Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
TMZ is a news website that generally follows celebrities, much like the tabloids you have in the UK as you saw there was evidence that he [A$AP Rocky] was not the aggressor.
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I produced my evidence @Subby, where is yours? Any links?
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'Six weeks after his initial arrest, ASAP is found guilty of assault during the Stockholm brawl and given a suspended sentence.

The rapper, Bladimir Corniel and David Rispers "assaulted the victim by hitting and kicking him as he lay on the ground. The artist has also thrown the victim to the ground and stepped on his arm," say the court in its verdict.'

At the end of the day, unless you were in the court room you can't comment. Especially using a celebrity news website - not exactly a reputable source of unbiased news and informed comment is it.
The Democrats, Republicans, and any others in this country are losing with this clown in office. Facts!

We have a guy in office that's not smarter than a third grader. Shameful and disgraceful. Facts!
That's not how facts work. Let me try.... "I'm a billionaire. Fact."

Nope, still doesnt work that way.
Relax man, Trump having money was the point of the joke. Lol.

This is what you trump supporters are okay with. Wow! Unfucking Believable!????

President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
By Randall D. Eliason
August 30, 2019 at 6:40 PM EDT
This week, President Trump reportedly told aides that he wants to expedite construction of his border wall and that if they have to break any laws to get it done, not to worry: He will pardon them. Democratic members of Congress vowed to investigate this alleged abuse of power. The White House quickly responded that Trump was just joking, the apparent go-to defense whenever the president is caught saying something outrageous or potentially criminal. But, if serious, Trump’s offer would be more than a flagrant abuse of the pardon power — it could also violate federal bribery law. That has implications not only for impeachment inquiries, but also for potential future criminal proceedings.
Trump’s exercise of the pardon power has been unconventional, to say the least. He has largely disregarded the established processes for reviewing pardon requests through the Department of Justice’s Office of the Pardon Attorney, seemingly preferring to act on personal whim or political sympathies. And he has granted pardons to some controversial figures, including former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio and conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza.
But it’s one thing to flout normal procedures for granting pardons to those already convicted of past crimes unrelated to the president. It’s quite another for a president to use the promise of future pardons to encourage unlawful behavior by members of his own administration. The latter is truly corrupt: signaling to aides that they may freely disregard the nation’s laws because the rules don’t apply to those who do the president’s bidding.
This is what you trump supporters are okay with. Wow! Unfucking Believable!????

President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
By Randall D. Eliason
August 30, 2019 at 6:40 PM EDT
This week, President Trump reportedly told aides that he wants to expedite construction of his border wall and that if they have to break any laws to get it done, not to worry: He will pardon them. Democratic members of Congress vowed to investigate this alleged abuse of power. The White House quickly responded that Trump was just joking, the apparent go-to defense whenever the president is caught saying something outrageous or potentially criminal. But, if serious, Trump’s offer would be more than a flagrant abuse of the pardon power — it could also violate federal bribery law. That has implications not only for impeachment inquiries, but also for potential future criminal proceedings.
Trump’s exercise of the pardon power has been unconventional, to say the least. He has largely disregarded the established processes for reviewing pardon requests through the Department of Justice’s Office of the Pardon Attorney, seemingly preferring to act on personal whim or political sympathies. And he has granted pardons to some controversial figures, including former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio and conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza.
But it’s one thing to flout normal procedures for granting pardons to those already convicted of past crimes unrelated to the president. It’s quite another for a president to use the promise of future pardons to encourage unlawful behavior by members of his own administration. The latter is truly corrupt: signaling to aides that they may freely disregard the nation’s laws because the rules don’t apply to those who do the president’s bidding.
Question, if you're so offended by the wall then how do you feel about the President who deported more people than anyone? Serious.
That's not how facts work. Let me try.... "I'm a billionaire. Fact."

Nope, still doesnt work that way.
I know how facts work MF! I also know that he has yet to share his taxes, that's a fact.
Give me a brilliant reason why rocket scientists?
Question, if you're so offended by the wall then how do you feel about the President who deported more people than anyone? Serious.
Fuck the wall my point is this president Is condoning unlawful behavior and said that he would pardon those who got in trouble.
I know how facts work MF! I also know that he has yet to share his taxes, that's a fact.
Give me a brilliant reason why rocket scientists?
So we're going to spin this about his taxes now? What a weird turn. I guess keep clinging on to that? And if you know how facts work, use them. Blurting ******* out isn't being factual
So we're going to spin this about his taxes now? What a weird turn. I guess keep clinging on to that? And if you know how facts work, use them. Blurting ******* out isn't being factual
Has he showed his taxes yes or no?
It wasn't a spin rocket scientists that was a fact.
He doesn't have to. I don't give a f about his taxes. If that's all you got then how bad can it really be? You said we're losing with him in office right? How? I'll listen, I promise I'm not being a dick. Is it the economy, our safety, the border issue....?
'Six weeks after his initial arrest, ASAP is found guilty of assault during the Stockholm brawl and given a suspended sentence.

