How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

The more you sexy woman wear it in your daily lives, the quicker it will just be the norm for people.
People just need to see it more.
There is nothing wrong in saying you love sex with black men.
I will sometimes wear the QOS fake tattoos on different parts of my body. I had one that hubby had put in the small of my back prior to attending a house party once. Well I had totally forgotten about it and the following Monday I was at the gym working out in my sports top, my lower back was completely exposed. It wasnt until this little white guy walked by me and said, "excuse me ma'am, but I really like your tattoo." At first I was like what the heck? Then it completely dawned on me🤣🤣.
Saw one recently on a woman’s back of right ear at a local Dunkin’ Donuts ….saw one on the beach in Jersey two years ago on right ankle …my wife isn’t so bold to put it in the open being 1st gen American and her own parents and have to answer questions from them or other family but she does have one discreetly placed