Having read that Donald Trump thread

So I specifically called YOU a polarized Right Wing Nut and ReThuglican, did I?

No. You did not call me that. You've got your panties so twisted, you're not reading clearly. I stated that you did not say that to me. You even copied the statement. However, you did call another poster that, and your language is a violation of the spirit of civil communication you proposed.

If the left is willing to allow Roe vs Wade to be overturned or majorly modified, I'd think the right would be willing to give ground on baby help after birth, don't you think? I mean, the one that seems to be balking is YOU, my dear friend.

I have indicated from the beginning that on-going social care would constitute compromise from the Right. What I have been trying to get from you; is what constitutes compromise from the Left. You have finally provided it, by indicating major abortion reductions, or even elimination. So thank you for answering that, sweetie.

I never agreed to such a thing, but to be safe, abortions within the first 3 months should satisfy whether there's a embryo or fetus. I suggest you educate yourself on conception and "survivable ******* growth". If I must, I can always provide you a photo of a embryo in the first 12 weeks of development.

I believe that life begins at conception, so I'm under no obligation to establish an abortion cut-off time. Shirley you are aware that an abortion cut-off law must be exact and defensible, to survive the inevitable challenges. Pick any cut-off time you desire, but be prepared to defend it -- and the strongest challenges will be from your side -- those who want to abort right up to the last moment.

But I feel fairly confident if your 12-13 year old ******* were gang raped & ******* by children preditors, and she was wanting an abortion, you'd damn well give her one, no doubt.

I've been a trans-girl since 11 yo, if you think I'm having a *******, we need to have a talk about how babies are made. However, while I am personally opposed to abortion, I'm not naive enough to think it can ever be stopped. I am pragmatic enough to be willing to allow abortion in the drastic circumstances you mention -- that have always been, and always will be agonizing.

IYou're not misunderstanding me. but only IF early abort (first 12 weeks for example) is allowed for *******, *******, major deformity, or life threats to the pregnant mom (as diagnosed by a qualified doctor)

From a politically pragmatic point of view, that is not unreasonable to me.

IRemember, here, nanci, we are negotiating. Don't expect to walk to the negotiation table and get everything YOU WANT. 'Tis why its called negotiation, right. Your hard sell isn't with the lefties, anyways, its with the evangelical RIGHT. Right now they want abortion rights completely eliminated.

Oh don't be a drama queen. You know perfectly well there are rabid pro-abortionists, who want to go to the last day -- and even post-birth. The argument is with the extremists on both side. If you and I can come to some kind of terms on this, then the question is how do the two sides who severely distrust each other make progress.
Having read that Donald Trump thread I've updated my profile, starting off by saying in bold:

DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. If we are already chatting and you support him and I never knew, please block "ignore" me by using the ignore button because I don't want to have anything to do with you going forward.

Getting laid isn't everything, and if you ask me it's not worth getting involved with anyone who would support someone as vile as Trump, not that I support the Democrats and whoever their current flavor of the day is either. Some things call for taking a firm stand, letting people know what you are about. If they don't like it, fine. They can go their merry way.

see what you did now.....you started a new thread...…..and the trumptards jump right in telling you the problems you/we have......real question is what in the hell we going to do with them once we get rid of trump...….to many to shoot......we don't have a Siberia.....to many for detox centers to try and fix an old fashioned mind fucking..........with their support they let a adolph shitler pretty much destroy the country....pretty much trash the constitution.....destroy our law enforcement.....wreck our foreign policy....destroy our standing in the world...…..destroy the air and water......destroy health care for americans…...milk the country for all he and the other fat cats can get.....all in the name of "change"...…....sure be nice if they went back to public hangings
Sure it is, just not to a polarized Right Wing Nut. If Republicans cared about the life AND health of the baby, and also wish to overturn Roe vs Wade, then they should look at pre-natal care, well-baby care, and services which support that baby's life AFTER the mom has been ****** to deliver the baby, like possibly adoption centers. They would also support grade school educational classes on sex, birth control, prevention, etc. ReThuglicans are cutting all those types of programs including Medicaid services which specifically ARE for the poorest having children. The sex educational courses they provide children now are pretty much a laugh ... hell, all you need are your crayolas to color in the hand drawn cartoons.
All Rethuglicans promote is "stop killing fetuses" when there is NO fetus but an embryo. I personally don't see a human being until that baby is in the fetus stage. Conception doesn't mean a human being for several weeks. You want women to quit having abortions, provide them the information and services they need to make a better choice. Don't ******* them to give birth to a baby, then abandon the baby.

