55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

First of all "our" sounds like too many people, and Second never, ever have I utter the words "great white hope" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You never entered my mind when referring to the shít burrowing magats. As far as the other...
Google how many people voted for Dump. He was president ya know.
The Great white Hope...Pretty good flick. Uh oh I'm showing my age again 😂😜😉
You never entered my mind when referring to the shít burrowing magats. As far as the other...
Google how many people voted for Dump. He was president ya know.
The Great white Hope...Pretty good flick. Uh oh I'm showing my age again 😂😜😉
I can't, I feel like if I google him, AI is going to spam me with pics of Mag-fleas mushroom, along with all the mushrooms on this planet!! Sometimes, you have to draw a line in the sand 🤷🏼‍♀️
Well she'll get my vote because she's the better choice. Not that I'm a fan of hers either. Got to go I'll catch up later 😉.
I have 2 seconds to respond till my beautiful devil comes for me, and we have another impromptu weekend! All of us girlie's are voting for Kamilla for many reasons but the biggest reason is how is it any man is going to tell us or any rrason or state wtf to do with our bodies!! It's also mind boggling to me that some of these men on this site would side with a man that thinks that way, especially when they knew a his sweetheart may have resorted to a wire hanger makes me 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢
I have 2 seconds to respond till my beautiful devil comes for me, and we have another impromptu weekend! All of us girlie's are voting for Kamilla for many reasons but the biggest reason is how is it any man is going to tell us or any rrason or state wtf to do with our bodies!! It's also mind boggling to me that some of these men on this site would side with a man that thinks that way, especially when they knew a his sweetheart may have resorted to a wire hanger makes me 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢
Right On Yes GIF by Christopher Pindling
biggest reason is how is it any man is going to tell us or any rrason or state wtf to do with our bodies!!
I'm going to start off by saying this. I actually want to be "educated" by good intentioned female(s) on this subject.
Firstly what a woman does with her body is her own business. I also want to state I am not a fan of abortion... Is anyone?
This is not my issue. This is a woman's issue. That being said on this one facet alone. How many times should a woman have an abortion?
Once..."Oh it was a mistake."
Two..."Oops I did It again" ?
Three..."I feel you babe but is abortion really the best option for birth control🤷🏽‍♂️?"
Four " I don't know...WTF🧐⚰️😡💀 ?"
Is there no scenario where an outside entity says NO... Have the bàby and put it up for abortion?
You good intentioned women out there... You tell me.
Now...let the Shítstorm begin😏.
I mean if there were actually more women than weirdo white cucks on this site...(wwc's anyone ?)
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I have no idea if he’s lying or not
He is. Bigly.
- I jumped in mainly cause I got pissed at the MAGA insults
Then stop being MAGA. It seems to draw in angry, pissed off, celebate, fat, old white guys.
- taint nothing wrong with Making America Great Again after your miscreant party has ravaged it.
When was it great to the point you want to go back to? Who was it 'great' for?
I'll pick the candidate that's pushing for a better future, not a trying to resurrect a dark past.
I'm going to start off by saying this. I actually want to be "educated" by good intentioned female(s) on this subject.
Firstly what a woman does with her body is her own business. I also want to state I am not a fan of abortion... Is anyone?
This is not my issue. This is a woman's issue. That being said on this one facet alone. How many times should a woman have an abortion?
Once..."Oh it was a mistake."
Two..."Oops I did It again" ?
Three..."I feel you babe but is abortion really the best option for birth control🤷🏽‍♂️?"
Four " I don't know...WTF🧐⚰️😡💀 ?"
Is there no scenario where an outside entity says NO... Have the bàby and put it up for abortion?
You good intentioned women out there... You tell me.
Now...let the Shítstorm begin😏.
I mean if there were actually more women than weirdo white cucks on this site...(wwc's anyone ?)
I side with 'no, there is no scenario where an entity sets a rule that a woman must give birth' unless we are talking about stages of development (ie up to 18 weeks). And there certainly shouldn't be predetermination by the state that her baby will be put up for adoption. Putting a baby in the system, a system that is broken and abusive (foster care and adoption), is absolutely not the place of the state.

