Whose afraid of the Big White Dick

BWC gentleman should be able to post and verify just like BBC gentleman?

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Ok the title is a little tongue and cheek and this post probably won't last long.
Hey people like what they like and who are we to judge, they aren't hurting other people.
But my verification pictures were take down and I have posts taken down all the time for even suggesting big white cock exists or something that can bring pleasure. And god forbid we show that white men are hung too, or god forbid that black women like white hung men. I guess this place is really just a place where we protect the fragile egos of some, instead of a cool fun place where people who like sex, with a bit of kink, can enjoy talking with each other.
The site is for black men seeking couples and vice versa. BWC bulls have their spaces. It’s just not here.
That's a great question. this place has a great reasonable yet kinky community. Great people to share experiences with. I've been a Bull since I was a young and I've found commonality in sharing those experiences with others here. I have been able to write about my experiences and people write back to me and "friendships" form. But in the end all my media is taken down, my verification is taken down.
And I'm just saying, that seems silly.
I'm not even saying create new forums (which for some reason people have turned this thread into being).
I'm just saying let white people verify and don't take down their posts because of such.
You got SDC, SLS, AFF, Redhotpie, the list goes on
You are 100% correct. And I'm saying lets change things. And you are saying you don't. I'm fine with that, lets see if I can convince a good chunk of people, most importantly the moderators, that the evaluation of dicks based on color is silly, outdated, and little unpragmatic.

It sounds like you are saying things should stay the same, but that to me seems more like a position and not an argument that supports a position.
If I may, your position seems to be, I like things the way they are so lets keep things the way they are.
My position is "I don't like things the way they are and the policy seems unnecessarily exclusive and unworkable".

And if it means in the end I find another place to share my kink and stories and fun so be it. Your loss, I'm an interesting guy :) (IMHO) :)
I'm not saying you have to like me, read my stuff or follow me. I'm just saying let me verify and dont' take down posts just because of a BWC.

I may have oversimplified the position of people who want to keep the status quo. Maybe the belief is something about how a line has to be drawn between black and white and the moderators will make that decision on who is black enough. And so be it, it's a private site. I think my stance is. Yes you are right. And I disagree I think we shouldn't make race a qualifier for being verified and posting. And I dont' think my position is too crazy.
Well said bro...BWC MATTERS 🤜🏿🤛🏼
Why would you come to a website called blacktowhite to do that, just to be lame?There is not black females here looking for white men and I highly doubt there is any woman here looking for “BWC” as you call it.There is much more to it than size.Your lame antics are an example of why I voted fuck no.Get out of here with that bullshit.
Exactly like bro look at the name of the site...That’s like going to a vegan restaurant looking for meat on the menu...Like bro where’s your brain at???
Exactly like bro look at the name of the site...That’s like going to a vegan restaurant looking for meat on the menu...Like bro where’s your brain at???
Yes, you are right....the question is if we shouldn't change it...the world changes...watch Serena Williams is also in marriage with white man or watch Dirk Nowitzki...
We respect you if you will keep this rule...but the world here would be the better and much colourful if this could change....
Yes, you are right....the question is if we shouldn't change it...the world changes...watch Serena Williams is also in marriage with white man or watch Dirk Nowitzki...
We respect you if you will keep this rule...but the world here would be the better and much colourful if this could change....
Knock it off this is a exclusive community once again look at the name of the site...No one care who SERENA or DIRK is married to this is a site that is for BLACK MEN who are into white women & WHITE WIVES who are interested in us BLACK MEN I really don’t understand how hard this is to grasp for some of you people....
Make a few, it's long over due.
On AFF they have groups that have posts that cover all the various dating dynamics. There is no actual sites that specifically cater to white males and black women or Asian women.

It would be best to create a site based on the white male Asian dating dynamic because if you do the swirl dynamic white men and black women you will lose your money because according to the statistics that is literally the smallest demographic in interracial dating that there is.

White men prefer white women 70% to 80% percent just like all men across the board want their own women. White men also want Asian women and that is the largest interracial dating and marriage dynamic that exists period. Then Hispanic, then black.

An unpopular dating fact is that all none black men listed black women as their last choice for dating and marriage. Also according to the most popular dating apps and sites the recently revealed that black women were the least desired and the least successful on all the dating apps and sites that were not black themed. Like black people meet or black singles.com.

