Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

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  • Poll closed .
Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes
Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes. Robert Dallek On 12/16/17 at 6:00 AM EST A woman holds up a copy of the U.S. Constitution. ... Medicine aside, it is clear Trump is unfit to ...

Trump mentally unfit for office - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper
Archive for August 3, 2019
There is something terribly wrong in the White House. The president should be put through a no-holds-barred mental evaluation, as no sane individual working in our government would display ...

Is The President Mentally And Emotionally Stable?” New ...
Aug 22, 2017 · As of today, Trump’s opponents are now actively pursuing this strategy. Asking whether the President has early stage dementia, or whether he is “mentally and emotionally stable,” Congressional Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) introduced legislation that would ******* the President to submit to a psychological evaluation.
Here is yet another person vouching for Donald Trump not being a racist. I expect @subhub174014 , @Zwing, and @Drillher4me to doubt his words but other people might be glad to hear him clear the air about Donald Trump....

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Old Friend of Trump Makes the Case: He’s Not Racist!

By MIKE HUCKABEE Published on August 9, 2019 • 8 Comments

Mike Huckabee
Many Trump supporters have reached their breaking point from all the groundless accusations of racism and white supremacy being leveled at the President — and, by extension, at them. Count me among that group. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. If you are unfortunate enough to be watching CNN (maybe you’re stranded at the airport), you will think the whole world has gone freaking crazy. But it really hasn’t. We know what’s going on: Democrats desperate to retake power are caught in the grip of a mass hysteria. They’ve simply shifted focus from “Russia” to “racist.”
As Much a Racist as He is a Russian Agent
Trump is no more a white supremacist than he is a Russian agent, yet that nonsense was all we heard for three years. Breathless reporters accused Trump of conspiring with Vladimir P.utin to get elected President, which would make him a traitor to his country and subject to punishments up to and including execution. When that fantasy fizzled, and the dream of impeachment faded (until they can stir it back up), it had to be replaced by something else just as baseless and far-fetched. Now, instead of being an election-stealing puppet of Putin, Trump is a card-carrying, hood-wearing, cross-burning, code-talking, immigrant-hating white supremacist. And so is anyone who supports him, or even just doesn’t sufficiently hate him.
I know Donald Trump well, and have gone on record saying I don’t believe he’s racist. In order to maintain that he is, his political enemies have had to twist his words and say he meant something other than what he did. Prime example: For the thousandth time, Trump was not talking about white supremacists in Charlottesville when he said there were “good people on both sides.” He was talking about the good people who disagree on whether or not to take down historic Confederate monuments. There are good people speaking from their hearts on both sides of that argument. When I hear people distort what Trump was talking about here, it leads me to dismiss everything else they have to say. They are helping perpetuate a lie, either deliberately or through ignorance. There are countless examples of this.
Trump’s Quiet (Decidedly Not Racist) Acts of Benevolence
How do you prove someone is not a racist? They say it’s impossible to prove a negative, but, actually, in this case, it looks to me as though we pretty well can. There’s just no evidence that Trump is a racist, but plenty to suggest that he is not. Andrew J. Stein, a former president of the New York City Council and former president of the Manhattan Borough, says in a new piece for The Hill that he’s known Trump since 1973 — that’s close to half a century — and has “never seen any indication of any form of racism.” In fact, he’s seen the contrary.
Trump certainly doesn’t always choose his words in the most sensitive way, but he has shown he cares about people of all races by what he has done. (Why is it that, to Democrats, paying politically-correct lip service to “oppressed” groups is so much more important than actually helping them?) According to Stein, when black or Hispanic groups have needed help, Trump was there — typically without publicity. For example, when Stein needed to get donated materials down to Puerto Rico after a devastating hurricane in the 1980s, he called Trump, who provided them with a 727 jet. Gosh, he must have forgotten that Puerto Rico is full of “brown people.”
When it’s money that will help solve the problem, Trump will write a big check. Trump helped pay for the senior center for the largest black church in Queens. Sometimes it’s to help an individual or family, as when he helped get an African-American woman with two young ******* off the street and into low-income housing, also in Queens.
Stein points out that Trump’s criticism of Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland had nothing to do with Cummings’ race, though Cummings is doing all he can to further the false “Trump is a racist” narrative. I’d put it this way: Trump said Baltimore was a rat-infested mess because Baltimore is a rat-infested mess. He was speaking an obvious truth. Trump is no more racist than the rats, who don’t notice the color of the people in a homeless camp or trash-strewn sidewalk or slummy apartment complex before deciding to “infest” it. Rats are an equal opportunity infestation. They would “infest” Nancy Pelosi’s lovely San Francisco home if they could, but her household staff would quickly dispense with the rodent problem. Something the City of San Francisco fails to do for the people of all colors who walk its streets.
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Trump is also being called a racist for voicing/tweeting some well-deserved criticism of “the Squad,” that group of four ultra-leftist women “of color” (the meaning of which has now apparently expanded to encompass all non-whites) who now — unbelievably, considering the hateful things they say — are members of Congress. Does anyone actually think that if these women were white, Trump would treat them any differently? (And he didn’t tell them to “go back to the countries they came from”; that is yet another misquotation.)
That’s the thing: Trump treats people the way he feels they deserve to be treated, regardless of their race. Being “of color” does not — and should not — make anyone immune to criticism. Only a racist would look at someone’s color to decide how to treat that person.
His Acts as President
But back to Stein’s piece. He goes on to point out things Trump has done as President to help economically distressed communities, like creating empowerment zones through tax incentives and grants. Trump also pushed through the First Step Act, bipartisan legislation designed to reduce mandatory sentences for low-risk inmates with good behavior, so they can begin to rebuild their lives. Stein also mentions that unemployment for blacks and Hispanics is currently the lowest it has been in 60 years.
Trump will never please the leftists no matter what he says or does, and neither will we. It’s pathetic, though; accusations of racism are really all they have now. Simply refuse to accept that label. Laugh at their desperation. It’s going to be up to us to reject as incorrect their false narrative of racism on the right.
Without that, they have nothing.

