Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We all are losing but black especially, checkout this short video, it speaks for itself.
You might have missed these points that I said recently:

Donald Trump is no racist. I have known him since 1973 and have never seen any indication or any form of racism. In fact, quite the contrary.

When I was Manhattan Borough president and president of the New York City Council, I asked him numerous times to help black or Hispanic groups, and he always came through, many times without publicity. When a hurricane ravished Puerto Rico in the mid 1980s, I asked many big companies to give various forms of assistance — but the problem was how to get all of this aid down to Puerto Rico. I called Donald Trump, and he provided us with a 727 jet to take all of the donated material down to the island, and he didn’t ask for any publicity for that generous act.

My friend, Rev. Floyd Flake, the minister of the largest black church in Queens, asked for some help for his senior center. Again, I called Donald Trump and he wrote a big check.

One day I met an African American woman on the street with her two adorable young *******. She was homeless, and I gave her some money — and then asked Donald to get her into some low-income housing in Queens. He came through, and did so without any fanfare.
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Did you realize that there is someone who is a champion for Blacks there from Chicago that was quoted by Larry Elder as saying "Obama failed Black people particularly in the inner city and hey why not give Donald Trump a chance?"

Would you care to learn who that colleague of yours was from the Black Community? Reacting so optimistically to Donald Trump after the sheer frustration after being so badly disappointed by President Obama? It was the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan!!!????

In fact Louis Farrakhan was quoted as saying this too:

"Well I just want to tell you Mr. President [Obama] you [are] from Chicago and so am I. I grew out in the street with the people. I visited the worst neighbourhoods. I talked to the gangs. And while I was out there talking to them they said, 'You know Farrakhan the president [Obama] ain't never come. Could you get him to come and look after us?' There is your legacy Mr. President [Obama]. It is in the street with your suffering people Mr. President [Obama]. And if you cannot go and see about them, then don't worry about your legacy because the White people that you serve so well they will preserve your legacy. The Hell you will. But you did not earn your legacy with us. We put you there and you fought for the rights of gay people. You fought for the rights of this people and that people. You fight for Israel and your people are suffering and dying in the streets! That's where your legacy is."
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Donald Trump on Muhammad Ali

"The two men had been friendly for many years, dating back at least to the 1980s. Ali attended Mr. Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss in Palm Beach, Fla., and Mr. Trump appeared at Ali’s charity events."
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And in case you forgot Donald Trump helped out Jesse Jackson's "Rainbow Coalition" initiative about 20 years ago long before he was president.
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And there is a lot more evidence that your thoughts about Donald Trump not helping out Blacks are faulty @Igotskillz27. I only produced some of my evidence as I know you may not go through it all. But if you do and you request for more I will gladly share more. ;)
Like I said, I wasn't in the court room and I'm not in possession of all the facts, but I do know that Sweden is a modern democracy with a respected justice system, so I trust them to treat the case fairly, especially with the eyes of the world on them.
I am certain that Sweden is a democracy with a respected justice system, but I do not agree with their conclusion. Moreover how is it there is nothing said about that aggressive group that attacked A$AP Rocky's and his entourage? How do they escape scrutiny? Lucky them? If you are a Caucasian male you have nothing to fear in Sweden, but as a Black male I have my doubts about their society not so much their justice system. For it was their thugs that initially attacked A$AP Rocky and his entourage not their police or their judiciary.
I am certain that Sweden is a democracy with a respected justice system, but I do not agree with their conclusion. Moreover how is it there is nothing said about that aggressive group that attacked A$AP Rocky's and his entourage? How do they escape scrutiny? Lucky them? If you are a Caucasian male you have nothing to fear in Sweden, but as a Black male I have my doubts about their society not so much their justice system. For it was their thugs that initially attacked A$AP Rocky and his entourage not their police or their judiciary.
We have justice systems, juries and courts so that we avoid people second guessing how justice is meted out. You don't agree with the verdict but you weren't there and we can't have justice based on a celebrity news and gossip website.