So, you just restated your left wing ideology from above. Again, not trying to work for middle ground.

You just keep spewing propaganda and egotistically believing your ideology of envy and intolerance could never be wrong, even though it usually is wrong. You do realize America is a 'free' country and, in such, one must suffer the consequences of their poor choices. Accountability is a great driver of behavior change, I am sure you would do good from a health dose. And in fact the fetus is a baby, so stop being a science medical denier.

oh and the Republicans and the Democrats aren't cutting anything. The budget still grows and the debt still grows.
You do realize America is a 'free' country and, in such, one must suffer the consequences of their poor choices.

is it a free country?...…..Russian plant in the white house....Russia working on elections...….the right trashing the constitution...….the right allowing a criminal to go free.....the right and their voter restrictions and gerrymandering to prevent other (non rights) to vote.....incase you haven't noticed and I'm sure you haven't...…..right now Russia and the right is basically holding this country hostage.....the American dream is dead...….the rich get richer.....the poor get poorer....while the country falls apart and biz all goes over seas

the left for all their flaws.....still try to give America some hope...….because the right in all their greed is even taking that!
So, you just restated your left wing ideology from above. Again, not trying to work for middle ground.

You just keep spewing propaganda and egotistically believing your ideology of envy and intolerance could never be wrong, even though it usually is wrong. You do realize America is a 'free' country and, in such, one must suffer the consequences of their poor choices. Accountability is a great driver of behavior change, I am sure you would do good from a health dose. And in fact the fetus is a baby, so stop being a science medical denier.

oh and the Republicans and the Democrats aren't cutting anything. The budget still grows and the debt still grows.
I'm trying to make sense to your "uninvited" and "off topic" post. You INVITE yourself into the conversation that Nanci & I were having, and all you do is start the "polarization" BS again. Do you EVEN KNOW what the subject was between Nanci and me? You say you "aren't trying to work for middle ground" here ... soooooo, why do you INVITE YOURSELF into this conversation that is specifically about how to reach middle ground and remove polical polarization?
And I'm confused, as well, as to exactly what IS my propaganda and egotistical ideology of envy and intolerance? You really shouldn't use big words that you haven't a clue as to what they MEAN!
As far as America being a "free country" and that there are consequences to poor choices ... buster, you best look really close as to what's going on in America these days. Trump has made himself Emperor. He really sees no use for many parts of the government anymore. You're a lobster in a pot of heating water; you don't even know you're being COOKED.
As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will. For the majority of those 2/3 of taxpayers, they didn't PUT themselves there, the system put them there and held them there. Trump probably put more there than anyone in Washington DC with his predatory, vulture capitalist business practices. That's a whole new topic we can discuss in another thread ... maybe YOU can start that thread.
If you're not going to join the discussion Nanci and I are having, how about butting the fuck OUT? The topic was how to remove the polarization in politics to make Washington more functional ... if you don't have any ideas in doing that, go play tiddlywinks in work hour traffic somewhere.


As far as my being a "science medical denier" ... whatever the fuck THAT is, saying the fetus isn't a baby, I don't know where you picked that up. I certainly know what the differences between a fetus & embyro are. Do YOU? Why not go read about those topics before charging me with not knowing the topic.
And lastly, you say the Republicans and Democrats aren't "cutting anything"??????? Where the hell have you been the past 3 years? I'm not even going to address this as its been discussed in depth here by myself and several OTHERS ... even with dot points, etc. I'm starting to believe all you're wanting to do is INCLUDE yourself in a conversation, well,
THIS ONE isn't the one for you as word_clueless.jpg.
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I'm trying to make sense to your "uninvited" and "off topic" post. You INVITE yourself into the conversation that Nanci & I were having, and all you do is start the "polarization" BS again. Do you EVEN KNOW what the subject was between Nanci and me? You say you "aren't trying to work for middle ground" here ... soooooo, why do you INVITE YOURSELF into this conversation that is specifically about how to reach middle ground and remove polical polarization?
And I'm confused, as well, as to exactly what IS my propaganda and egotistical ideology of envy and intolerance? You really shouldn't use big words that you haven't a clue as to what they MEAN!
As far as America being a "free country" and that there are consequences to poor choices ... buster, you best look really close as to what's going on in America these days. Trump has made himself Emperor. He really sees no use for many parts of the government anymore. Your a lobster in a pot of heating water; you don't even know you're being COOKED.
As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will. For the majority of those 2/3 of taxpayers, they didn't PUT themselves there, the system put them there and held them there. Trump probably put more there than anyone in Washington DC with his predatory, vulture capitalist business practices.
That's a whole new topic we can discuss in another thread ... maybe YOU can start that thread. But, if you're not going to join and support the discussion Nanci and I are having, how about butting the fuck OUT? The topic was how to remove the polarization in politics to make Washington more functional ... if you don't have any ideas in doing that, go play tiddlywinks in work hour traffic somewhere.

