Do you fuck on the first meet?

We do a meet and greet in a public place as well. We also tell the Black man that this is just a say hello meeting. That way if we do click and I would like to take them home I can surprise them and do that.
I had a white couple do that exact same thing to me! They told me it was only a meet and greet, then after about :20 minutes of small they suggested that I accompany them to their bedroom! #Mindblowing!!!!
I had a white couple do that exact same thing to me! They told me it was only a meet and greet, then after about :20 minutes of small they suggested that I accompany them to their bedroom! #Mindblowing!!!!

So this “bait and switch” technique per se is common?
So this “bait and switch” technique per se is common?
I guess you could say that. I’ve learned as a single black guy in the lifestyle that it pays off ( tremendously) to be non-pushy. The fact that a couple is willing to meet & greet indicates that they’re considering me as their bull. So essentially when a couple says to me “this is just a meet & greet ” I figure I have a fairly good chance in joining them later.
I am for sure born in the wrong Continent, God bless America, Am i gonna hear AMEN lol
I almost never fuck on the first meet anymore. I'm kinda past that *******.
I'm more into the feel it out and see if this works for more than a quick fuck and see ya.
I've got long term people now and that works for me.
Personally I enjoy the variety of it all. Some want to play the first night, some prefer to draw it out a bit. I'm a go with the flow type of guy. My main thing is..I'm never pressed. I never want her to feel even the slightest bit of pressure from me. I do understand that for some couples, free time is very hard to come by so spreading things out over a few meets is not really feasible for them as they like to make the most of their free time. Just because a couple fucks on the first date doesn't mean that she is going to fuck you on the first date lol That also works the other way....just because a couple says that they don't play on the first date doesn't mean that it can't happen. I enjoy knowing that the night can play out in a few different ways. Just the way I'm built.