The rapper, Bladimir Corniel and David Rispers "assaulted the victim by hitting and kicking him as he lay on the ground. The artist has also thrown the victim to the ground and stepped on his arm," say the court in its verdict.'

At the end of the day, unless you were in the court room you can't comment. Especially using a celebrity news website - not exactly a reputable source of unbiased news and informed comment is it.
Maybe so but Sweden is off my bucket list because of how A$AP Rocky was treated as his testimony proves he was not looking for a fight as he just wanted to do his performance and leave. He and his entourage might have went too far beating up a guy when he was on the ground, but he was the aggressor and he was not alone.
He doesn't have to. I don't give a f about his taxes. If that's all you got then how bad can it really be? You said we're losing with him in office right? How? I'll listen, I promise I'm not being a dick. Is it the economy, our safety, the border issue....?
We all are losing but black especially, checkout this short video, it speaks for itself.
This is what you trump supporters are okay with. Wow! Unfucking Believable!????

President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
President Trump, with Vice President Pence, at the White House on Thursday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
By Randall D. Eliason
August 30, 2019 at 6:40 PM EDT
This week, President Trump reportedly told aides that he wants to expedite construction of his border wall and that if they have to break any laws to get it done, not to worry: He will pardon them. Democratic members of Congress vowed to investigate this alleged abuse of power. The White House quickly responded that Trump was just joking, the apparent go-to defense whenever the president is caught saying something outrageous or potentially criminal. But, if serious, Trump’s offer would be more than a flagrant abuse of the pardon power — it could also violate federal bribery law. That has implications not only for impeachment inquiries, but also for potential future criminal proceedings.
Trump’s exercise of the pardon power has been unconventional, to say the least. He has largely disregarded the established processes for reviewing pardon requests through the Department of Justice’s Office of the Pardon Attorney, seemingly preferring to act on personal whim or political sympathies. And he has granted pardons to some controversial figures, including former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio and conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza.
But it’s one thing to flout normal procedures for granting pardons to those already convicted of past crimes unrelated to the president. It’s quite another for a president to use the promise of future pardons to encourage unlawful behavior by members of his own administration. The latter is truly corrupt: signaling to aides that they may freely disregard the nation’s laws because the rules don’t apply to those who do the president’s bidding.
It is situations like these that Trump is trying to prevent @Igotskillz27:

But if you prefer to have intruders outside of your nation come in doing who knows what that is your business, but I think others would prefer to feel safe with a better wall? :unsure:
Maybe so but Sweden is off my bucket list because of how A$AP Rocky was treated as his testimony proves he was not looking for a fight as he just wanted to do his performance and leave. He and his entourage might have went too far beating up a guy when he was on the ground, but he was the aggressor and he was not alone.
Like I said, I wasn't in the court room and I'm not in possession of all the facts, but I do know that Sweden is a modern democracy with a respected justice system, so I trust them to treat the case fairly, especially with the eyes of the world on them.
It is situations like these that Trump is trying to prevent @Igotskillz27:

But if you prefer to have intruders outside of your nation come in doing who knows what that is your business, but I think others would prefer to feel safe with a better wall? :unsure:
It's amazing that Hes trying to secure the border that Neighbors brown and black people.
So we're not trying to secure any other boarders we do have more borders you know that right?

Continue to support this asshole's of a president and continue to be caged up while your wife get dick down by Big dick black guys. How about those fact! ✌✌
It's amazing that Hes trying to secure the border that Neighbors brown and black people.
So we're not trying to secure any other boarders we do have more borders you know that right?

Continue to support this asshole's of a president and continue to be caged up while your wife get dick down by Big dick black guys. How about those fact! ✌✌

Now all of a sudden you're concerned what's happening at the border? Why? Every president has shared this view going back to Clinton. And yes we do have more borders but only one where there's a serious issue, you know that right? I thought you were going to give your actual reasons and not link an obscure video. I see you've decided to get personal, nothing to be gained I guess. Enjoy the site