55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

Then stop being MAGA. It seems to draw in angry, pissed off, celebate, fat, old white guys.

Nope taint gonna - taint none of the above :}

Gee if someone doesn’t agree with you Dems you all go the “fat” route - Mac is notorious for his attempted fat bashing of HH whom I believe to be quite svelte in actuality 😉
Cheney is supporting Harris for the same reason Romney is and every other never Trumper. Trump is a threat to their corruption and connections to the military industrial complex. Do you think these staunch conservatives are really supporting Kamala’s socialism and big government handouts and censorship and free everything for everybody? Not one of them believes in a single policy of Harris which should make you realize there must be a big reason behind everything that is designed to stop Trump. Notice that nobody in government wants him there? Why? Because he can’t be bought like Obama was? He can’t be controlled like every other puppet in DC that does the bidding of the cabal? Wake up fool.

NICELY put - too bad you’re addressing the deaf, dumb and blinded by the biased liberal media propaganda 🤨
Yea apparently the dirt his brother has on him was …. Wait for it!
“During car trips , Tim got car sick often”
Sounds like a Fox news tan suit News day
Meanwhile ol rapey 34 criminal indictments fraud convicted poo coloured twice impeached loser struggles through reading his teleprompter
It’s really elder abuse at this stage (or will be in prison)

I LUV it when your brainwashing shows so CLEARLY - it amuses me so
Everyone else is lying , the military hates that treasonous a hole dump

That long list of military brass now includes Mr Trump’s former secretary of defence, General James Mattis; the President’s former White House chief of staff, General John Kelly; the former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General John Allen; the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen; another former chairman, General Richard Myers; the former boss of US Special Operations Command, Admiral William McRaven; former CIA director General Mike Hayden; and the former supreme allied commander of NATO, Admiral James Stavridis.

Gen Powell went further than most of them, saying he could not possibly vote to re-elect Mr Trump later this year, even though the President is a member of his own party.
Instead, he will vote for the Democratic Party’s nominee,

Yeah those guys - wokesters 😉

I betcha a lotta those that got fired have a severe case o sourgrapes 😆
She’s up in the polls
She should do no interviews
The American people have a choice
A convicted criminal or Kamala

Ceptin MOST Americans that don’t believe this government and the media anymore KNOW that conviction is HORSESHITE - and - MOST Americans don’t believe EITHER anymore !!!!
This crack smoker is funny
Wah “all your side have is the media and lies”
And the candidate didnt ******* other women
MAGA got sad but still awesome entertainment for the educated

See if a Dem calls ya a “crack smoker” more’n likely tis her a puff’n away 😉
I dunno man
Should we vote for Kamala or for the oldest candidate who has lost the plot?
Who was convicted by ******* (that should be enough for educated Americans to close him down)
34 criminal convictions
Convicted of using his charity as his personal piggy bank
Who is a continual fking tiresome boring Liar !

Hard choice for MAGA
Easy for the rest of us….and when she wins… she can … lock him up …finally

She wins hands down for CACKLING !!!! 😆

If American wants a Cacklequeen - vote HARRIS !!!!
And now the Cheney family is supporting Harris. Stating trump is the greatest threat to America
How many people from all walks of lives have to tell you that trump is a c0ck head !

Ah the Dem hated Cheney’s - now Dem heroes 😉
Cheney is supporting Harris for the same reason Romney is and every other never Trumper. Trump is a threat to their corruption and connections to the military industrial complex.
Or, he has lowered the office of the Presidency to almost a joke - a multiple convicted criminal, and twice impeached leader of the most corrupt administration (if you count actual indictments and convictions - not conspiracies), not to mention the entire Republican ticket has been a loser when he was in power. He's poison. Every single President since Eisenhower has been rolled by the Military Industrial Complex. Whenever one, like Obama, takes it on, you guys call them unAmerican and against the military.
They don't support him because he's bad for their party.

