Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Peace in the Middle East , wake up educate yourself. In my lifetime peace in the middle east has been claimed by more than one administration of both party's. Their has never been one that lasted for any substantial period of time. It in my opinion it will never happen, why would it the parties involved are getting too much out of keeping it going. Millions of dollars and aid pumped into both sides buy supporters. Giving up that makes the choice to stop the gravy train a no brainier. Israel our side of choice has broken or violated treaties we negotiated regularly. The people of Israel have protested their own governments violation of treaties.

I agree I don't care what country ….what army...or whom ever is NOT going to solve a religious war......been going on for centuries
I agree with you on one thing, as long as there are Muslims in the Middle East, there will never be lasting peace. They can't even get along with themselves, let alone Jews and infidels. However, even a temporary peace is better than nothing. So it's best to give credit where credit is earned, even if it isn't permanent.

well....now the question is....who earned...…...certainly not trump.....that's like saying P.utin brought peace to Crimea....like I said earlier….trump has created a war on americans….with the aid of a small group of retards...….he unleashed this virus and who know what the death count will end up...I heard 300,000 by December...he can really be proud of that...….and the unest we have in America and he has not been able...nor even tried to handle any sign of peace here.....kind of hard to give a guy a peace prize when his own country is not at peace....I already posted several articles about trump being nominated...anyone can be nominated you just send in a letter...…..but trumps actual award or anything else is NOT taken seriously....to the world he is a fucking joke!
Islamophobic speech. There are Chechens here and I can not stand the idea of mixing believers with terrorists.
There was absolutely no Islamophobic speech in my statement. I was stating a fact that the Sunni Muslims and the Shia Muslims have been fighting with each other for a thousand years in the Middle East. And it's a fact that Muslims don't like Jews. And in the Qur'an, any non-believer is considered an infidel.
I'm sorry if you don't like facts, but those are all facts. That has nothing to do with opinion.
There was absolutely no Islamophobic speech in my statement. I was stating a fact that the Sunni Muslims and the Shia Muslims have been fighting with each other for a thousand years in the Middle East. And it's a fact that Muslims don't like Jews. And in the Qur'an, any non-believer is considered an infidel.
I'm sorry if you don't like facts, but those are all facts. That has nothing to do with opinion.

Yeah not like Christians.

Except for this

Or this

Or this

Or this

Or this

I agree with you on one thing, as long as there are Muslims in the Middle East, there will never be lasting peace. They can't even get along with themselves, let alone Jews and infidels. However, even a temporary peace is better than nothing. So it's best to give credit where credit is earned, even if it isn't permanent.
It is not the fact of being Muslim, it is the fact of mixing religion with politics or rather of using religion for political ends. Being part of a religious community does not mean behaving like a loathsome person with others, only assholes or ignorants act like that.
You really should read up on the history of the Middle East @submission52 , and how the European partitioning and colonization after the break-up of the Ottoman Empire really screwed up the politics there.

Other examples of Europeans drawing arbitrary lines to make new nations regardless of the existing ethnic groups and history include most of Central Africa, and India / Pakistan. It never turns out all that well.
It is not the fact of being Muslim, it is the fact of mixing religion with politics or rather of using religion for political ends. Being part of a religious community does not mean behaving like a loathsome person with others, only assholes or ignorants act like that.
I don't know what your point is with regard to mine. I'm saying Muslims have been fighting with Muslims for a millennium. There isn't likely going to be peace in the Middle East as long as Muslims are there fighting with each other, and as long as Israel exists as a state there. I didn't say all Muslims are assholes or ignorant people. But the tenets of their religion call for the conversion or elimination of all non-Muslims. That's just the way it is.
So for Trump to be able to garner peace with a Muslim nation and Israel, albeit temporary, it is an accomplishment to behold.
In this case, religion is only a tool of a mechanism, of imperialism. Islam is not responsible because it is transposable to all theological and ideological beliefs.
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I didn't even talk about Russia. I was referring to the Middle East and the two peace agreements recently made.

It won't take long before its all about how Russia is saving the ME and how the US is the demon.. Thats how they roll. Mark my words
There was absolutely no Islamophobic speech in my statement. I was stating a fact that the Sunni Muslims and the Shia Muslims have been fighting with each other for a thousand years in the Middle East. And it's a fact that Muslims don't like Jews. And in the Qur'an, any non-believer is considered an infidel.
I'm sorry if you don't like facts, but those are all facts. That has nothing to do with opinion.

She is meerly repeating what the IRA has been pushing for months now. When you corrolate her remarks against the IRA's posts and actions they bare a remarkable similarity. You won't get a straight answer to anything as her anti Western rethoric is very clear.
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Hackers from Russia, China, Iran Are Attacking U.S. Election, Microsoft Warns

“Foreign activity groups have stepped up their efforts targeting the 2020 election as had been anticipated,” the company said

Peter Wade

Hackers from Russia, China, Iran Are Attacking US Election, Microsoft Warns

A view of the Microsoft Store in New York City on August 20, 2020.

Hackers from three countries — Russia, China, and Iran — are attempting to infiltrate campaign staffers, think tanks and consultants in order to influence the U.S. presidential election, according to Microsoft.

The software company shared a blog post saying that Microsoft detected cyberattacks “targeting people and organizations involved in the upcoming presidential election.” Those attacks came from three separate groups operating from three countries, wrote Tom Burt, corporate vice president of customer security and trust.

Contradicting an assessment by the director of national intelligence that claimed China preferred a Biden victory, Microsoft said that China’s Zirconium hacking group has launched “thousands of attacks” mostly targeting Biden campaign staff and “prominent leaders in the international affairs community.” The company said it had only detected one Zirconium target who was formerly affiliated with President Trump’s administration.

Another organization, Strontium, out of Russia has also attacked the election, targeting “200 organizations including political campaigns, advocacy groups, parties and political consultants.” Strontium is related to Russia’s G.R.U. military intelligence agency, which carried out the cyberattacks that leaked emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta in 2016. Strontium was also named in the Mueller report as being responsible for the 2016 cyberattacks.

In just two weeks between August 18th and September 3rd, Microsoft said that Strontium targeted 6,912 accounts belonging to 28 organizations by trying to harvest login credentials, although none of the accounts was compromised. Strontium has changed its approach since 2016, using “brute-*******/password-spray tooling” which lets them “execute large-scale credential harvesting operations in a more anonymized manner.”

Additionally, Iran’s Phosphorus hacking group, which usually focuses on the Middle East region, has attacked the personal accounts of Trump campaign staff and administration officials.

Microsoft says that most of these attacks were “detected and stopped” by their software security, and they have not found evidence of successful attacks. Biden’s campaign said in a statement that they are “aware of reports from Microsoft that a foreign actor has made unsuccessful attempts to access the noncampaign email accounts of individuals affiliated with the campaign.” And, they said, the campaign has been preparing for this type of activity to ramp up as the election nears.

Christopher Krebs, who leads the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement saying that Microsoft’s conclusions are “consistent with earlier statements by the Intelligence Community on a range of malicious cyber activities targeting the 2020 campaign.” He added, “It is important to highlight that none [of the targets] are involved in maintaining or operating voting infrastructure and there was no identified impact on election systems.”

This discovery comes two weeks after Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe announced that intelligence agencies would cease delivering in-person briefings to Congress on election interference and just one day after a government whistleblower accused White House and Homeland Security officials of downplaying intelligence assessments about Russian election interference because it “made the president look bad.” Instead, the whistleblower said, government analysts were told to focus on threats coming from China and Iran.

Be alert Americans. It's only going to happen more in the run up to Nov.
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