Why do so many black men want our butts?

It's our duty? Whoever this poster is has to be white because only the mind of a white cuckold who operates under the mistaken assumption that black men are superior beings or that white women are chattel to be bought, sold, or traded would make a statement as utterly ridiculous as that. Then again, there are some idiot black member who also buy into this garbage as well.
Yup, well said
My friend Jen and I were talking and we can't figure out why so many more black men want anal than white men. Any ideas?
It's about control for some , if she gives up her boots then her guy has her admit to whom that boots belongs to , then she in turn gave up her booty , admitted whom said booty belongs to . So he has control of her booty . Not saying all because they won't openly admit that's how they feel about it. Could be wrong too. 🤔🤣🤣
Interesting question. I'm reluctant when it comes to anal so I honestly have no leg to stand on in this convo. I never thought of it being a popular choice of sex.
As a white guy, I don't get the fixation with anak, it might be tighter but damn.... you've got the holy grail (pussy) right there..... why go for anal?
I think there is some truth to the idea that black men are more likely to suggest anal sex. As with other assertions that have gained a level of acceptance the idea it may be true helps create some degree of reality. Also the stigma of anal sex as more extreme makes many men hesitant to suggest it thinking a nice girl wouldn't do that. So the combination of the idea that black men are more sexually aggressive and are more likely to want anal sex more makes it easier for a black man to propose anal. And in situations where the woman is looking for an interracial encounter there is likely an expectation for a heightened sexual experience, which encourages a willingness to try different things.
Spot on comment. A proposal on the black guy's part and the willingness to try different things by a married white wife who is looking to not disappoint. Oh, and the complete submission part is definitely a consideration too.
It's our duty? Whoever this poster is has to be white because only the mind of a white cuckold who operates under the mistaken assumption that black men are superior beings or that white women are chattel to be bought, sold, or traded would make a statement as utterly ridiculous as that. Then again, there are some idiot black member who also buy into this garbage as well.
I love the respectable response. I've noticed that some people on this site seem to have some serious degradation fetishes that are way out of control. It's always refreshing to see the people that have common sense and respect for one another regardless of color. That's what it's all about. 👏
I love taking a womans ass, probably because it is her most delicate, intimate part of her.
A woman’s rectum is more intimate than her vagina? If anal is an option to explore during sex than great but on the level of intimacy, I gotta agree to disagree on that one chief. 🤷🏾‍♂️