55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

Yup - yer the Spin King - and sooooooo fulla shite - got nothing against women or whatever race someone is - DO however have something against a candidate that is HIDING from scrutiny - a Marxist and has reversed most every policy position she had to just get elected.

Trump policies

1. Securing our boarder - ending the invasion at the southern border that Biden/Harris initiated and encouraged up until the looming election
What proof do we have? His hatred? Well, we had that for four years and border crossing went up under Trump.
Under Biden/Harris, border crossing are trending down.
The was a Republican led bipartisan border bill in Congress, Trump had the Republicans dump it, it was the best border policy in 40 years but, Trump didn't want it to go through under Biden.
That sums up his border policy, lies and to use it as a political tool. Not to solve it.
2. Reestablish world dominance in petroleum production to attack the inflation Biden/Harris created
The US leads the fucking planet in oil production dummy.
Inflation has been attacked and has been/is the lowest in the world.
You do know those two facts, right?

3. No tax on tips - less yer BS spin
His Sesame Street version would destroy that world's best economy.

4.Tax cuts - not tax increases
For the ultra rich, we've heard him.

5.Eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits :}
Another hair brained scheme that would disrupt the world's best economy. And, another reason we cannot let that aging con man back into power. He would destroy social security - but that was always the plan.

Current tax policy on Social Security benefits is designed to be progressive—ensuring those with higher incomes contribute more money. Something old MAGAts hate.

Beneficiaries with incomes below $25,000 individually or $32,000 for couples are exempt entirely, while those with higher incomes can see up to 85% of their benefits taxed. The net result is that about half of Social Security recipients pay no taxes on their benefits whatsoever—while higher-income beneficiaries pay a fairer share.

As such, the removal of this tax provision would chiefly benefit higher-income individuals, shifting the burden onto low- and moderate-income beneficiaries through potential tax increases elsewhere, or benefit cuts.

The proceeds from taxing Social Security benefits play a crucial role in bolstering the financial stability of both the Social Security program and Medicare—with proceeds from taxed benefits credited to funds earmarked for both. The elimination of the tax would cost nearly $1 trillion over the next decade—a shortfall that will need to be made up somewhere.

What proof do we have? His hatred? Well, we had that for four years and border crossing went up under Trump.
Under Biden/Harris, border crossing are trending down.
The was a Republican led bipartisan border bill in Congress, Trump had the Republicans dump it, it was the best border policy in 40 years but, Trump didn't want it to go through under Biden.
That sums up his border policy, lies and to use it as a political tool. Not to solve it.

The US leads the fucking planet in oil production dummy.
Inflation has been attacked and has been/is the lowest in the world.
You do know those two facts, right?

His Sesame Street version would destroy that world's best economy.

For the ultra rich, we've heard him.

Another hair brained scheme that would disrupt the world's best economy. And, another reason we cannot let that aging con man back into power. He would destroy social security - but that was always the plan.

Current tax policy on Social Security benefits is designed to be progressive—ensuring those with higher incomes contribute more money. Something old MAGAts hate.

Beneficiaries with incomes below $25,000 individually or $32,000 for couples are exempt entirely, while those with higher incomes can see up to 85% of their benefits taxed. The net result is that about half of Social Security recipients pay no taxes on their benefits whatsoever—while higher-income beneficiaries pay a fairer share.

As such, the removal of this tax provision would chiefly benefit higher-income individuals, shifting the burden onto low- and moderate-income beneficiaries through potential tax increases elsewhere, or benefit cuts.

The proceeds from taxing Social Security benefits play a crucial role in bolstering the financial stability of both the Social Security program and Medicare—with proceeds from taxed benefits credited to funds earmarked for both. The elimination of the tax would cost nearly $1 trillion over the next decade—a shortfall that will need to be made up somewhere.

Sooooooooo much spin - I’m bouncing off the walls on me way to wizz 😵‍💫
Those Wokester generals are totally politically motivated - what they say is irrelevant.
All six of them? Woke? I guess that's some type of insult. These men who led that worlds greatest military are suddenly political animals?
You sound like an old fool. What makes these heros woke?
Even Walz’s BROTHER is against him and stated he’s WRONG for the job - his BROTHER - no distance there - the others are relatives -
His brother who he hasn't spoken to in 8 years? Still a redneck ignorant bum. Total MAGAt material.
Don't take my golden word for it, just read his own words where he tries to walk it back.

distance or not and show remarkable sense not wanting a Chinese loving Marxist as number 2.
Nope. His excuse was because Tim used to get car sick and threw up on him when he was little.
The only Chinese loving fascist would be the one who had has multiple businesses there, bank accounts there, pay more in taxes there, rented out a whole floor to Chinese officials in Trump Tower the entire time he was president, got special favors for his *******'s knock off business and hosted the Chinese President at his tacky home. Trump.
All six of them? Woke? I guess that's some type of insult. These men who led that worlds greatest military are suddenly political animals?
You sound like an old fool. What makes these heros woke?

His brother who he hasn't spoken to in 8 years? Still a redneck ignorant bum. Total MAGAt material.
Don't take my golden word for it, just read his own words where he tries to walk it back.

Nope. His excuse was because Tim used to get car sick and threw up on him when he was little.
The only Chinese loving fascist would be the one who had has multiple businesses there, bank accounts there, pay more in taxes there, rented out a whole floor to Chinese officials in Trump Tower the entire time he was president, got special favors for his *******'s knock off business and hosted the Chinese President at his tacky home. Trump.

😵‍💫 - on the spin spins and spins - luckily ya have a good audience for it
Harris does a 16 minute softball interview with her VP pick and then it’s ALL teleprompterville - she is going the hiding route Biden used - won’t answer a question - now using earbuds while holding a phone up to her ear at the same time to avoid talking to the press - what is she hiding besides herself ?????!!
If your side didn’t have the media in your pocket the American public wouldn’t be so duped - if only
Nobody uses the media to their benefit like Trump. Hell, you didn't even know Harris is doing four times the public events he is because he just calls into a show and lies or have a 'town hall' on Fox where none of the voters ask questions, just his buddy Sean. Or, he gets on Twitter and tweets more garbage that does nothing to grow his support.
We are tired of him. Period. America has grown weary of the anti-American, hate-filled, self congratulatory speeches he gives over and over. We're done.
Harris does a 16 minute softball interview with her VP pick and then it’s ALL teleprompterville - she is going the hiding route Biden used - won’t answer a question
Wait. Does she do an interview or is it she won't answer a question? Make up your mind.
Biden's route got him the most votes in our history, so it's not a bad playbook. Seems to be winning for her.
- now using earbuds while holding a phone up to her ear at the same time to avoid talking to the press - what is she hiding besides herself ?????!!
Probably realize that talking directly to the people, which she is the only one to do everyday, is a better strategy.
You see, unlike Trump, she doesn't need the media to make her candidacy attractive. Her movement is something different. It's about a brighter future for all. And she's out there everyday telling us about it.
tRump on the other hand sits back and complains, lies, and then complains some more. Not attractive.
And it's why he's losing.
Nobody uses the media to their benefit like Trump. Hell, you didn't even know Harris is doing four times the public events he is because he just calls into a show and lies or have a 'town hall' on Fox where none of the voters ask questions, just his buddy Sean. Or, he gets on Twitter and tweets more garbage that does nothing to grow his support.
We are tired of him. Period. America has grown weary of the anti-American, hate-filled, self congratulatory speeches he gives over and over. We're done.

Speak for yourself - under Biden/Harris we have two wars we’re involved in and the country is going down the poop shoot fast.