View attachment 3164316
Hard for Trump to be an Emperor if he can be voted out of office? :unsure:
Also if Trump had the unquestionable powers of an Emperor similar to Kim Jung-Un who is considered as a life-long ruler, why is Pelosi still in the House of Representatives and not renditioned into a gulag somewhere? And if Trump had such dictatorial powers how is it that you @MacNfries, @subhub174014 , and @BlkCumsHeavy can freely criticize him without penalty? A true dictator would do what they could to eliminate various privileges you take for granted?
Also if Trump had the unquestionable powers of an Emperor similar to Kim Jung-Un who is considered as a life-long ruler, why is Pelosi still in the House of Representatives and not renditioned into a gulag somewhere? And if Trump had such dictatorial powers how is it that you @MacNfries, @subhub174014 , and @BlkCumsHeavy can freely criticize him without penalty? A true dictator would do what they could to eliminate various privileges you take for granted?
Call him whatever you wish, STIFF ... I don't give a rats ass, ok? Get off the emperor crap. Maybe you and cpl2010 should start a conversation. I got no time to listen to your BS .... go away, pest!
is it a free country?...…..Russian plant in the white house....Russia working on elections...….the right trashing the constitution...….the right allowing a criminal to go free.....the right and their voter restrictions and gerrymandering to prevent other (non rights) to vote.....incase you haven't noticed and I'm sure you haven't...…..right now Russia and the right is basically holding this country hostage.....the American dream is dead...….the rich get richer.....the poor get poorer....while the country falls apart and biz all goes over seas

the left for all their flaws.....still try to give America some hope...….because the right in all their greed is even taking that!

Trump a Russian plant? You got proof?

The House didn’t, Mueller didn’t and the corrupt FBI conspirators, didn’t. Or more importantly- Dems could not manufacture believable fake “evidence,” not even when Hillary paid Russia for it.

This Dem Failed coup cost a billion tax dollars. All because the Dems can't accept they lost an election they thought that they had already won or cheated enough to win.

Ahhhh Russia! Russia! Russia! The new Bogyman since the Dems, that Russians own, didn’t win. I wonder which Dems, besides BO and Hillary, took more money from Russia?

Every witness Dems call admitted they were not on the call or near the call. – The whole thing Made UP

Every Dem witness admitted they could not provide proof nor name a single crime Trump committed. - So all Made UP

Every Dem witness would not stand under oath and say Trump should be Impeached and/or committed a crime- So All Made UP

Even Nadler's joke, the left wing professors would not.

Every Witness is a Dem support- So all made up

Can you say Epic Democrat Fail?

The sad part- your so brainwashed you didn’t even know that. Just spewing the democrat propaganda your government media tells you. You should be embarrassed that you bought this Democrat coup, but not you. No, you double down and keep doubling down.
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Call him whatever you wish, STIFF ... I don't give a rats ass, ok? Get off the emperor crap. Maybe you and cpl2010 should start a conversation. I got no time to listen to your BS .... go away, pest!

I was merely quoting you @MacNfries . You said it below in your prior post which I took the time to enlargen, bold, and colourize so you can see @MacNfries...

;) :LOL:
I'm trying to make sense to your "uninvited" and "off topic" post. You INVITE yourself into the conversation that Nanci & I were having, and all you do is start the "polarization" BS again. Do you EVEN KNOW what the subject was between Nanci and me? You say you "aren't trying to work for middle ground" here ... soooooo, why do you INVITE YOURSELF into this conversation that is specifically about how to reach middle ground and remove polical polarization?
And I'm confused, as well, as to exactly what IS my propaganda and egotistical ideology of envy and intolerance? You really shouldn't use big words that you haven't a clue as to what they MEAN!
As far as America being a "free country" and that there are consequences to poor choices ... buster, you best look really close as to what's going on in America these days. Trump has made himself Emperor. He really sees no use for many parts of the government anymore. You're a lobster in a pot of heating water; you don't even know you're being COOKED.
As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will. For the majority of those 2/3 of taxpayers, they didn't PUT themselves there, the system put them there and held them there. Trump probably put more there than anyone in Washington DC with his predatory, vulture capitalist business practices. That's a whole new topic we can discuss in another thread ... maybe YOU can start that thread.
If you're not going to join the discussion Nanci and I are having, how about butting the fuck OUT? The topic was how to remove the polarization in politics to make Washington more functional ... if you don't have any ideas in doing that, go play tiddlywinks in work hour traffic somewhere.

View attachment 3164316

As far as my being a "science medical denier" ... whatever the fuck THAT is, saying the fetus isn't a baby, I don't know where you picked that up. I certainly know what the differences between a fetus & embyro are. Do YOU? Why not go read about those topics before charging me with not knowing the topic.
And lastly, you say the Republicans and Democrats aren't "cutting anything"??????? Where the hell have you been the past 3 years? I'm not even going to address this as its been discussed in depth here by myself and several OTHERS ... even with dot points, etc. I'm starting to believe all you're wanting to do is INCLUDE yourself in a conversation, well,
THIS ONE isn't the one for you as View attachment 3164343.
I'm trying to make sense to your "uninvited" and "off topic" post. You INVITE yourself into the conversation that Nanci & I were having, and all you do is start the "polarization" BS again. Do you EVEN KNOW what the subject was between Nanci and me? You say you "aren't trying to work for middle ground" here ... soooooo, why do you INVITE YOURSELF into this conversation that is specifically about how to reach middle ground and remove polical polarization?
And I'm confused, as well, as to exactly what IS my propaganda and egotistical ideology of envy and intolerance? You really shouldn't use big words that you haven't a clue as to what they MEAN!
As far as America being a "free country" and that there are consequences to poor choices ... buster, you best look really close as to what's going on in America these days. Trump has made himself Emperor. He really sees no use for many parts of the government anymore. You're a lobster in a pot of heating water; you don't even know you're being COOKED.
As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will. For the majority of those 2/3 of taxpayers, they didn't PUT themselves there, the system put them there and held them there. Trump probably put more there than anyone in Washington DC with his predatory, vulture capitalist business practices. That's a whole new topic we can discuss in another thread ... maybe YOU can start that thread.
If you're not going to join the discussion Nanci and I are having, how about butting the fuck OUT? The topic was how to remove the polarization in politics to make Washington more functional ... if you don't have any ideas in doing that, go play tiddlywinks in work hour traffic somewhere.

View attachment 3164316

As far as my being a "science medical denier" ... whatever the fuck THAT is, saying the fetus isn't a baby, I don't know where you picked that up. I certainly know what the differences between a fetus & embyro are. Do YOU? Why not go read about those topics before charging me with not knowing the topic.
And lastly, you say the Republicans and Democrats aren't "cutting anything"??????? Where the hell have you been the past 3 years? I'm not even going to address this as its been discussed in depth here by myself and several OTHERS ... even with dot points, etc. I'm starting to believe all you're wanting to do is INCLUDE yourself in a conversation, well,
THIS ONE isn't the one for you as View attachment 3164343.

1- Public topic on a Public forum- You want private debate use DM.
2-You can’t make sense of it because your ego won’t let you.
3-You can’t control others, but your hubris and your ideology leads you to believe you can. Hence, why you and statists always want law and government to ******* others.

You are an ideologue and you believe your ideology is absolute and no one else, that is sane/ good, would disagree with your ideology. That is why you have so many issues with being challenged, it is pathological. That is also why you used the examples you did and called it common ground.

I am going to address this one statement. Not for you, but for the readers.

You said- “As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will.”

You are correct, not everyone is born with the same resources. And yes middle class in America is lucky, but so is everyone else in America. Everyone in America is in the top 10% in the World. Yes everyone.

