How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

wife has two tattoos and always wears something with QOS on it
Fun Appreciate GIF by HiCurious
I bought for my wife on
She loved the pieces and nothing to complain about after a month of use.
I followed up after this tip. Indeed very nice jewellery. Bought everything they had. She is wearing the anklet now.
I am still wannabe but wih her knowing what it means we are coming closer to entering the lifestyle. Problem is that we luve on remote Madeira Island (portugal) and not many men of color here.
Curious to know how you guys handle the situation when someone outside of IR lifestyle asks you about QoS tat or jewelry. How to respond in order to avoid people knowing what it all means and I think with current anti black wave its important to know these things.
I encourage my wife to share her desires and what her jewelry means to her
But are these types of tattoos so popular? I don't think most people even that many people know what they are about.
They're becoming more popular, but you're right, the vast majority of people have absolutely no clue what they refer to.

If/When I do see a woman with one, I'm going to make it a point to say something positive about ti so she'll know there's at least one white guy who understands the meaning of it.
Curious to know how you guys handle the situation when someone outside of IR lifestyle asks you about QoS tat or jewelry. How to respond in order to avoid people knowing what it all means and I think with current anti black wave its important to know these things.
I'm not sure how many of the public know the meaning of the tattoo. I would probably tell them to ask the woman with my hand on ass standing at the restaurant bar.
Curious to know how you guys handle the situation when someone outside of IR lifestyle asks you about QoS tat or jewelry. How to respond in order to avoid people knowing what it all means and I think with current anti black wave its important to know these things.
Obvious way late to this but 13 Jun 2020 is when you thought a current anti black wave was occurring?
Why would a white guy boss judge a black guy who's educated with college degree well spoken etc? Wouldn't be smart it hire him? To earn more business?

If I was a boss I would hire who ever has knowledge, ethics and experience because I know that person, Spanish, Asian or black can potentially bring good business. It's dissapointing to think some white men thinks black guys should be below them.
As an employer, I think black women face a bigger hurdle than black men. I've always said, this country is more sexist than racist. That might anger some of you, but I still thank it's true.
I find the whole notion of QOS fascinating, erotic and empowering for white women. It's also emblematic, pun intended, for something that was originally meant to be degrading that has been turned into something of high value by a subgroup of folks in society. Let's dive in.

Basically, a spade is a digging tool, usually black in color. In times past, Spade was used as a derogatory term to describe black folks. Obviously, a queen is the highest female position of the ruling class of folks in a monarchy. In this lifestyle, a spade is used interchangeably with BBC, again a black tool for digging. In other words, sexually speaking, a black man is reduced to tool used at the pleasure of sexually empowered white women. In Western Society, for the last several hundreds of years, a BBC is a commodity. Something of value not only in the present but also in the future because it could self-perpetuate itself which is exactly why "valuable" male slaves were used as bulls in the antebellum US to breed more of his kind therefore selecting out "weaker" males.

Fast-forward to the present and we see white women declaring themselves queens of BBCs and many husbands insisting on consuming genetic material from fertile black balls as a fetish. As a black man, I don't take offense to any of this and if we're being honest, I'm guilty of being a connoisseur of white women based on their Fitzpatrick skin types. While I don't assign value to this, based on my mood I do have preferences at times. For instance, redheads with ivory complexions are a huge turn-on at times because of the skin contrast created when my BBC disappears into their mystical labyrinth of pleasure. I also love brunettes with beautifully tanned skin so in the final analysis, this current generation of IR players didn't make the rules, we're simply reacting sexually to the world we inherited. IMG_2718 (1).png
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