Anyone else notice the rise of interracial advertising?

Why, just because you don't like the truth being told? Fact is, this is propaganda, not advertising and someone is behind it. Probably white men with a disgusting fetish.
It doesn't make even economic sense because most latins and asians, in comparison, come from stable two-parent homes, with good two-parent incomes. You would think if ads wanted to hit dual targets of increasing market share and diversifying, it would advertise more to these two groups by using more of them in ads, as they have a much better economic and educational foundations and buying power. But no, these ads just seem to want to just focusing on the blacks.
In any case, in those ads above, white women who were that attractive and established, if they did decide to date interracially, are almost certain to go for a latin partner or an asian partner, and almost certainly not a black one. That ad of the white women lying in bed with the black guy looks so ridiculously sstaged and will likely alienate whites and even asians and hispanics. I mean, seriously, why would a compalny want to pi$$ off the very people with the financial power to buy their products? As I said, makes no sense, just agenda-pushing.
It's not propoganda. It's the market responding to incentives and understanding that society has an appetite for it. The premise that "they" push things on society is silly. Marketing is all about responding to market incentives and titiliating people. Blonde hair and big boobs was the 70s version of this. Marketing execs didnt invent blondes with boobs, they recognized sex sells.

The 1980s was all about the jingle. The jingle was intended to create earworms and go "viral" getting people to sing it and create earned media.
In the 90s it was "edgy" embracing the angst of grunge. Advertising companies didnt push grunge on the people but companies felt they had to have authenticity and grit to gather brand loyalty.
2000s introduced google and internet ads, marketing people didnt push the internet on people. Google was able to perform targeted advertisement to follow the specific habits of the person.
The 2010s saw the boomers start to retire and advertisers targeted those incomes by feeding them ads for prescription *******, reverse mortgages, etc.
This current trend is responding to Gen Z and Millenials who pride themselves on their social awareness and anti-racist beliefs.

Basically the only thing nefarious about this is capitalism.
Why, just because you don't like the truth being told? Fact is, this is propaganda, not advertising and someone is behind it. Probably white men with a disgusting fetish.
It doesn't make even economic sense because most latins and asians, in comparison, come from stable two-parent homes, with good two-parent incomes. You would think if ads wanted to hit dual targets of increasing market share and diversifying, it would advertise more to these two groups by using more of them in ads, as they have a much better economic and educational foundations and buying power. But no, these ads just seem to want to just focusing on the blacks.
In any case, in those ads above, white women who were that attractive and established, if they did decide to date interracially, are almost certain to go for a latin partner or an asian partner, and almost certainly not a black one. That ad of the white women lying in bed with the black guy looks so ridiculously sstaged and will likely alienate whites and even asians and hispanics. I mean, seriously, why would a compalny want to pi$$ off the very people with the financial power to buy their products? As I said, makes no sense, just agenda-pushing.
Not reading any of that *******. Feel free to fuck off as you're not wanted here.
It's not propoganda. It's the market responding to incentives and understanding that society has an appetite for it. The premise that "they" push things on society is silly. Marketing is all about responding to market incentives and titiliating people. Blonde hair and big boobs was the 70s version of this. Marketing execs didnt invent blondes with boobs, they recognized sex sells.

The 1980s was all about the jingle. The jingle was intended to create earworms and go "viral" getting people to sing it and create earned media.
In the 90s it was "edgy" embracing the angst of grunge. Advertising companies didnt push grunge on the people but companies felt they had to have authenticity and grit to gather brand loyalty.
2000s introduced google and internet ads, marketing people didnt push the internet on people. Google was able to perform targeted advertisement to follow the specific habits of the person.
The 2010s saw the boomers start to retire and advertisers targeted those incomes by feeding them ads for prescription *******, reverse mortgages, etc.
This current trend is responding to Gen Z and Millenials who pride themselves on their social awareness and anti-racist beliefs.

