How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

Curious to know how you guys handle the situation when someone outside of IR lifestyle asks you about QoS tat or jewelry. How to respond in order to avoid people knowing what it all means and I think with current anti black wave its important to know these things.

In France nobody seems to know what it means (or just in special place) so it's not a problem to wear QoS jewelry or top. But this is an interesting topic, i doesn't wear them in California, I'm fearing a few about white guys reactions.
Why would a white guy boss judge a black guy who's educated with college degree well spoken etc? Wouldn't be smart it hire him? To earn more business?

If I was a boss I would hire who ever has knowledge, ethics and experience because I know that person, Spanish, Asian or black can potentially bring good business. It's dissapointing to think some white men thinks black guys should be below them.
Exactly right!
I can't really recall anyone approaching me and asking if the pendant had any meaning but there have been a few that
said it looked nice. Of those who are in the know there isn't any hesitation in approaching and striking up a conversation
and some times more ;)
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I’ve seen a couple women with them. I always ask them about it but I deliberately pretend to be dumb.
I always ask them if they are into gambling or pinochle or something like that.
In France nobody seems to know what it means (or just in special place) so it's not a problem to wear QoS jewelry or top. But this is an interesting topic, i doesn't wear them in California, I'm fearing a few about white guys reactions.
Yes you don’t want all the white trying to date you for wearing your qos apparels
I have a pretty good sized QoS tattoo on my calf. I have had many people compliment and ask questions about it. I have also had some people straight out tell me I am degrading myself and my race. My response...well no I am not, it is my body, my choice and I have found black is a better fit for me. So, good bye.


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I have a pretty good sized QoS tattoo on my calf. I have had many people compliment and ask questions about it. I have also had some people straight out tell me I am degrading myself and my race. My response...well no I am not, it is my body, my choice and I have found black is a better fit for me. So, good bye.
Lol lol lol lol I have ace...on each outside of my i stand up..the right leg is the right way up...the left ankle is upide answer at the time was....whatevers of them is the right way up........
Curious to know how you guys handle the situation when someone outside of IR lifestyle asks you about QoS tat or jewelry. How to respond in order to avoid people knowing what it all means and I think with current anti black wave its important to know these things.
you will be surprise but majority of people dont know not even black males. Only people thats deep in the lifestyle. If you get ask its because they are curious. You can be honest and tell them or just say its decoration
you will be surprise but majority of people dont know not even black males. Only people thats deep in the lifestyle. If you get ask its because they are curious. You can be honest and tell them or just say its decoration
Well no one asks anymore....when I'm out with the push chair...and they see the colour of my babys...just nasty remarks from some older white people