White and Paled Red Heads. A Breeders Choice?

Not necessarily true.

For instance, I would draw chimeras. What is the likelihood that some molecular geneticist will create a human-(fill in the *******) hybrid? Is it theoretically possible. Yes. But art doesn't need to be the catalyst for scientific advancement.

Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci sketched the earliest helicopter, but without the engineers to bring it into existence, it would have remained just been a sketch,

If only imagination was needed, then we would've explored outer space thousands of years ago.

The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Celts, to name a few used math to build structures that lined up with the Summer Solstice.

As long as humans looked into the night sky, they've imagined visiting the stars, but it took the hard sciences and geniuses like Werner Von Braun to make it a reality.

Don't get me wrong, I have an affinity for various mediums of art.

You're correct about the right/left brain spheres of influence.

I don't think we need to commit the fallacy of bifurcation. Both art and science are traits that separates humans from the rest of the ******* kingdom.
Not everything ever imagined comes to fruishion. However. Most inventions begin with an idea and that idea often begins with imaging something. A goal or a purpose. Not all ideas become reality just as not all hypothesis become theorys and not all theorys become facts. Much of the human brain still remains a mystery such as how some people are genius and some people are savant. Like DNA and gentetics, It is clear there is much more we have yet to learn
I read somewhere that the redhead allles can be traced by to the Neanderthals.

In China, ancient mummies were discovered with red hair.
I'm not sure what is gross about consenting adults who happen to be family members lol btw, they weren't at the same time (well, the cousins were)
But I'll be the Bad Boy Mike in this case. :devil:
In any event, the sex was extremely hot in my previous encounters.