Which do you prefer, one nighter's or deep friendships?

One guy for us, on and off for 4 years. Did it first time, scary, weird, lots of regrets. About 3 months later, same deal, cpl months after that, exact same feelings, wife had a LOT of guilt. I'd say it took 10 visits over about a year. We cooled off. Covid hits. We call him, turned into 2 or 3 times a week, incredible sexy fun. Now it's 2 - 3 times a month, seems just right. We're all comfy together, know what to expect and look forward to it.
One guy for us, on and off for 4 years. Did it first time, scary, weird, lots of regrets. About 3 months later, same deal, cpl months after that, exact same feelings, wife had a LOT of guilt. I'd say it took 10 visits over about a year. We cooled off. Covid hits. We call him, turned into 2 or 3 times a week, incredible sexy fun. Now it's 2 - 3 times a month, seems just right. We're all comfy together, know what to expect and look forward to it.
i would have loved for my wife to have a once-a-week lover. with an occasional ONS.
I am not as strong as i would like to think I am. So more often than not i catch myself slipping for a guy's attention. I have not yet strayed, but I have come incredibly close too many times. If i ever walk down the path of being a hotwife i am NOT indulging in a long term relationship.
I am not as strong as i would like to think I am. So more often than not i catch myself slipping for a guy's attention. I have not yet strayed, but I have come incredibly close too many times. If i ever walk down the path of being a hotwife i am NOT indulging in a long term relationship.
I enjoy a one night bliss. But I have a guy I see regularly and that’s more fun. We know each others bodies and the sex is even better. I never let feelings get in my way. That would ruin the fun of being a hot wife. I love my hubby and no one will ever replace him. This is great sex and fun.
I enjoy a one night bliss. But I have a guy I see regularly and that’s more fun. We know each others bodies and the sex is even better. I never let feelings get in my way. That would ruin the fun of being a hot wife. I love my hubby and no one will ever replace him. This is great sex and fun.
You are stronger than me. You keep your head on your shoulders while i try to rationalize that a BJ is not cheating, while being unable to look my hubby in the eye for weeks.
You are stronger than me. You keep your head on your shoulders while i try to rationalize that a BJ is not cheating, while being unable to look my hubby in the eye for weeks.
You have to look at it different. It’s sex only to me is why. Not that simple for everyone.
I am not as strong as i would like to think I am. So more often than not i catch myself slipping for a guy's attention. I have not yet strayed, but I have come incredibly close too many times. If i ever walk down the path of being a hotwife i am NOT indulging in a long term relationship.
But you can’t lie to yourself you crave it!
I wish I could enjoy one night stands. It would make life easy. No entanglement, just raw sex . Unfortunately I am not wired that way. I need to know and enjoy what is between a man’s ears. His mind is as important as his physical form. His warmth becomes mine.
Does that mean you are leaning toward monogamy? Or do you wish for a polyamorous setting? Thank you.
It means neither. I’m not in a position to offer much more than sex, ( I’m the full time caregiver for unwell parents ) , leaving me little time for much else. Hopefully one day, I’ll be able to offer more.
If it's true what you say, you offere a lot already! Hopefully you find the time to give care to yourself as well. It's important.