Mike Huckabee is the former governor of Arkansas and longtime conservative commentator on issues in culture and current events. A New York Times best-selling author, he hosts the weekly talk show Huckabee on TBN.
Originally published at Reprinted with permission.
Those 2 examples reflect your not up to date on WHY it’s worked. In those 2 countries the people’s culture is night and day different. It works in countries where the people wake up every day and WORK to make the country great. In America everyone wants everything while doing the least amount possible. It reflects how bad America’s culture and ethics have become. Secondly, Sweden is tanking fast with all the migrants or refugees that have invaded the country. There is now almost daily bombings with crime and ******* going up 400% in some areas then in years past.
The are daily bombings? Really?
Give me a link.
I'm not sure about bombings, but the amount of shooting events in America is almost a daily event on a national level @Subby. Seeing you desire a link of a recent event, here you go:

Oh I know Americans can't wait to shoot each other, shouting 'murica' and proudly quoting the old chestnut 'guns don't ******* people..'etc
No, i was responding to the poster who was criticising Sweden as a socialist country because they have bombings 'almost every day'. Very silly comment.
Oh I know Americans can't wait to shoot each other, shouting 'murica' and proudly quoting the old chestnut 'guns don't ******* people..'etc
No, i was responding to the poster who was criticising Sweden as a socialist country because they have bombings 'almost every day'. Very silly comment.
After Donald Trump help to free A$AP Rocky out of his unjustified incarceration in Sweden, I would think A$AP Rocky might have a different perspective of Sweden. ;)

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After Donald Trump help to free A$AP Rocky out of his unjustified incarceration in Sweden, I would think A$AP Rocky might have a different perspective of Sweden. ;)