Your example is one of where we cannot legislate behavior, or even ******* a correction without affecting an innocent.
entity sets a rule that a woman must give birth' unless we are talking about stages of development (ie up to 18 weeks).
So there is a qualifier... Just for the sake of argument. Isn't adoption a better fate for a life at 19 weeks then non-existence.
Additionally not necessarily adoption. But something that allows life... Maybe the care of a family member... I don't.
Or maybe the government creates a new system for these situations.
Again I don't know...
However let the baby live...
That bàby might be the one to expunge maga from the face of the planet...
I mean if you don't first 🤣🤣🤣.
So there is a qualifier... Just for the sake of argument. Isn't adoption a better fate for a life at 19 weeks then non-existence.
Additionally not necessarily adoption. But something that allows life... Maybe the care of a family member... I don't.
Or maybe the government creates a new system for these situations.
Again I don't know...
However let the baby live...
That bàby might be the one to expunge maga from the face of the planet...
I mean if you don't first 🤣🤣🤣.
Additionally are you saying that she could have an "infinite" number of abortions up to 18 weeks...?
Until an outside entity says NO ?
I side with 'no, there is no scenario where an entity sets a rule that a woman must give birth' unless we are talking about stages of development (ie up to 18 weeks). And there certainly shouldn't be predetermination by the state that her baby will be put up for adoption. Putting a baby in the system, a system that is broken and abusive (foster care and adoption), is absolutely not the place of the state.

Your example is one of where we cannot legislate behavior, or even ******* a correction without affecting an innocent.
Post in thread '55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.' https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/55yr-old-lady-what-are-your-thoughts.310262/post-5925132
I'm going to start off by saying this. I actually want to be "educated" by good intentioned female(s) on this subject.
Firstly what a woman does with her body is her own business. I also want to state I am not a fan of abortion... Is anyone?
This is not my issue. This is a woman's issue. That being said on this one facet alone. How many times should a woman have an abortion?
Once..."Oh it was a mistake."
Two..."Oops I did It again" ?
Three..."I feel you babe but is abortion really the best option for birth control🤷🏽‍♂️?"
Four " I don't know...WTF🧐⚰️😡💀 ?"
Is there no scenario where an outside entity says NO... Have the bàby and put it up for abortion?
You good intentioned women out there... You tell me.
Now...let the Shítstorm begin😏.
I mean if there were actually more women than weirdo white cucks on this site...(wwc's anyone ?)
Wow! Someone woke up today with the world on his shoulders,🤣
I was going to try to take pieces and do that cool thing that y'all love to do, but I'm not that cool🤣
Obviously the first thing no man, or justice system should tell a women what to do with her body. They also can't teach morales by for.cing a women to give birth as opposed to abortion. Would a baby be better off? Who's to say, however abortion is absolute.
If a women uses abortion as a form of birth control thenn that's what she will answer for to the Universe. It's not our place to pass judgment on their life choices, or even counsel them it's their right, disgusting as it may be. I can only be accountable for myself and my body. They have the morning after pill/ plan B Not sure if that had an impact on the amount of abortion happening now or not, but in all honesty who wants to have babies in today's society, especially if the next HBIC is orange 🤬
Yup - yer the Spin King - and sooooooo fulla shite - got nothing against women or whatever race someone is - DO however have something against a candidate that is HIDING from scrutiny - a Marxist and has reversed most every policy position she had to just get elected.

Trump policies

1. Securing our boarder - ending the invasion at the southern border that Biden/Harris initiated and encouraged up until the looming election

2. Reestablish world dominance in petroleum production to attack the inflation Biden/Harris created

3. No tax on tips - less yer BS spin

4.Tax cuts - not tax increases

5.Eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits :}
Trumps policies (oxymoron)
That’s where you went wrong