So if you have the investment capital then a site for white and Asian women will be a successful site. You'd be better of better off if you somehow based it on white men and the women who love them that way it's all inclusive just know that you are definitely going to likely attract some stuff you don't want either!
Knock it off this is a exclusive community once again look at the name of the site...No one care who SERENA or DIRK is married to this is a site that is for BLACK MEN who are into white women & WHITE WIVES who are interested in us BLACK MEN I really don’t understand how hard this is to grasp for some of you people....
Preach Amy Poehler GIF by Sisters
Big White Cock you can verify, but just sit quietly in the corner holding your Big White Cock until you are called on. That the point everyone here is SAYING.
You're missing the point.

My main fwb said something to me the other day that really applies here: "If a black person has something, everyone else feels entitled to it"

This is not the space for you. This is not the place for your dick pics or erotica, you have no audience here.
I felt the “everyone else feels entitled to it” statement. You see it all the time and now they are even trying to take over the online platforms we have. Trash as fuck
On AFF they have groups that have posts that cover all the various dating dynamics. There is no actual sites that specifically cater to white males and black women or Asian women.

It would be best to create a site based on the white male Asian dating dynamic because if you do the swirl dynamic white men and black women you will lose your money because according to the statistics that is literally the smallest demographic in interracial dating that there is.

White men prefer white women 70% to 80% percent just like all men across the board want their own women. White men also want Asian women and that is the largest interracial dating and marriage dynamic that exists period. Then Hispanic, then black.

An unpopular dating fact is that all none black men listed black women as their last choice for dating and marriage. Also according to the most popular dating apps and sites the recently revealed that black women were the least desired and the least successful on all the dating apps and sites that were not black themed. Like black people meet or black singles.com.

So if you have the investment capital then a site for white and Asian women will be a successful site. You'd be better of better off if you somehow based it on white men and the women who love them that way it's all inclusive just know that you are definitely going to likely attract some stuff you don't want either!
I do not want to date them, I want to bang them. This site is black to white so it should cover that small % fetish. God knows it has some weird ******* on here already.
Well, there have been a few weird newcomers here who tried to make use of this site and at the same time intended to change the theme to what better matched them and their kink or ideas, or simply didn't accept the site's theme. More than once i said, well, if this site's theme is not for you then why are you even here?!

But all sensitivities aside there is one aspect the OP brought up that is actually on point ImO. When we are talking about Black to white... what is it that "makes" a person Black or white? There has been a study that revealed that people who self-identified as "Black" in the official U.S. census showed that genetically they had on average no more than 37% Black African ancestry. Also i know that there are "white" persons who are visually darker than some of the light skinned Black persons. So ImO the question is legitimate: What criteria makes somebody pass as being Black in the verification process? - my understanding is that "when in doubt" moderators will rather accept a verification than reject it. But still... where is the line? Can anyone legitimately tell a person who self-identifies as Black, "you are not black enough"? just a few thoughts. ;)
This isn't a site for big dick or size queens. It's a site for black men and white women/couples.

There are plenty of places online that celebrate white men and big white dick. This space is for black men.
...and tantalizing, sexy, attractive white women - like yourself - who love what we've got!;)
Why would you come to a website called blacktowhite to do that, just to be lame?There is not black females here looking for white men and I highly doubt there is any woman here looking for “BWC” as you call it.There is much more to it than size.Your lame antics are an example of why I voted fuck no.Get out of here with that bullshit.

It can't be articulated any better. Spot on.
Well, there have been a few weird newcomers here who tried to make use of this site and at the same time intended to change the theme to what better matched them and their kink or ideas, or simply didn't accept the site's theme. More than once i said, well, if this site's theme is not for you then why are you even here?!

But all sensitivities aside there is one aspect the OP brought up that is actually on point ImO. When we are talking about Black to white... what is it that "makes" a person Black or white? There has been a study that revealed that people who self-identified as "Black" in the official U.S. census showed that genetically they had on average no more than 37% Black African ancestry. Also i know that there are "white" persons who are visually darker than some of the light skinned Black persons. So ImO the question is legitimate: What criteria makes somebody pass as being Black in the verification process? - my understanding is that "when in doubt" moderators will rather accept a verification than reject it. But still... where is the line? Can anyone legitimately tell a person who self-identifies as Black, "you are not black enough"? just a few thoughts. ;)
What NO ONE needs is a white guy trying to explain Blackness.
Fx Just Saying GIF by Snowfall