White girls for older bbcs ? Oh yea

It's a wrap for @darkmeater :
1. Did not attend West Point - too tall, not a citizen, grammar is not that of a native English speaker.
2. Fake wife doesn't exist in the circuit as a judge.
3. Assets don't match fake income- a couple of government employees living like multi-millionaires - not realistic
4. Talks too much to be a real soldier
5. Bringing up 'his' service as a bragging point, is not that of an honorable soldier
6. Uses words like pygmy and thinks being short is an insult - that's a West African thing. Hence him being 6'6" :ROFLMAO:
7. Bragging in a public forum about cheating on your wife is not the conduct of an respected officer.
8. If he was real, talking about what he's doing, where he's doing it, and when he's doing it (Advising in Ukraine for instance) - is a serious national security concern and would not only get your access and credentials yanked, but could be criminal - it's definitely against the 1947 National Security Act in a broad reading.

In conclusion, he is a mentally disturbed, West African native, most likely very short, jerks off to porn way too much, probably lives in DC, single and works near or for a retired military family as a gardener or painter. Sad.
Green to Gold. It was a wonderful wild ride😊
And if he's a wise ass and goes into why no CAB Private Cook?! since his blatant ignorance and disrespect clearly knows no bounds: had he been there, done that he'd know there are some things best not remembered (at least for me) due to the cost of earning them.

To the Fallen who gave their all so fakes can freely live as they choose and spew gibberish🫡🥂.
That's impressive. High standards and highly competitive.
I took a "pause for the cause" after my enlistment and went to College (Miss out on partying?! Whaaat?! I didn't want to feel id missed something. Ol' fakey pants got at least one thing correct: Female Collegians do like a Man in uniform...and i went to a pretty damned Liberal school. (Make Love not W@r). Somehow i managed both in my lifetime 🤣
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I took a "pause for the cause" after my enlistment and went to College (Miss out on partying?! Whaaat?! I didn't want to feel id missed something. Ol' fakey pants got at least one thing correct: Female Collegians do like a Man in uniform...and i went to a pretty damned Liberal school. (Make Love not W@r). Somehow i managed both in my lifetime 🤣
I'm familiar. :ROFLMAO:
400 lb 5 2 Irish pigmy surely lol
My life is so great I actually matched with a 19 year old KSU intern in k street
Saturday we meet in hotel
Will share pics this time to destroy your ego once for all
Whatever you gotta tell yourself. I’m sure we’re all on the edge of our seats. Suspense is almost too much to handle….

Bored American Dad GIF
It's a wrap for @darkmeater :
1. Did not attend West Point - too tall, not a citizen, grammar is not that of a native English speaker.
2. Fake wife doesn't exist in the circuit as a judge.
3. Assets don't match fake income- a couple of government employees living like multi-millionaires - not realistic
4. Talks too much to be a real soldier
5. Bringing up 'his' service as a bragging point, is not that of an honorable soldier
6. Uses words like pygmy and thinks being short is an insult - that's a West African thing. Hence him being 6'6" :ROFLMAO:
7. Bragging in a public forum about cheating on your wife is not the conduct of an respected officer.
8. If he was real, talking about what he's doing, where he's doing it, and when he's doing it (Advising in Ukraine for instance) - is a serious national security concern and would not only get your access and credentials yanked, but could be criminal - it's definitely against the 1947 National Security Act in a broad reading.

In conclusion, he is a mentally disturbed, West African native, most likely very short, jerks off to porn way too much, probably lives in DC, single and works near or for a retired military family as a gardener or painter. Sad.
Nice recap. I agree with almost everything, especially that he knows someone who was successful in the military. That gives him just enough info to fancy himself knowledgeable. Also fuels his sad, desperate need to impersonate an officer.

BUT I strongly disagree that he’s West African. He’s very clearly a racist white dude obsessed with Black dick. He most certainly does not have one of his own. He’s here to thwart IR connections. He gets off on us pummeling him bc if we’re paying attention to him then we’re not hooking up with each other which is really a much better use of our time.

He also gets off on sending white women & cucks messages about his non-existent BBC. It gives him a sense of superiority (“haha pulled the wool over their eyes”) which he can never feel in his real life since he’s a white incel MAGA loser.
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Nice recap. I agree with almost everything, especially that he knows someone who was successful in the military. That gives him just enough info to fancy himself knowledgeable. Also fuels his sad, desperate need to impersonate an officer.

BUT I strongly disagree that he’s West African. He’s very clearly a racist white dude obsessed with Black dick. He most certainly does not have one. He’s here to thwart IR connections. He gets off on us pummeling him bc if we’re paying attention to him then we’re not hooking up with each other which is really a much better use of our time.

He also gets off on sending white women & cucks messages about his non-existent BBC. It gives him a sense of superiority (“haha pulled the wool over their eyes”) which he can never feel in his real life since he’s a white incel MAGA loser.
Trump 2024!