.

Best regards
The comment was that he did not want to be "objectivised". I merely pointed out that being objectivised is a key part of the relationship - both for him and for her.

Best regards
"It depends. As an older black male it’s never okay but I understand with the younger guys how they would want it."

Understood...However I was speaking to the above. Which was part of what you responded to. To the title of the thread as well "Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?"
First, please reread my comment. It is about objectivizing men and women. Second, it was reference to someone's comment about "give me that n-word dick", not "give me that dick, you n-word"; slight difference.
You said:
"by that reasoning you should also be offended and walk away if she says: "give me that BLACK dick".

Again "Forest" was speaking to being called a Níggér. Which is offensive. However "give me that Black dick" is a non-offensive specific request in my book.
I have had mixed experiences with this. I've had guy say to me, "Mmm baby suck that N dick". But then if I say it back they will look at me like I said something wrong... but also some guys love it.

For me its like being called a cunt, whore, cumster, bitch during sex is hot for me but say that after and I might not be as open to it.

Any advice on using it?
It’s only cool is her bull says it to her. She cannot say it back and nor can I.