Do you think these staunch conservatives are really supporting Kamala’s socialism and big government handouts and censorship and free everything for everybody?
Not her policies but no. They support her because they realize Trump is a danger to the survival of the Republican Party at the most self interested, and a danger to the Republic at a higher non selfish point. Period.
You're projecting the actuality of trump and his policies on Harris.
Not one of them believes in a single policy of Harris which should make you realize there must be a big reason behind everything that is designed to stop Trump.
1. Stopping him for good reason. He's a loser.
2. One policy they supported was the Border Bill. trump didn't like a real solution for his main campaign stomp rouser.
Notice that nobody in government wants him there? Why?
You should ask yourself, why no one who worked for Trump, or worked with Trump supports this second losing journey. Where are the hundreds of people he appointed for positions at? From his Vice President down to the Inspector General of the TVA? Not even his wife is out there for him.
No one wants him there for the same reason they don't want him in Atlantic City - everything he touches turns to Sh!t. It's his super power.
Because he can’t be bought like Obama was? He can’t be controlled like every other puppet in DC that does the bidding of the cabal? Wake up fool.
A MAGAt calling someone a fool? HAHA - OK.
If there is anything one needs to know about tRump is that his whole character is transactional. He can bought and has been bought - starting with our enemies, Russia, China and fucking Saudi Arabia. Maybe you missed the multiple connections between him and China, or the billions his family got from Saudi Arabia, or whatever it is that Putin has on him that forces him to kiss that fucking Commie's ring and turn his back on our American Intelligence and Military.
You've proven yourself to be a typical MAGAt, lots of emotion and stupid non-common sense words to make absolutely no point except you don't know man or you're a proud cultist.
Ah the Dem hated Cheney’s - now Dem heroes 😉
Well, he's still an evil sonofabitch, we just like the idea of the former two term Republican Vice President giving the middle finger to tRump.
Unlike tRump, the Dems didn't put any of the many many many Republicans supporting them on the campaign transition team. tRump put RFK Jr and former Dem Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on his transition team. No wonder he was in the crosshairs of that young Republican from the rooftop.
Ceptin MOST Americans that don’t believe this government and the media anymore
Thanks to tRump. The first thing a lying dictator does is dismantle trust in the state and press. That way, only what he says is real to the less than intelligent.
KNOW that conviction is HORSESHITE
You sound like every other convict in prison.
Instead of letting the evidence speak for itself, the fumbling tRump team is 100% focus on delaying.
- and - MOST Americans don’t believe EITHER anymore !!!!
I appreciate your use of caps and exclamation points but, it does not bend reality. We know tRump.
Yeah Ed - kinda mysterious that “young republican on the rooftop” actually VERY mysterious

Can’t jail him so maybe take the next step - who better’n a 20 year old “republican” - we’ll prolly never find out the TRUTH there - like the JFK assassination not til we’re all prolly in the ground will the real truth be revealed 🤨
Thanks to tRump. The first thing a lying dictator does is dismantle trust in the state and press. That way, only what he says is real to the less than intelligent.

You sound like every other convict in prison.
Instead of letting the evidence speak for itself, the fumbling tRump team is 100% focus on delaying.

I appreciate your use of caps and exclamation points but, it does not bend reality. We know tRump.

Cheney is supporting Harris for the same reason Romney is and every other never Trumper. Trump is a threat to their corruption and connections to the military industrial complex. Do you think these staunch conservatives are really supporting Kamala’s socialism and big government handouts and censorship and free everything for everybody? Not one of them believes in a single policy of Harris which should make you realize there must be a big reason behind everything that is designed to stop Trump. Notice that nobody in government wants him there? Why? Because he can’t be bought like Obama was? He can’t be controlled like every other puppet in DC that does the bidding of the cabal? Wake up fool.
😂 you clowns are funny
No the amount of republicans have clearly said they look forward to day when they can argue policy again but in the meanwhile they are keen to keep trump out of the Whitehouse
You know the guy convicted of fraud, 34 criminal indictments and ******* . The one with the unbalanced mental state, the oldest senile candidate
That your guy who you think we should all vote for 😂. He’s goneski