Basically the only thing nefarious about this is capitalism.
There is certainly a strong propaganda element in there, encouraging white women to fuck black and coloured men, but what's wrong with that?
Why, just because you don't like the truth being told? Fact is, this is propaganda, not advertising and someone is behind it. Probably white men with a disgusting fetish.
It doesn't make even economic sense because most latins and asians, in comparison, come from stable two-parent homes, with good two-parent incomes. You would think if ads wanted to hit dual targets of increasing market share and diversifying, it would advertise more to these two groups by using more of them in ads, as they have a much better economic and educational foundations and buying power. But no, these ads just seem to want to just focusing on the blacks.
In any case, in those ads above, white women who were that attractive and established, if they did decide to date interracially, are almost certain to go for a latin partner or an asian partner, and almost certainly not a black one. That ad of the white women lying in bed with the black guy looks so ridiculously sstaged and will likely alienate whites and even asians and hispanics. I mean, seriously, why would a compalny want to pi$$ off the very people with the financial power to buy their products? As I said, makes no sense, just agenda-pushing.
Your rationale here is anything but the truth. But if you want to be another conspiracy therorist, please tell us who is behind this interracial manipulation ? It has become laughable how the conspiracy crowd always mentions some ulterior motive by "THEY", but can never tell us who "they" are. So if you want to have any chance of sounding intelligent, please tell us who is behind it. Why would marketers and advertisers waste their money to appeal to propaganda marketing ? You sound like just another extremist.
If the current trend is responding to Gez Z and Millenials who pride themselves on their social awareness and anti-racist beliefs, then why are ads discriminating agains latin and asians? Why are blacks vastly over-represented and asians and latinos vastly under-represented, especially asians? That sounds like a deliberate bias and propaganda pushing to me.
This has been slowly creeping up for a while, but got out of hand due to a certain individual with an extensive record of v iolent crime (he once staged a home-in vasion and held a g/u/n to a pregnant woman's belly), who high as a kite, caused a disturbance and instead of cooperating with the law enforcement, chose to resist and struggle against them, f orcing their hand. In the aftermath of all that, companies have gone absolutely crazy with this stuff.
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Doesn't seem that crazy. What is crazy is how much you despise and hate and ridicule the American blacks, even to other nationalities and foreigners, yet want them to come to places like this and fuck your wives. Funny thing is, your contempt and hate is directed very deliberately and specifically at them in particular, and not at others in general. Strange, If I hated a group of people, didn't want them living in my neighbourhood, didn't want them in my's schools, didn't want them in my country club or tennis club, and absolutely no way would I even think about them dating my daughters, why would I get so turned on by them fucking my wife?!?
Hmmmm, joined the site 15 minutes ago just to make this post......
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You're a pathetic dishonest interlocutor.
You only have to type into any internet search engine

HAPPY WHITE WOMAN see what comes up
A picture of white wives girlfriends ect with a black guy

Type in the same sentence but with
Black woman
Chinese ect
And it’s a complete different result 🤣🤣🤣

Shows the rise and popularity of interracial relations
(White women & black men)
You only have to type into any internet search engine

HAPPY WHITE WOMAN see what comes up
A picture of white wives girlfriends ect with a black guy

Type in the same sentence but with
Black woman
Chinese ect
And it’s a complete different result 🤣🤣🤣

Shows the rise and popularity of interracial relations
(White women & black men)
I Googled the search. To be honest I found it chilling. I'm all for interracialism... For the "right" reasons. However, the agenda push gives me pause... My feeling is that the agenda that troubles me most... That being the ongoing campaign to further erode the Black family and dilute Blackness. May not be a popular shared sentiment on this site. That being said I also Googled happy Black man. It did not mirror what was found in your initial observation. Kudos to you for the enlightenment
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You only have to type into any internet search engine

HAPPY WHITE WOMAN see what comes up
A picture of white wives girlfriends ect with a black guy

Type in the same sentence but with
Black woman
Chinese ect
And it’s a complete different result 🤣🤣🤣

Shows the rise and popularity of interracial relations
(White women & black men)
So I tried and found this to be true. Just one more reason to show my acceptance.
I Googled the search. To be honest I found it chilling. I'm all for interracialism... For the "right" reasons. However, the agenda push gives me pause... My feeling is that the agenda that troubles me most... That being the ongoing campaign to further erode the Black family and dilute Blackness. May not be a popular shared sentiment on this site. That being said I also Googled happy Black man. It did not mirror what was found in your initial observation. Kudos to you for the enlightenment
👍🏽👍🏽. the same with and do the same search, you see white women and happy. Google is using algorithms to censor you and make you feel guilty. Do not worry China is on the rise and they love whiteness in there marketing mix, however the sodomites in the west.. well they are finished.
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