Now all of a sudden you're concerned what's happening at the border? Why? Every president has shared this view going back to Clinton. And yes we do have more borders but only one where there's a serious issue, you know that right? I thought you were going to give your actual reasons and not link an obscure video. I see you've decided to get personal, nothing to be gained I guess. Enjoy the site
We all are losing but black especially, checkout this short video, it speaks for itself.
Agreed @Newcuckcpl1215 I witnessed @Igotskillz27 's before and even though he has yet to post who that pastor is? Or what church that was? I have since addressed several points of his accusations against Donald Trump and I do have an annoying habit of referencing any facts I point out just in case a critic cared to challenge them? I guess @Igotskillz27 is still looking for his? :unsure:
We have justice systems, juries and courts so that we avoid people second guessing how justice is meted out. You don't agree with the verdict but you weren't there and we can't have justice based on a celebrity news and gossip website.
When you say "We" I presume you mean the UK as that is where your profile says you are located? Unless you are in Sweden so you can correct me if that is the case. I have no problem with the UK by the way as it is just Sweden's wrongful conviction of a foreigner just visiting their country to do a performance and then leave. If you were to visit a country and found yourself surrounded by thugs that desired to fight you I would imagine you would do everything possible to subdue those that attacked you? TMZ is a tabloid news program, correct. But I saw the episode where A$AP Rocky showed he was followed by a crowd of people somewhere on the streets in Sweden while he was there and he was scared. Not someone looking to pick a fight. Maybe they went too far to defend themselves like using a sledgehammer to ******* a fly? But in the heat of a fight I would think you would do the same?
When you say "We" I presume you mean the UK as that is where your profile says you are located? Unless you are in Sweden so you can correct me if that is the case. I have no problem with the UK by the way as it is just Sweden's wrongful conviction of a foreigner just visiting their country to do a performance and then leave. If you were to visit a country and found yourself surrounded by thugs that desired to fight you I would imagine you would do everything possible to subdue those that attacked you? TMZ is a tabloid news program, correct. But I saw the episode where A$AP Rocky showed he was followed by a crowd of people somewhere on the streets in Sweden while he was there and he was scared. Not someone looking to pick a fight. Maybe they went too far to defend themselves like using a sledgehammer to ******* a fly? But in the heat of a fight I would think you would do the same?
When I say 'we' I guess I mean decent countries that have advanced democratic governance etc.
I'm not going to be drawn into the rights and wrongs of it because I wasn't there. I do know that the videos aren't the only evidence, so I'd be reluctant to judge based on that.
At the end of the day he only got a suspended sentence, so it can't have been that much of a big deal I guess.
When I say 'we' I guess I mean decent countries that have advanced democratic governance etc.
I'm not going to be drawn into the rights and wrongs of it because I wasn't there. I do know that the videos aren't the only evidence, so I'd be reluctant to judge based on that.
At the end of the day he only got a suspended sentence, so it can't have been that much of a big deal I guess.
Maybe so, but A$AP Rocky's experience had me cross off Sweden from my bucket list. I'm not certain if Canada is in your list of "decent countries that have advanced democratic governance", but sadly we have enough thugs here to contend with those in a "decent country". Better the devil you know than the one you don't!
Maybe so, but A$AP Rocky's experience had me cross off Sweden from my bucket list. I'm not certain if Canada is in your list of "decent countries that have advanced democratic governance", but sadly we have enough thugs here to contend with those in a "decent country". Better the devil you know than the one you don't!
Of course I include Canada! Sorry, I must have sounded arrogant. When I say 'we' I mean the majority of countries with a trial by jury system.
Honestly, I believe Sweden to be a decent country. Bloody dark in the winter though! Lots of suicides. Canada is definitely on my bucket list.
Please don't think that I'm making an assumption that Rocky was guilty because he is black - I am aware that justice is sometimes more elusive to people of colour. That doesn't mean that justice is 'usually' unavailable to people of colour however. Not in the UK anyway.
I understand that some areas of Canada have curfews in place for the young? A friend of mine went to visit relatives the as a young and was picked up by the police because he went out for a walk in the evening! That is scary!
Of course I include Canada! Sorry, I must have sounded arrogant. When I say 'we' I mean the majority of countries with a trial by jury system.
Honestly, I believe Sweden to be a decent country. Bloody dark in the winter though! Lots of suicides. Canada is definitely on my bucket list.
Please don't think that I'm making an assumption that Rocky was guilty because he is black - I am aware that justice is sometimes more elusive to people of colour. That doesn't mean that justice is 'usually' unavailable to people of colour however. Not in the UK anyway.
I understand that some areas of Canada have curfews in place for the young? A friend of mine went to visit relatives the as a young and was picked up by the police because he went out for a walk in the evening! That is scary!
Like Sweden, Canada has it's problems too. A$AP Rocky could have quite easily been attacked in a bad part of Toronto. But when he defended himself with the footage that he recorded I would hope that we would have arrived at a wiser decision than Sweden did.
Like Sweden, Canada has it's problems too. A$AP Rocky could have quite easily been attacked in a bad part of Toronto. But when he defended himself with the footage that he recorded I would hope that we would have arrived at a wiser decision than Sweden did.
Mate, the video was only part of the evidence seen and heard in court.
Mate, the video was only part of the evidence seen and heard in court.
Agreed I was not in that courtroom either and there might be other evidence that should be weighed, but again the footage he recorded was clear that he was scared, and he was not looking to pick a fight, and he did so in case he was arrested which he was. So A$AP Rocky's footage may not be enough to totally exonerate him but to me it is a big piece of the equation. Moreover how did that other party, the Swedish thugs, escape any international scrutiny? I would love to hear about their biographies if any? As it take two to tango in a fight!
Agreed I was not in that courtroom either and there might be other evidence that should be weighed, but again the footage he recorded was clear that he was scared, and he was not looking to pick a fight, and he did so in case he was arrested which he was. So his footage may not be enough to totally exonerate him but to me it is a big piece of the equation. Moreover how did that other party, the Swedish thugs, escape scrutiny? I would love to hear about their biographies if any? As it take two to tango in a fight!
Agreed, they could be prosecuted too if they committed a crime.
We all are losing but black especially, checkout this short video, it speaks for itself.

