Anyone else notice the rise of interracial advertising?

Ukrainian TV Commercial​

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That's sexy and clever. I worked in the industry until 2008 and it all changed so much. 80s and 90s was a time of relative harmony between whites and others that stopped with GW Bush. But now, it's a matter of numbers in a way, as suggested in this kind of advert. More than a choice, it's the way to go. That's the message. I've got 5 chil d re n by 3 women with me in Germany. And I'm f*cking old. The generation after... do the maths. They will be the majority in the neighborhood. Add all the young fugees, the turks, and arabs that are making self-racial (read white only) mating less compelling. The ad industry is adapting to the new markets and showing the trends.
And these


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