55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

Wait. Does she do an interview or is it she won't answer a question? Make up your mind.
Biden's route got him the most votes in our history, so it's not a bad playbook. Seems to be winning for her.

Probably realize that talking directly to the people, which she is the only one to do everyday, is a better strategy.
You see, unlike Trump, she doesn't need the media to make her candidacy attractive. Her movement is something different. It's about a brighter future for all. And she's out there everyday telling us about it.
tRump on the other hand sits back and complains, lies, and then complains some more. Not attractive.
And it's why he's losing.

All your side has is the media and lies.
You thought he was a Trumper because of racist comments?
That actually tracks. Racism in a political discussion, probably a Trumper.
I have nothing to add.

The reference was to MAGA racist as I recall.

Using race to start HORSESHITE is a Marxist trait.
I always thought a Marxist was like a sharp shooter, not necessarily with a gun, but a bow and arrow🤷🏼‍♀️ don't worry though I Googled it, and all it right in the world! Just glad I never used it in a sentence 🤦🏼‍♀️
Yeah your new talking point that fell right on it’s face - Walz is the very definition of Weird
Oh yeah? Seems to be sticking and fucking with someone in particular:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Your reading comprehension is weak - I said “involved in” could be fighting in soon if the Debaclers stay in power.
No. Your civics is weak.
Has Congress declared war? With whom?
Are we fighting in a hot conflict? Where?

What's your fucking point? The US is not controlling the politics and government decisions of sovereign nations?
Imperialism died in the first half of the last century.
Oh yeah? Seems to be sticking and fucking with someone in particular:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Weird is as weird does - how many time Walz been to China - didn’t he get married there ?? Yup we need a China lover in that position of power don’t we now
Weird is as weird does - how many time Walz been to China
Less than Trump.

- didn’t he get married there ?? Yup we need a China lover in that position of power don’t we now
No we don't need a Chinese ally in the White House
Less than Trump.

No we don't need a Chinese ally in the White House

Your spin is MOST eloquent but who instituted all those tariffs on China and identified them as our number 1 threat
Intelligent people are - why I spoke up - got sick of that leftist based whining !!!!
And just to show how twisted you are:
You're speaking up for someone who lies about serving this country, lies about women he supposedly fucks, lies about himself and who he is. How on earth can you support someone like that? Nevermind, you're voting for someone like that. It's your brand on that side, fake it til you make it.
Have you seen his reasoning for why he rambles like a "grampa on a Sunday morning after church?" He's calling it "weaving" now from my perspective "weaving" is trying to find a lie or remember a lie or judging by his audience what direction it should go. IE the louder the clap, it's the direction he goes, the one clap of confusion he knows he's stumped his audience and now has to go back to the louder claps hence trying to remember the lie aka " weaving"
And just to show how twisted you are:
You're speaking up for someone who lies about serving this country, lies about women he supposedly fucks, lies about himself and who he is. How on earth can you support someone like that? Nevermind, you're voting for someone like that. It's your brand on that side, fake it til you make it.

I have no idea if he’s lying or not - I jumped in mainly cause I got pissed at the MAGA insults - taint nothing wrong with Making America Great Again after your miscreant party has ravaged it.
Is it me or does it seem that the shít flies that worship that orange turd "Dump". Have gone from hopeful yet delusional arrogance.
"Damn I'm fucking angry...
A Black woman is gonna cuck, fuck, and humiliate our Great white Hope. And not how we want her to either"
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