White girls for older bbcs ? Oh yea

Always wanted to have a mom and ******* to use
That’s great. Just so you know, @darkmeater is a white guy. He’s not a highly decorated, tall hung Black Lt. Colonel “chick magnet” like he claims. Everything he writes is pure fiction. Read more of this thread starting on p3 if you don’t believe me. Real veterans have debunked everything he says.

Enjoy the circle jerk with the white poser!
I thought you were in Ukraine on a military mission. All of these years you don't have the discipline, like all other officers, to leave the political banter at the American shore while overseas?
Besides, tRump is pro-Russia, kind of makes you against your own 'mission'.
Dumbass poser.
My mission was over back in states.
Ukraine was a successful & sexy mission
I have my own Steele dossier of raunchy sex tapes to share with you.
I have always voted Trump
He gave more to Ukraine & Sanctioned China more than any one
Foreign policy is not your forte.. lemme guess you want to be a diplomat but work in laundromat for state dept officers club !
I just want to tell you @BayernBBC was a cook and @mo was a deck sweeper both dishonorably dischargef. They are struggling to make ends meet. No full GI payment
big losers!
Sorry I am Ukraine now
Beautiful women ooooooh yeah
Huh? Yeah I swept the decks to get rid of standing water and also did FOD walk downs as an excuse to get some sunlight away from the smoke decks. My rate was within the Information Warfare Community. I don't wish to boast any of my significant accomplishments, because then a light combination of google and social media profiling would shatter the veil of anonymity that I established for myself. Luckily I'm not struggling to make ends meet.

After meeting with my VRC this morning, I found out that this is the last year I use my Chapter 33 benefits. That's because I was accepted and will be using Chapter 31 benefits for the next 48 months.

You are Ukraine now? Wait, so are you Volodymyr Zelenskyy? I mean that doesn't makes sense because he's fluent in English and you are struggling.

I have your entire record
Called Langley friends
Please glance at USSID 18 before you keep coming back to your "Langley friends" references

You are like 5 4
You live in Germany coz nobody respects short bbc
Thanks 4 pics
Langley is going to bust up
Not going to speak for @BayernBBC but the positions I seen for prior service as a contractor makes bank. If I was single I would have taken advantage of those opportunities.

@darkmeater contrary to what you seen from films and television shows people who brag or announce that the have "Langley friends" to the mass are mostly likely full of *******. Again please glance at USSID 18.
My mission was over back in states.
Ukraine was a successful & sexy mission
I have my own Steele dossier of raunchy sex tapes to share with you.
I have always voted Trump
He gave more to Ukraine & Sanctioned China more than any one
Foreign policy is not your forte.. lemme guess you want to be a diplomat but work in laundromat for state dept officers club !
the inaccuracies of your facts makes me want to pause entrepreneurship and software engineering to focus on psychology to understand the amazing life you live. You are able to travel around the world in ways that defies physics. You are able to conduct sensitive missions to other countries and tell others that you were on said mission. You have "raunchy" porn that you want to share with other men. That's cool.

Huh? Yeah I swept the decks to get rid of standing water and also did FOD walk downs as an excuse to get some sunlight away from the smoke decks. My rate was within the Information Warfare Community. I don't wish to boast any of my significant accomplishments, because then a light combination of google and social media profiling would shatter the veil of anonymity that I established for myself. Luckily I'm not struggling to make ends meet.

After meeting with my VRC this morning, I found out that this is the last year I use my Chapter 33 benefits. That's because I was accepted and will be using Chapter 31 benefits for the next 48 months.

You are Ukraine now? Wait, so are you Volodymyr Zelenskyy? I mean that doesn't makes sense because he's fluent in English and you are struggling.

Please glance at USSID 18 before you keep coming back to your "Langley friends" references

Not going to speak for @BayernBBC but the positions I seen for prior service as a contractor makes bank. If I was single I would have taken advantage of those opportunities.

@darkmeater contrary to what you seen from films and television shows people who brag or announce that the have "Langley friends" to the mass are mostly likely full of *******. Again please glance at USSID 18.

the inaccuracies of your facts makes me want to pause entrepreneurship and software engineering to focus on psychology to understand the amazing life you live. You are able to travel around the world in ways that defies physics. You are able to conduct sensitive missions to other countries and tell others that you were on said mission. You have "raunchy" porn that you want to share with other men. That's cool.
Call me James Blonde 007
damn I meant to say masses and not mass. I'm multitasking and bad at talking on a forum that was supposed to be on kink while knocking out some calc homework
My call sign was James Blonde
Badam-ching! That is beyond corny and dumb, even for you Colonel Unicorn. No Black man would call himself James Blonde.

This is an especially funny tell bc blonde with an “E” at the end is feminine. @MoSanders used the correct masculine/gender-neutral version. Spellcheck doesn’t add an “E” since blond is more common. But your dumb ass adds an “E” to make blonde feminine and then expects us to believe James Blonde was the call sign for a highly ranked Black man. 😂🤣😂🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
Joke Drums GIF by ZDF Magazin Royale

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My mission was over back in states.
How did you get back in two hours? Direct flight from Kiev is at least 13 hours. Not counting a fuel stop or the travel time back across the Polish border to get on the plane.
Ukraine was a successful & sexy mission
I have my own Steele dossier of raunchy sex tapes to share with you.
What they fuck are you talking about.
I have always voted Trump
Trump hates Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS
He gave more to Ukraine & Sanctioned China more than any one
He did not. Pay attention.
Foreign policy is not your forte..
Actually it is.
lemme guess you want to be a diplomat but work in laundromat for state dept officers club !
None of that makes sense. Stay in your lane.
Whatever I did, will never be discussed on a fuck site for the sake of one-upping some feeble minded idiot.
Running your mouth about your service to this country is weak and usually the sign of someone who's done nothing. Learn to shut the fuck up...
Keep Quiet Shut Up GIF
How did you get back in two hours? Direct flight from Kiev is at least 13 hours. Not counting a fuel stop or the travel time back across the Polish border to get on the plane.


What they fuck are you talking about.

Trump hates Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS

He did not. Pay attention.

Actually it is.

None of that makes sense. Stay in your lane.
Whatever I did, will never be discussed on a fuck site for the sake of one-upping some feeble minded idiot.
Running your mouth about your service to this country is weak and usually the sign of someone who's done nothing. Learn to shut the fuck up...
Keep Quiet Shut Up GIF
One word
Trump 2024!