55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

Yea apparently the dirt his brother has on him was …. Wait for it!
“During car trips , Tim got car sick often”
Sounds like a Fox news tan suit News day
Meanwhile ol rapey 34 criminal indictments fraud convicted poo coloured twice impeached loser struggles through reading his teleprompter
It’s really elder abuse at this stage (or will be in prison)
You admitted it in one of the many threads you got deleted cause I was kicking yer Marxist arse - my comment was mostly based on MAGA being racist. The Charlottesville LIE has been COMPLETELY debunked - see SNOPES. You’re more racist than I !!!
Um the one where MAGA chanted Jews will not replace us and had con Tiki torches ?
That’s been debunked!
I'm going to start off by saying this. I actually want to be "educated" by good intentioned female(s) on this subject.
Firstly what a woman does with her body is her own business. I also want to state I am not a fan of abortion... Is anyone?
This is not my issue. This is a woman's issue. That being said on this one facet alone. How many times should a woman have an abortion?
Once..."Oh it was a mistake."
Two..."Oops I did It again" ?
Three..."I feel you babe but is abortion really the best option for birth control🤷🏽‍♂️?"
Four " I don't know...WTF🧐⚰️😡💀 ?"
Is there no scenario where an outside entity says NO... Have the bàby and put it up for abortion?
You good intentioned women out there... You tell me.
Now...let the Shítstorm begin😏.
I mean if there were actually more women than weirdo white cucks on this site...(wwc's anyone ?)
The only abortion I care about is the one where it is discussed with a dr
None of my business
Nobody else’s
Those Wokester generals are totally politically motivated - what they say is irrelevant.

Even Walz’s BROTHER is against him and stated he’s WRONG for the job - his BROTHER - no distance there - the others are relatives - distance or not and show remarkable sense not wanting a Chinese loving Marxist as number 2.
Everyone else is lying , the military hates that treasonous a hole dump

That long list of military brass now includes Mr Trump’s former secretary of defence, General James Mattis; the President’s former White House chief of staff, General John Kelly; the former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General John Allen; the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen; another former chairman, General Richard Myers; the former boss of US Special Operations Command, Admiral William McRaven; former CIA director General Mike Hayden; and the former supreme allied commander of NATO, Admiral James Stavridis.

Gen Powell went further than most of them, saying he could not possibly vote to re-elect Mr Trump later this year, even though the President is a member of his own party.
Instead, he will vote for the Democratic Party’s nominee,
Harris does a 16 minute softball interview with her VP pick and then it’s ALL teleprompterville - she is going the hiding route Biden used - won’t answer a question - now using earbuds while holding a phone up to her ear at the same time to avoid talking to the press - what is she hiding besides herself ?????!!
She’s up in the polls
She should do no interviews
The American people have a choice
A convicted criminal or Kamala
Additionally are you saying that she could have an "infinite" number of abortions up to 18 weeks...?
Until an outside entity says NO ?
If her body and morals can stand it. You can't re-raise adults.
There is no outside entity that should say NO. Rather it's the first or seventh or ninty seventh abortion.
The job of the government is to make that option rare and safe.

Democrats believe and support a woman's right to due as she pleases with her body (except make money off of it). The way Democrats have addressed this tale of using abortion as birth control is to offer other options through - birth control pills, morning after pills, all kinds of 'blockers' and iv options, plus, condoms. Democrats also support family planning and sex education as part of regular curriculum for young people.

Republicans have chosen to go the emotional route labeling a fetus a baby, leaning heavy on morality and fear of falling out of favor with your religious values. They actively push for removal of sex education curriculum, outlaw birth control, and support discrimination against women who support or had an abortion. They also rely heavily on the government for restrictions and punishment
I dunno man
Should we vote for Kamala or for the oldest candidate who has lost the plot?
Who was convicted by ******* (that should be enough for educated Americans to close him down)
34 criminal convictions
Convicted of using his charity as his personal piggy bank
Who is a continual fking tiresome boring Liar !

Hard choice for MAGA
Easy for the rest of us….and when she wins… she can … lock him up …finally
And now the Cheney family is supporting Harris. Stating trump is the greatest threat to America
How many people from all walks of lives have to tell you that trump is a c0ck head !
And now the Cheney family is supporting Harris. Stating trump is the greatest threat to America
How many people from all walks of lives have to tell you that trump is a c0ck head !
Cheney is supporting Harris for the same reason Romney is and every other never Trumper. Trump is a threat to their corruption and connections to the military industrial complex. Do you think these staunch conservatives are really supporting Kamala’s socialism and big government handouts and censorship and free everything for everybody? Not one of them believes in a single policy of Harris which should make you realize there must be a big reason behind everything that is designed to stop Trump. Notice that nobody in government wants him there? Why? Because he can’t be bought like Obama was? He can’t be controlled like every other puppet in DC that does the bidding of the cabal? Wake up fool.