This short video also speaks for itself @Igotskillz27 in under 5 minutes.
You have yet to say who is that pastor that accuses Trump as being a racist, but the person
who put the following video together is David Harris Jr, and his website is in case you desire to reach him. I wonder if you will ever do the same for that anonymous pastor? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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Black Voters Destroy Media's 'Trump Is Racist' Narrative in Viral Video: 'He Needs To Be Going Up on Mt. Rushmore'
By James Luksic
Published August 13, 2019 at 3:45pm
No matter how many times President Donald Trump’s critics call him racist, it falls on deaf ears in segments of our black communities.
A video posted July 31 on YouTube reflects the strong support Trump has among black Americans who aren’t afraid to think for themselves and speak up in the bargain.

“He’s gonna go down as the greatest president of all time,” one of the conservative comedians known as the Hodge Twins said in the video, which includes #iSupport45 superimposed on its center. His brother added, “[Trump] needs to be going up on Mt. Rushmore.”
The siblings have made quite a name for themselves on Twitter, where they often defend the president from baseless claims that he’s a white supremacist because of a comment Trump made after the fateful violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.
TRENDING: 'Brady Bunch' Actress Susan Olsen Says She Received Backlash After Revealing She Voted for Trump

371 people are talking about this

One black man in the compilation YouTube video pointed out that Trump “has brought in record-low black unemployment.”
Yet another speaker referred to Trump’s pre-2016 days when he said to the camera, “No, he’s not a racist.Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Snoop Dogg back in the day? Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Al Sharpton?”
Do you think President Trump should be considered for Mt. Rushmore?
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Those positive remarks about our commander in chief fly in the face of other public figures’ opinions — including those of singer John Legend and Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, both of whom are black — and those in the establishment media.
Legend had the audacity to assert to TMZ that Trump is a “flaming racist” and stacked the name-calling high without offering any explanation or proof.
Other celebrities such as Caucasian actor Jeff Daniels are known for airing their batch of grievances and taking unfounded race-related shots at Trump and his supporters.
Members of the media enable such Hollywood elites and provide the public outlet to make them heard. They should all have to watch and listen to their fellow Americans in the pro-Trump viral video.
Perhaps nobody therein did a finer job of calling out non-white politicians than the bearded black man wearing a Make America Great Again Hat and a Trump ’16 shirt.
RELATED: Author Tells People To Stop Wearing Red Hats, They've 'Become a Symbol of Hate' Akin to Swastikas
“People of color are so sensitive that they cannot take President Trump responding back to their ignorance and cannot take President Trump responding back to them forcefully, then they need to leave Congress,” he said.
But I saved for last the best quote, voiced from a modest-looking black man sitting in a vehicle who declared that Trump’s enemies favor identity politics over bipartisan resolutions.
“The Democrats don’t want to respond with correcting the problem. All they want to do is call everyone a racist that do not agree with them,” the man said.
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Trump passing the first step act on criminal justice reform to help black Americans

The lady next to trump is alveda king
The niece of martin. Luther king
Trump passing urban revitalization to once again help black Americans

Trump is pro America and loves blacks. You wont see this on fake news CNN.
This short video also speaks for itself @Igotskillz27 in under 5 minutes.
You have yet to say who is that pastor that accuses Trump as being a racist, but the person
who put the following video together is David Harris Jr, and his website is in case you desire to reach him. I wonder if you will ever do the same for that anonymous pastor? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


Candace Owen's was spot on that the Democrats have mentally enslaved blacks.
It's sort of our fault but when you have cnn, google, hbo, to Hollywood to the academy awards, to Saturday night live and even the educational system brainwashing people with lies and propaganda 24/7 you cant blame them entirely.

I mean most blacks dont even know the Democrats created the kkk, fought to make sure we didnt have the right to vote.

Most blacks still believe that the parties switched.

They've been brainwashed to think the NRA the organization that fought for the rights of blacks to own guns to defend themselves against the Klan is a white supremacist organization. Slave owners obviously didnt want slaves to own guns. The klan obviously didnt want blacks to own guns. Yet blacks are literally defending the same democratic klansman who want to take their ability to defend themselves from them. Its mindblowing. This is why Democrats like hot sauce Hillary think we are stupid and throw Jayz and beyonce concerts to get our votes.

Its terrifying that people are LITERALLY brainwashed.

Its fascinating that the brainwashing tricks work on the masses and terrifying.