White girls for older bbcs ? Oh yea

Their rank is irrelevant, delusional white dude. You’re the one impersonating a highly decorated Black Lt Colonel. You’re the lying sack of sh!t racist white poser attempting to steal valor. No one here believes a word you say.

Your continued nonsense just demonstrates that MAGA incels do not have a shred of decency. Can’t wait to see your November meltdown!

You know what’s really funny? @BayernBBC could be a 5’5” dishonorably discharged former cook now pimp making a living from OnlyFans. He would still be infinitely sexier & funnier than you could ever hope to be, MAGA loser.

❤️ how that fact just eats you alive. 😂🤡🤣🤓😭
Go Trump!
Trump all the way!
I proudly wear MAGA hat
Not bald but handsome asf
I am tired of this. I am leaving this site or perhaps make a new one to avoid you 3
Ciao Belle
Go Trump!
Trump all the way!
I proudly wear MAGA hat
Not bald but handsome asf
I am tired of this. I am leaving this site or perhaps make a new one to avoid you 3
Ciao Belle
Adios, dumbass white poser!

FYI the avatar on your new profile is offensive AF. But now you’ll be advertising that you’re a racist loser so at least that’s a step in the right direction. 👋😘🍑


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Huh? if there is any doubt we can arrange a date and time to do a video chat via zoom. You just need a camera on your phone that works and we can mutually verify that we are both retired from the military by showing the front of our retired ID on that zoom session with the affiliation, pay grade, rank, and agency displayed but we place our thumb over our names.
Bring it on
Love to as long you know how to engage with superior class 5 ex officers
$2750/hr is paid as a private consultant
I m retired
Russia will see Kerch bridge in Davy jones in 1 month
You will see
Go USA! Slava Ukraine!
Bring it on
Love to as long you know how to engage with superior class 5 ex officers
$2750/hr is paid as a private consultant
I m retired
Russia will see Kerch bridge in Davy jones in 1 month
You will see
Go USA! Slava Ukraine!
My guess is you were in a Frigate or a corvette class .. you seem analytical & loves to dive deep pulling public data which proves you are not in inner circle of leaders
I say you were in engine room
We respect your service sailor
No way you are an officer
I think you work in DMV or security attache for some diplomat prick in Slovakia some eastern European mad house

Got 15M and 11 inch bbc! Do you ?
I love bayern pics .. he reminds of Prince
Purple rain boy
He is gone.
Mo is still here but he is thinking ….
Mo is evaluating
Mo is calculating
He knows
Trust me Mo is not in Langley
They don’t hire ilk like him
If they do then Putin & FSB junta will eat them alive
My guess is you were in a Frigate or a corvette class .. you seem analytical & loves to dive deep pulling public data which proves you are not in inner circle of leaders
I say you were in engine room
We respect your service sailor
No way you are an officer
I think you work in DMV or security attache for some diplomat prick in Slovakia some eastern European mad house

Got 15M and 11 inch bbc! Do you ?
Awww…how sad. Just 2 days ago you had 30M and we all believed you. 🤣😂

Such a bummer that you lost $15M in just a few days, Col Unicorn. 😭😭
I love bayern pics .. he reminds of Prince
Purple rain boy
He is gone.
Mo is still here but he is thinking ….
Mo is evaluating
Mo is calculating
He knows
Trust me Mo is not in Langley
They don’t hire ilk like him
If they do then Putin & FSB junta will eat them alive
Sure, creepy white poser. Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Prince was hot AF. That must eat you up too.

We all know you have a love-hate obsession with Black dick. You’re probably jacking off in mom’s basement right now to one of their pics.

Why do you hate Black men so much, creepy white poser? Lemme guess…did a Haitian eat your dog? 😂🤡🤣💩😂
Bring it on
Love to as long you know how to engage with superior class 5 ex officers
$2750/hr is paid as a private consultant
I m retired
Russia will see Kerch bridge in Davy jones in 1 month
You will see
Go USA! Slava Ukraine!
If you have your ID ready can do it now. If you aren't ready we can do it tomorrow evening at 2015 pacific standard time