How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

You don't wanna be a slave but begging a white man for a job? Get educated and have so maney diploma's that they beg you to work for them. Don't choose to be a victim but be a proud man.
I don't beg for anything, definitely not a victim here and I do have a college degree. What I am talking about is called systematic racism, which by the way, is a hugh topic currently here in America. Unfortunately, I experienced that but it only increased me to think outside the box, a complete 360 in another direction, which allowed me to make global business transactions.
The focus of this part of the conversation was about insecure white men and the things they will do negatively towards other people, when they feel threatened. This is not just about me being a black man but other people of color and let's not forget white women too.
I appreciate the encouraging words. 🙏
Really wish I could discover a QOS tattoo out in the wild - instant conversation starter with numbers exchanged...
Bro, anytime I see a white woman with any tattoos, I always asked about them, instant conversation tool. This allows her to talk open up and get a little more comfortable with me, in the meantime, I am reading her body language, trying to feel her out. It always work but sometimes, the tattoos are about a memory of someone who no longer here. Yeah, those conversation kills the energy for a min. Also, depending on what I am wearing, sweat pants or soft material shorts, I always advertised my dick, so they can see. If she does a quick once over and like what she sees, bingo! Now her body language starts to change, blushing, touching her hair, she tend to talk a little faster or stutter just a little bit, the pussy might be getting warm and wet. If she is a freak, it's peanut butter and jelly time , Lol .Yeah bro, it's kind of fun doing this stuff. Wedding ring with thumb ring, toes rings on both feet, anklet any of that stuff, I shoot my shot. Also, the vanilla chick, who keeps eyeballing, got to approach. Practice practice practice, Lol. Just saying.
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Bro, anytime I see a white woman with any tattoos, I always asked about them, instant conversation tool. This allows her to talk open up and get a little more comfortable with me, in the meantime, I am reading her body language, trying to feel her out. It always work but sometimes, the tattoos are about a memory of someone who no longer here. Yeah, those conversation kills the energy for a min.
Yes wife gets that all the time.. it’s a great conversation starter and also shows the same interest of tattoos and her
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This is why I use temp tats. Temps have more options.
You may not believe this but I had a hand in the idea of the QOS and the temp tat back in the late 90s. At the time, I was a member of numerous Yahoo groups and most were hotwife/interracial/cuckold groups, all with an interest in married women dating men other than their husbands and of course white wives that were interested in meeting black men. Back then, the idea of guilt free, shameless and uninhibited sex with a black man was beginning to take hold at least in Adult online groups. One group of ladies and I were chatting about the subject when one of them posted a drawing of what she thought would be a symbol to represent those women that not only advocated sex with black men but were exclusive with them except for their husbands. The drawing was a pretty well done job of a Queen of Spades playing card. Another woman suggested to use just the spade with a Q in it and I pointed out that THAT would be easier to produce and not be mistaken for Poker or cards. Everyone agreed and thought it was the best idea ever. For a week or more they thought of every way possible to get that symbol out into the world, coffee cups, t shirts, jewelry etc until one woman said she'd even like to have it tattooed on her body. This caused almost every one else (it was only a group of about 8-10 women and me ( I was a practicing cuckold at the time) to admit that they could NEVER have a tattoo of it because of the stigma it would cause. Then I remembered all the temp tats I had when I was a kid and I asked, "what about a temporary tattoo?" Everyone knew what that was because every little boy and girl gets them at one time or another growing up. They all agreed that if they could get a temp tat of a Qos, they'd wear it for dates and wash it off later. So, one of the ladies contacted a company that makes them and they had a 500 piece minimum order for about $500 and she ordered 500 of them and I assume she sold them all. I drifted away from the group and the next thing I know, QoS temp tats were available along with all kinds of other QoS merchandise online! So, I have done my part to advance interracial sex! Unfortunately, my wife at the time was not into it.
Well, personally with everything going on, white women are coming out of the woods, trying to talk to me. I was approached yesterday, by a white woman asking for my IG, I told her I don't do IG, she said, what's your number then just offered her number to me; btw I live in GA north of Atlanta. The anti black is coming to the head and non black people are starting to recognize the pain, that we as black people deal with. Unfortunately, insecure white men are realizing the pecking order, so it's called growing pains, lol. I understand all lives matter, all lives matters equally in all situations, not just white people live. Personally, I come to know, what I call THE LOOK, especially during job interviews. I would know in 5 minutes, I didn't get the job, because the eyes tells the true story. Especially white men as a potential boss. I would see the intimidation in their eyes. A well spoken, masculine, in shape, handsome, college educated with a lot of determination, black man, hell no we can't have him here. But life goes on. Now, regarding tattoos and jewelry, it your right to say you want, depending on the environment. We all wear many hats, so in my opinion, regarding the qos, that's simple, that your favorite playing card, because it is. That's really your "playing=fucking" card for people who understands the game, if you will. HW just as easy and you are not lying. "HW=Hot Woman" because you are a woman whose pussy is hot for dicks and it needs to be fucked but they probably would think you are talking about being sexy. Now, wasn't that simple.
How to deal?

Just like anything in the Lifestyle - if the person noticing interests you, then engage and see where it goes. If not, be polite and move on.

QoS spades worn in public is a pretty good indication that you are looking, but it is not an indication that you'll just fuck someone because they are black.

As an aside, its very flattering when an attractive black gentleman makes a tasteful/playful comment when QoS stuff is worn. #1 way to turn me off is if they see it as permission to act sleazy/grabby. No way - no matter how big your dick is!
Well, personally with everything going on, white women are coming out of the woods, trying to talk to me. I was approached yesterday, by a white woman asking for my IG, I told her I don't do IG, she said, what's your number then just offered her number to me; btw I live in GA north of Atlanta. The anti black is coming to the head and non black people are starting to recognize the pain, that we as black people deal with. Unfortunately, insecure white men are realizing the pecking order, so it's called growing pains, lol. I understand all lives matter, all lives matters equally in all situations, not just white people live. Personally, I come to know, what I call THE LOOK, especially during job interviews. I would know in 5 minutes, I didn't get the job, because the eyes tells the true story. Especially white men as a potential boss. I would see the intimidation in their eyes. A well spoken, masculine, in shape, handsome, college educated with a lot of determination, black man, hell no we can't have him here. But life goes on. Now, regarding tattoos and jewelry, it your right to say you want, depending on the environment. We all wear many hats, so in my opinion, regarding the qos, that's simple, that your favorite playing card, because it is. That's really your "playing=fucking" card for people who understands the game, if you will. HW just as easy and you are not lying. "HW=Hot Woman" because you are a woman whose pussy is hot for dicks and it needs to be fucked but they probably would think you are talking about being sexy. Now, wasn't that simple.
