Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Actually there are alot of times Donald Trump has gone off track and pissed us off and we intelligently critique him.

Donald trumps policies come from us not thee other way around. He actually works for the people.

The border wall was asked by border patrol to be build in order to do their jobs which Democrats supported. Donald Trump took that idea and ran with it. Specifically obama, chuck Schumer, diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton were demanding a wall.


Is that the Democrats realized blacks like myself stop voting for them. We either stayed home, or left the party entirely. So they are turning their eyes to a new voting block. Illegals. That's why they are fighting so hard to turn illegals into citizens. They dont care if they deflate our wages by over saturating the work ******* or if they eat our tax dollars. They just want votes and tossed blacks to the side.

Trump has supported red flag laws which we were critical of and trump pushing for the wall was us. We were pretty much screaming at him to get it built. I remember millio s of us saying g if you dont get it built we are not re electing you.

I voter for obama twice because he was black. If anything I was a zombie then..Now I'm all about what's best for me and what's best for my country.

If tulsi somehow by a miracle won the presidency as a trump supporter I would still be glad because even though I disagree with most of her policies she has shown alot of intelligence, maturity, shes a doer, shes strong, and she has all the leadership skills neccessary to take this country in the right direction.
Tulsi Gabbard is one of the only sane Democrats.
Whose afraid of the Big Bad Wolf ????

Although he can huff and puff with the best of em!!!!!! ;}
Well he's definitely committed to his ideals and that is an admirable trait. I may disagree with what he says but I respect him for being honest about his views. It's just a discussion after all, it's not personal.
Tulsi Gabbard is one of the only sane Democrats.
Yeah she is a gem. Unfortunately it's most likely that communist Warren will win. Hillary the murderous cheat is backing her. If not most likely biden will win.

The primaries are rigged

Comment - Trump’s White nationalist (Supremacy) Agenda

But, what is new is Trump’s tirade and race-baiting is that Race and Racism has become legitimized, normalized, a factor to be used as a much deeper political, racial, social and demographic divide for America’s heart and soul for 2020 presidential electioneering.

Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide

Aug 11, 2018 · Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide By JULIE PACE, STEVE PEOPLES and ZEKE MILLER August 11, 2018 FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2017, file photo, a counter demonstrator uses a lighted spray can against a white nationalist demonstrator at …

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...

Aug 24, 2016 · But please know that not every perpetrator speaks Trump’s name aloud, not every hate crime is reported and not every report makes the news. ... He was using racial slurs.” ... pushed

just thought I would add a few of Atilla the None's finer points

You have evidence but I'm not a Democrat lol I don't have a narrative, I just think we need more than a 2 party system. I agree with some things Trump does. I don't agree with everything though.

You're good. I was directing my response to the people who are spreading propaganda.
Comment - Trump’s White nationalist (Supremacy) Agenda

But, what is new is Trump’s tirade and race-baiting is that Race and Racism has become legitimized, normalized, a factor to be used as a much deeper political, racial, social and demographic divide for America’s heart and soul for 2020 presidential electioneering.

Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide

Aug 11, 2018 · Analysis: One year on, Trump still fuels racial divide By JULIE PACE, STEVE PEOPLES and ZEKE MILLER August 11, 2018 FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2017, file photo, a counter demonstrator uses a lighted spray can against a white nationalist demonstrator at …

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...

Aug 24, 2016 · But please know that not every perpetrator speaks Trump’s name aloud, not every hate crime is reported and not every report makes the news. ... He was using racial slurs.” ... pushed

just thought I would add a few of Atilla the None's finer points

Oh look a racist democratic governor who's in the kkk.

Remember this guy? Trump is a sexist!!! Remember him?

Scream if you know this guy

and just what has your man done for America....simple answer...if toy can come up with one
Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

Trump tax plan would raise taxes on many middle-income ...
Sep 29, 2017 · Ann and Bob are not the sort of taxpayers who are usually targeted for a tax increase — especially as part of a tax plan that cuts taxes overall. Now, let's flesh out their financial situation: Their home is worth $420,000, or 3.5 times their income. They have a mortgage balance of $252,000, 60% of their home's value.

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
  • Author: Eric-Schaal

    1. General Motors. Trump administration contracts: $323 million. Outsourced jobs: 2,781. Trump …
    2. Boeing. Trump administration contracts: $9.46 billion. Outsourced jobs: 2,681. In terms of federal …
    3. United Technologies. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,414. In …
    4. Pfizer. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,200. You may recall the
mmmmmmm people have nothing to say in they post movies.....that really mean nothing probably paid to make them....just like trump paying people to attend his rallies...and after that you expect people to believe a movie

Trump supporters responded to the claim that the ad proved Trump was paying people to attend his rally by floating a theory on Reddit that the ad was fake.
Did a Craigslist Ad Solicit Paid Attendees to Donald Trump ...

How Much Does Trump Pay People to Cheer at His Rallies?
Donald Trump was accused of breaking the law during his campaign by hiring paid actors to attend his rallies. Although the Federal Election Commission dismissed the charges, a lot of U.S. citizens ...
  • Author: Barri-Segal
and how this...…..your logic of things getting better under trump?

The rich-poor gap is getting worse under Trump
Oct 08, 2018 · The rich-poor gap is getting worse under Trump. Rick Newman ... are doing a little bit better under President Trump. ... in the United States is getting worse, and Trump’s policies have ...

Trump’s America: The Poor Are Getting Poorer As The ...
Jun 02, 2018 · As Yahoo News reports, poverty in America has been getting worse for decades, but under Trump, the divide between the rich and the poor is only getting wider. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has been slashing the safety nets that millions of poor Americans rely on – including access to health care, food stamps, and other forms of welfare.

U.N. Expert: America's Poor Becoming More Destitute Under ...
GENEVA (Reuters) - Poverty in the United States is extensive and deepening under the Trump administration whose policies seem aimed at removing the safety net from millions of poor people, while rewarding the rich, a U.N. human rights investigator has found. Philip …
face have not one good thing you can say that he has done for America.....nothing...except your blind worship of a fake god

It’s not your imagination. Trump is getting worse. - The ...
Mar 19, 2018 · It’s not your imagination. Donald Trump’s occupancy of the White House is every bit as insane, corrupt and dangerous as you might fear. Witness this jaw-dropping message to the sitting ...

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
  • Author: Eric-Schaal
    1. Trump’s hotels. Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in 2017. …
    2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties. Various Trump properties banked at least $720,000 …
    3. Golf club memberships. After Trump was elected, Mar-a-Lago doubled member fees to $200,000 …
    4. Trump’s own golf trips. Secret Service golf-cart rentals alone cost taxpayers $137,000 in nine …
    See all full list on
Subhub is a deceiver. He post propaganda from fake sites.
naturally just like any trumpie……...anything bad against your man is fake news he was fine with fox...until they put out something he didn't like and now they are fake news...…..funny how that works....

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic


Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump

If trump will pay people to attend his you really think he won't pay someone to make a movie?

you surely have more smarts than that

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...

May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.