How dedicated should a QOS be? Advice for a cuck?

Think about the original post. This person claims to have been together seven years and has been caged ace sex free the last five. That’s not healthy. Nothing they describe is healthy or conducive to trust and respect. It honestly just sounds like someone that is stuck on the fantasy of the lifestyle and not the reality of it. But to each their own. Your comment was very accurate.
When dudes nuts for the first time in 5 years….

loop GIF
I had another talk with her and told her I'd like for her to prioritize us too sometimes. She said she understood and that she will try to. But she was also a bit upset that I was questioning her. I guess for now I will have to take it easy and accept that she is in charge and hope that she will be a little more balanced in the future.
I maybe out of my element here since I am not a cuck, so my perspective is more general/overall basic man's /human point of view. Not to present a cliche, but it should be said, be careful what you ask for, and I don't say that to be insensitive. However, at some point you have to invoke self preservation even if that means making a big change she or even you don't want. At this point it seems you are definitely not the priority nor even her concern, and it's only about what she wants. I feel that no matter what role people play in the lifestyle, unless it does not matter to them, but respect should always be paramount. But, that's for you to demand. So, man up, and make a decision as to what's more important to YOU. Don't think about her, cause she seems she will be just fine unless you are providing a lifestyle she can't maintain herself financially. Bottom line, and before it gets to what we say in my country, when it's water more than flour, it's too late. I hope you find some peace.
Think about the original post. This person claims to have been together seven years and has been caged ace sex free the last five. That’s not healthy. Nothing they describe is healthy or conducive to trust and respect. It honestly just sounds like someone that is stuck on the fantasy of the lifestyle and not the reality of it. But to each their own. Your comment was very accurate.
Not to mention the whole thing could be his fantasy. There are many fiction writers here I believe.
Think about the original post. This person claims to have been together seven years and has been caged ace sex free the last five. That’s not healthy. Nothing they describe is healthy or conducive to trust and respect. It honestly just sounds like someone that is stuck on the fantasy of the lifestyle and not the reality of it. But to each their own. Your comment was very accurate.
Hey could you DM me? I’m tame.
So, I am a cuckold. Me and my girlfriend have been in the lifestyle for seven years and for the last five years, she has been completely black only. I am in permanent chastity, with regular lock ups for cleaning and health checks. But I am not allowed to have sex.

I love it and I support her fully. I even paid for her QOS tattoo. I am embracing my role as cuck, one hundred percent.

However, the last year or so, I feel like it's affecting our relationship outside the bedroom as well. Sometimes when we have plans together, one of her bulls might text her, and she just drops everything and goes over to him. I feel like she is becoming more and more submissive towards black men in general and not just her usual bulls. It's like she can't say no, because she feels like it's her duty to please them. This made me a bit concerned and I spoke to her about it, but she said she's in control and she likes that dynamic.

But I still feel like it's interfering with our relationship. I respect that she wants sex with black men and I love that, but I still want our relationship to be filled with love and in order to have that, you need to prioritize it. I have told her so, and she says she agrees, but then one of her bulls calls and it's like she just forgets it.

Last weekend, we had a romantic evening planned on the Friday and a dinner with friends on Saturday. She cancelled our romantic evening to have sex with her bull and she was late to the dinner just because she got an invite from a complete stranger who wanted to see her in the afternoon.

I am uncertain how to deal with this. I'd like to discuss it further and try to set some boundaries. But there's also a part of me that tells me I shouldn't be questioning her. She is my Queen and she is in charge, that's the deal we agreed to. And as a white cuck, I also feel like I don't want to stand in the way of these black men. Like it's not my place. I feel like it's part of my role to step aside and be respectful to them. And I am truly grateful that they give her what I can't. And I am incredibly proud of her. But I guess I'd just like to find some sort of balance.
I think maybe...just maybe it's time to think about your perspective.
Is there other things in life getting in the way?
Work or health issues, family etc.
Holistically perhaps it's something else that's an issue. Just sayin