Why do you GHOST?

I've never been ghosted but I take a pretty long time to determine if I want to meet someone irl so that tends to weed out the people who aren't serious.

I totally get the people who don't want endless chat, that's not what I'm looking for either, but I'm also not looking for anonymous sex so it's important to me that I vibe with someone and they can carry on a conversation.

So far, this method has always worked for me. Either conversation will fizzle out, or things will continue until it's time to meet in person. I've met plenty of men where the vibe we had online doesn't translate or their pictures were misleading and yes, it sucks to have invested the time but I honestly think it's a better method than going from first contact to face to face in a matter of hours where I would have no clue who I'm going to be meeting.
Hotel booked and paid for, dinner reservations, then at the last minute a no show or limp text.......yes they need calling out. and blacklisting

However, if they cancel with good notice then I would give them a second chance, after that their burnt!