White and Paled Red Heads. A Breeders Choice?

To clarify, my warning was regarding the mom / ******* talk. That sort of thing is a very slippery slope in threads of this nature. When combined with the breeding topic it typically seems to bring out the troublemakers.

Yes, this is a “breeding” thread. These topics can invoke a bit of emotion for some. As long as it’s discussed within the site rules then so be it. Feel free to post opinions on the subject but please keep it civil!
To clarify, my warning was regarding the mom / ******* talk. That sort of thing is a very slippery slope in threads of this nature. When combined with the breeding topic it typically seems to bring out the troublemakers.

Yes, this is a “breeding” thread. These topics can invoke a bit of emotion for some. As long as it’s discussed within the site rules then so be it. Feel free to post opinions on the subject but please keep it civil!
And I competely agreed with you.
I reported quite a few egregious comments myself. I don't think I said anything out of line. And I cleared it up with 'consenting adults'

This thread DOES exist. *shrugs*
Okay. Let's pump the brakes...

Awful stench? C'MON BRUH... As you're hanging out in the Redhead Breeding Section.
You don't have to remind me what section I am in.

I have a background in biology with an emphasis in zoology, so the verb " breeding " has a very different application to me.
You don't have to remind me what section I am in.

I have a background in biology with an emphasis in zoology, so the verb " breeding " has a very different application to me.
Well....! Biology and zoology. I'm fucking impressed. Since you put it that way, it DOES have the stench of ******* husbandry.
Also, I detect a hint of brown-nosing. :bounce: