What is this website??

Found this website on my husbands laptop so wanted to investigate. He must of forgotten to clear his search history because it was all deleted besides the past 24 hours. A lot of porn with women who seemed to be similar to my features. This site seems a bit extreme just wondering if anyone can assist me in what the fuck is going on. Is this what he’s into sexually? Had to pay 12 fucking dollars just to write something. Im a blogger so I know how the threads works etc…
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Found this website on my husbands laptop so wanted to investigate. He must of forgotten to clear his search history because it was all deleted besides the past 24 hours. A lot of porn with women who seemed to be similar to my features. This site seems a bit extreme just wondering if anyone can assist me in what the fuck is going on. Is this what he’s into sexually? Had to pay 12 fucking dollars just to write something. Im a blogger so I know how the threads works etc…
This forum site is for anyone who's into the dominant & submissive lifestyles involving black men & couples & women who are attracted to them & want to hook up with people with similar interests. When it comes to your situation, I'm not an expert when it comes to marriages & will just speak my own opinion but I'm wondering if you have talked to your hubby in person about what you've found and what he's into. Other than that, I hope your weekend will get better.
This forum site is for anyone who's into the dominant & submissive lifestyles involving black men & couples & women who are attracted to them & want to hook up with people with similar interests. When it comes to your situation, I'm not an expert when it comes to marriages & will just speak my own opinion but I'm wondering if you have talked to your hubby in person about what you've found and what he's into. Other than that, I hope your weekend will get better.
Thank you finally someone who isn’t crazy. I will be asking him about it tonight. I got the whole idea of the site I think. But just a shocker. Thank you though