Is it okay to use the N word while getting fucked?

It's your experience. Call them the N work all you want.👍😎
Will Smith GIF
It wouldn’t bother me if you said the N word But why would you want to get pimp slapped as you’re naked and defenseless. That situation could go sideways in an instant. Many of us grew up in gladiator school so we embrace violence
It wouldn’t bother me if you said the N word But why would you want to get pimp slapped as you’re naked and defenseless. That situation could go sideways in an instant. Many of us grew up in gladiator school so we embrace violence
Just curious, what are your triggers that would allow you to hit a woman?
If whomever your fucking get's "offended" by the use of colorful language then stop fucking them and tell them to get their retarded ass out of your house.

I'm really tired of all of these crybabies screaming N******, N******, N****** in every single song they make, every conversation they have and then acting like a weak little bitch when some crakka tosses it back at them.
I get the irony, but then I was born in the winning city (the Capitol), and I'm old school. In an intimate context I'm not offended.
Guess I’m the only that responds to it as a hate crime that demands federal class action BBC Justice after calling her a white bitch cuz I’m emotionally intelligent enough to know it’s a taunt and you are within your rights granted to you by your ancestors and Juneteenth to punish her for it. That’s what they want. Also “we gonna fight when I see you” is a taunt, not an invite to fisticuffs. I didn’t survive a hurricane to stand in the way of white women’s rights to say the N word and expect harsh consequences from us civil rights warriors. MLK dreamed that one day we wouldn’t be judged by the color of our skin, but by the consequences of saying the N word to my face with a dick this hard and a 3rd hole that needs racial justice.

I wish I saved the reddit response to the question. “You can say it all you want, might get stomped out at a concert or slapped by a woman in broad daylight, but you still got to say it, no you want freedom from consequences. Those days are long gone. Loong gone. So go ahead. Say it. We’ll give you a headstart for asking honestly”
Guess I’m the only that responds to it as a hate crime that demands federal class action BBC Justice after calling her a white bitch cuz I’m emotionally intelligent enough to know it’s a taunt and you are within your rights granted to you by your ancestors and Juneteenth to punish her for it. That’s what they want. Also “we gonna fight when I see you” is a taunt, not an invite to fisticuffs. I didn’t survive a hurricane to stand in the way of white women’s rights to say the N word and expect harsh consequences from us civil rights warriors. MLK dreamed that one day we wouldn’t be judged by the color of our skin, but by the consequences of saying the N word to my face with a dick this hard and a 3rd hole that needs racial justice.

I wish I saved the reddit response to the question. “You can say it all you want, might get stomped out at a concert or slapped by a woman in broad daylight, but you still got to say it, no you want freedom from consequences. Those days are long gone. Loong gone. So go ahead. Say it. We’ll give you a headstart for asking honestly”
The person who asked was from the UK and thought it best to respond with few words and thanks. That headstart wasn’t good enough for Harry Potter, the pond between the American who answered and he got real small suddenly. I think the accent doesn’t sell it anyway, I’d be like awww look at Mary Poppins being racist. Fuckin adorable!
There are no triggers. I don’t get upset. Just stay within whatever boundaries we establish and you don’t have worry about getting smacked
That would work both ways. Very big risk to lay hands on anyone over a word. Now if I told a man no and he didn’t stop then that’s different.
It wouldn’t be a risk at all. Because if i did slap you. It would for a repeated offense and you would told on the offense prior to you getting slapped,” if you do that one more time im slapping you , because you’re obviously doung on purpose”. You act like I don’t know what I’m doing over here women .
I’m not thinking anything. I know. Come talk to me after you’ve trained countless wives sluts and wannabes. Then we can compare notes. Until then, seek and don’t speak
I have had mixed experiences with this. I've had guy say to me, "Mmm baby suck that N dick". But then if I say it back they will look at me like I said something wrong... but also some guys love it.

For me its like being called a cunt, whore, cumster, bitch during sex is hot for me but say that after and I might not be as open to it.

Any advice on using it?
With Dirty talk and/or race play, do ALL of it or do none of it. You see thousands of interracial titles/vidoes being produced, but in this WOKE environment, you're not allowed to say black this or white that, or they edit OUT. If we ever got together, we would be talking dirty and race play to the high heavens.
I hate virtue signaling during a fetish or kink setting.
That’s funny. Not every woman is submissive
So tell me , in the scenario where, for arguments sake, you repeatedly call me the N word during a session. After politely being told not to do it, maybe a sterner request until I say on more time and I’m slapping you . You aren’t being submissive. You’re being stupid. Stupid behavior always has repercussions
It is never to be used in any situation unless you're looking for a beat down or a two piece.
In other word for the ignorant who can't understand the above it means war.
I don't play that on any level, I was called that by racist in the 3rd grad what did it do to deserve that treatment.
Do that around me and the sex is over. YA HEARD
Talk about knowing your place, then know Blacks Do NOT accept such verbiage or anything along that line.
Agree to disagree, I am not bringing politics into a temporary private kink setting. I forget about the whole interaction after we clean up and return to the REAL WORLD. I give it as much as I take it.
Not even sure why you’re challenging my response to some chick recommending that people can call us the N word at will because it’s all about them. And you’re ignorant if you think you could do that with me without getting slapped like a bitch @Rene Mills husband there or not