Poor choices will make you less better off then others. However, the fact is if you make some simple positive choice you will get those items you listed.
  • Graduate High School
  • Live within your means- i.e. budget
  • Play the long game and pay yourself first-
  • Avoid instant gratification- Do I need that advertised luxury?
  • Don’t have ******* until you are married
  • Invest with what you save
  • Avoid Debt- especially credit card debt
  • Avoid *******- even the legalized *******.
Now this quoted statement is the Envy part of your belief system- pitting one group against their neighbors. Always telling people they are victims. So and So is out to get them. Most people are just trying to get theirs and keep themselves comfortable. Heinous part- you promote democrats and more government as the answer, and you believe this.

Lastly, you are a science denier. A fetus is a baby. No nefarious action taken, no medical issue and with minimal maternal self-care it will be born a, what? Oh a Baby.

Try this:
Have a conversation with an OBGYN about a pregnancy and the doctor calls the “fetus”? A Baby!
Talk to the medical staff in the OBGYN’s office- A Baby!
Ask a pregnant woman, who wants the baby, what is in her belly. A Baby!
Ask a pregnant women, who does not want the baby, and she will likely call it- A Baby!
Ask expecting family members what they are having- A Baby!
Ask Medical staff at a hospital- A baby
Ask Medical School Staff training doctors- A Baby!

Ask a pro-abortion left-wing person in terms of policy- It is a fetus. And many will say it is a fetus up to hours after birth and say the woman can have the ‘fetus’ killed. You engage in euphemistic narratives to avoid the reality of the events. Fact is- the only time a woman is carrying a fetus is when left wing progressives are protecting the narrative around Margret Sanger's weeding the garden agenda.
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1- Public topic on a Public forum- You want private debate use DM.
2-You can’t make sense of it because your ego won’t let you.
3-You can’t control others, but your hubris and your ideology leads you to believe you can. Hence, why you and statists always want law and government to ******* others.

You are an ideologue and you believe your ideology is absolute and no one else, that is sane/ good, would disagree with your ideology. That is why you have so many issues with being challenged, it is pathological. That is also why you used the examples you did and called it common ground.

I am going to address this one statement. Not for you, but for the readers.

You said- “As for "poor choices "... everyone is not born equal in this country... physically, mentally, or status. If you're a middle-class taxpayer with a nice house, a couple cars, a checking account with a half ass descent balance, and health insurance, consider yourself fucking LUCKY, because 2/3 of the taxpayers in this country don't have those luxuries and never will.”

You are correct, not everyone is born with the same resources. And yes middle class in America is lucky, but so is everyone else in America. Everyone in America is in the top 10% in the World. Yes everyone.

Poor choices will make you less better off then others. However, the fact is if you make some simple positive choice you will get those items you listed.
  • Graduate High School
  • Live within your means- i.e. budget
  • Play the long game and pay yourself first-
  • Avoid instant gratification- Do I need that advertised luxury?
  • Don’t have ******* until you are married
  • Invest with what you save
  • Avoid Debt- especially credit card debt
  • Avoid *******- even the legalized *******.
Now this quoted statement is the Envy part of your belief system- pitting one group against their neighbors. Always telling people they are victims. So and So is out to get them. Most people are just trying to get theirs and keep themselves comfortable. Heinous part- you promote democrats and more government as the answer, and you believe this.

Lastly, you are a science denier. A fetus is a baby. No nefarious action taken, medical issue and with minimal maternal self-care it will be born a, what? Oh a Baby.

Try this:
Have a conversation with an OBGYN about a pregnancy and the doctor calls the “fetus”? A Baby!
Talk to the medical staff in the OBGYN’s office- A Baby!
Ask a pregnant woman, who wants the baby, what is in her belly. A Baby!
Ask a pregnant women, who does not want the baby, and she will likely call it- A Baby!
Ask expecting family members what they are having- A Baby!
Ask Medical staff at a hospital- A baby
Ask Medical School Staff training doctors- A Baby!

Ask a pro-abortion left-wing person in terms of policy- It is a fetus. And many will say it is a fetus up to hours after birth and say the woman can have the ‘fetus’ killed. You engage in euphemistic narratives to avoid the reality of the events. Fact is- the only time a woman is carrying a fetus is when left wing progressives are protecting the narrative around Margret Sanger's weeding the garden agenda.