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Well I'm afraid that it looks to me like Rocky was guilty and was lucky to escape justice. In my opinion trump was chasing votes. He basically interfered with the judicial process of another nation state, in order to get a few votes in his home country. It is arrogant and rude and another reason why trump is disliked outside America.
Well I'm afraid that it looks to me like Rocky was guilty and was lucky to escape justice. In my opinion trump was chasing votes. He basically interfered with the judicial process of another nation state, in order to get a few votes in his home country. It is arrogant and rude and another reason why trump is disliked outside America.
So your big gripe here is he's arrogant and rude? Got it
After Donald Trump help to free A$AP Rocky out of his unjustified incarceration in Sweden, I would think A$AP Rocky might have a different perspective of Sweden. ;)

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Well I'm afraid that it looks to me like Rocky was guilty and was lucky to escape justice. In my opinion trump was chasing votes. He basically interfered with the judicial process of another nation state, in order to get a few votes in his home country. It is arrogant and rude and another reason why trump is disliked outside America.
TMZ disagrees with you @Subby as A$AP Rocky's people were wise enough to record this footage that undoubtedly was a part of his argument as to why he should be free in addition to the influence of Donald Trump as POTUS:
No! I do. Because what I had to go threw. Yes I do.
If you think being black is more advantageous than being white in America then I don't know what to tell you. You are lost. "He got into Harvard because he was black" is a new one-- as if affirmative action was made solely to get people of color things they do not deserve instead of fighting against racial biases. Ok guy. I am sure he was just a dipshit that got lucky and was born into it like your boy in the White House.

The fact that you had to say 'race card' just says it all. We have a bunch of threads even here where people inadvertently show their hand when it comes to what they actually think of black people. Some of them are even too uncomfortable to have an honest conversation about it. Others openly admit because of their anonymity and the fact that they can have access to them or their wives fucking black dudes without anyone knowing. So anytime I hear, 'race card' I know what follows since it's nearly impossible to prove that racism is real to Republicans since all they do is deny it.

Get this bi-racial garbage out of here, they still saw him as black and couldn't accept that he was born here despite overwhelming evidence. If he was white, a Chrisitan, and was named John Doe those conspiracy theories would never see the light of day.
I agree a 1000%. And if you are Black and support the current administration you have some deep sitted issues. This Clown of a president that's occupying the white house does not give a fuck about black people or anyone else, other then those who support all his corruptness and wrong doing. Also make no mistake about it you still could be a racist motherfuckers in still want your wife to fuck Big Dick black guys. And most of you motherfuckers are doing it undercover like [
blackdickwitht] said.
TMZ disagrees with you @Subby as A$AP Rocky's people were wise enough to record this footage that undoubtedly was a part of his argument as to why he should be free in addition to the influence of Donald Trump as POTUS:
I have no idea what TMZ is, but the video footage formed only part of the evidence available and the court saw no evidence that Rocky was acting proportionally and in self defence.
Read the verdict.
I have no idea what TMZ is, but the video footage formed only part of the evidence available and the court saw no evidence that Rocky was acting proportionally and in self defence.
Read the verdict.
TMZ is a news website that generally follows celebrities, much like the tabloids you have in the UK as you saw there was evidence that he [A$AP Rocky] was not the aggressor.
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I produced my evidence @Subby, where is yours? Any links?
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He's been dodging payments all his life.

He has like $56 million on hand and can't even afford a fitted suit so it's not hard to believe.
The Democrats, Republicans, and any others in this country are losing with this clown in office. Facts!

We have a guy in office that's not smarter than a third grader. Shameful and disgraceful. Facts!
The Democrats, Republicans, and any others in this country are losing with this clown in office. Facts!

We have a guy in office that's not smarter than a third grader. Shameful and disgraceful. Facts!
All the more amazing @Igotskillz27 for such a man as you allege to have no better than a third grade education to accomplish what Donald Trump did that's incredible!!! If he can accumulate real estate, and become POTUS, then anyone can?