Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Who said 'The US will fall without a shot being fired'
Oct 23, 2008 · This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War. "America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within."

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | Time
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia People walk past a mural on a restaurant wall depicting U.S. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin greeting...

Nancy Pelosi: Trump's Slow Response To Coronavirus ...
11 days ago · Public health experts have said the administration’s delayed testing efforts likely fueled the spread of the virus across the country. Several governors have called on Trump for weeks to invoke the Defense Production Act, a federal law enacted in 1950 in response to the Korean War, to ramp up the production of much-needed medical supplies such as masks and ventilators.

Trump Has Sabotaged America's Response to the Coronavirus ...
Jan 31, 2020 · Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response As it improvises its way through a public health crisis, the United States has never been …
Mmmmm would this qualify as censorship....refusing to let people in the know...inform the public....

Pence bars coronavirus task ******* members from appearing ...
Vice President Pence's office has barred members of the coronavirus task ******* from appearing on CNN for the past week, according to a report from the outlet. The contention appears to stem from …

Petty Pence Blocks CNN From Interviewing Task ******* ...
4 hours ago · Go figure, Mike Pence is doing Trump's petty little man work for him. CNN is banned from hosting medical professionals on the Coronavirus Task *******. CNN.com reports: Pence's office has declined to make the nation's top health care officials available to CNN for the last seven days.
Trump approval dips as Americans question his handling of coronavirus crisis

President Donald Trump's job approval has taken a negative turn as a growing number of Americans harbor doubts about his handling of the
coronavirus crisis.

After seeing a late-March spike as the pandemic ravaged the U.S., his approval ratings have fallen back to the mid-40-percent range, where they were before the death toll and jobless claims exploded. The figure dovetails surveys showing the president narrowly trailing former Vice President Joe Biden, who this week became the apparent Democratic nominee to face him in November.

The latest numbers suggest the surge in job approval that presidents tend to enjoy during a crisis was modest and short-lived for Trump. New polls this week by Quinnipiac, Reuters and CNN all find disapproval of Trump's handling of the coronavirus rising to a majority of Americans.

Trump's messaging strategy has been to portray himself as a wartime president leading the country to victory.

The president has led televised briefings on the pandemic almost every day, flanked by medical specialists and top officials at the White House podium. But he has tended to veer off-topic into a rally-like atmosphere with a mixture of self-congratulation, derisive nicknames to mock political rivals, blaming his predecessor for recent failures in COVID-19 testing, picking fights with reporters, and issuing a stream of dubious or false assertions.

Democrats have run TV ads pummeling Trump for ignoring the early warnings and downplaying the outbreak until mid-March after he initially compared it to the flu and assured the country it would "disappear." Biden has faulted his rival's handling of the pandemic, saying Wednesday: "The coronavirus is not Donald Trump's fault, but the slow and chaotic response to it is."

A Monmouth poll out Thursday said Trump's favorable rating had dipped by four points to 42 percent since March. His unfavorable rating was 50 percent, with 43 percent of those surveyed registering a "very unfavorable" view of the president.

Biden's rating was 41 percent favorable to 42 percent unfavorable, with 17 percent registering no opinion.

Trump trails Biden 44 percent to 48 percent in a trial heat, a margin statistically unchanged from last month's Monmouth poll. Other surveys have shown Trump trailing his Democratic rival by wider margins.

But with the election still seven months away in a deeply divided country that sent Trump to the White House even as he lost the popular vote in 2016, the outcome is far from certain.

"The static nature of these results suggests the president's response to the pandemic is certainly not helping his reelection prospects," said Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.
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Don the Killer Con........always the scammer.....more of his trump university thinking and scamming

Trump family loses bid to move marketing scam lawsuit to arbitration

NEW YORK — A federal judge in Manhattan rejected an effort by U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children to send a lawsuit accusing them of exploiting their family name to promote a marketing scam into arbitration.\

In a Wednesday night decision concerning the American Communications Network, U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield accused the Trumps of acting unfairly by seeking arbitration after first obtaining "the benefits of litigating in federal court," including the dismissal of a racketeering claim.

"This conduct is both substantively prejudicial towards Plaintiffs and seeks to use the [Federal Arbitration Act] as a vehicle to manipulate the rules of procedure to Defendants' benefit and Plaintiffs' harm," Schofield wrote.

Defendants included Trump's adult children, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka, and an affiliate of the Trump Organization.

"The court erred, and while we are disappointed, we will take an immediate appeal," Joanna Hendon, a lawyer for the Trumps, said in an email.

In the October 2018 complaint, the Trumps were accused of misleading victims into becoming salespeople for ACN, a multi-level marketing company that charged $499 for a chance to sell videophones and other goods.

According to the plaintiffs, the Trump family conned them into thinking Donald Trump, who had yet to become president, believed their investments would pay off.

They said the real goal was for the Trumps to enrich themselves, including through the receipt of millions of dollars in secret payments from 2005 to 2015.

The Trumps have called the lawsuit politically motivated
, and said Donald's Trump's endorsement of ACN was merely his opinion.

In rejecting arbitration, Schofield noted the plaintiffs' claim that they had no reason to believe their agreements to arbitrate with ACN also covered the Trumps.

Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, said in an email she looked forward to pursuing the proposed class action on behalf of her clients and "thousands of others like them who were defrauded by the Trumps."

Last July, Schofield said the plaintiffs could pursue state law claims of fraud, false advertising and unfair competition against the Trumps, despite dismissing the racketeering claim.

The case is Doe et al v Trump Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 18-09936.

It's kind of hard to build up a stockpile of test kits for something that didn't exist in this country until maybe January. China tried to hide the problem and wouldn't cooperate, which slowed the process down even further. I agree that more testing would help, but this is going to take time.
It's kind of hard to build up a stockpile of test kits for something that didn't exist in this country until maybe January. China tried to hide the problem and wouldn't cooperate, which slowed the process down even further. I agree that more testing would help, but this is going to take time.

even without china cooperating our intelligence told him...several times....he was warned in 2018 when he guted CDC.....in Feb when the virus was here he lied to the American people and sent bunches of stuff to china....which 2 weeks later we needed for our own health care people
well lets see I am projection...…..and you are strictly involved in protection...…..of a killer
Well President Trump is not a killer, that is a retarded thing to continue to say, you keep saying, facts, facts, facts..... Russia, Russia, Russia.... Racist, Racist, Racist..... Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment..... now it is, Killer, Killer, Killer.....just like a dumb parrot Caw, Caw, Caw . And you can say that Donald John Trump isn't your President..... If you are a citizen of the United States of America Trump is your President like it or not, that is a fact.
Next it will be "Why didn't Trump push the use of HCS sooner ??!!!"
Since he owns a stake in the company that produces the *******, an unproven ******* for the masses, I will not. He's doing enough promotion of it. A room full of scientist pushing for caution, and tRump is pushing for what's best for him. That's leadership!
Well President Trump is not a killer, that is a retarded thing to continue to say, you keep saying, facts, facts, facts..... Russia, Russia, Russia.... Racist, Racist, Racist..... Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment..... now it is, Killer, Killer, Killer.....just like a dumb parrot Caw, Caw, Caw . And you can say that Donald John Trump isn't your President..... If you are a citizen of the United States of America Trump is your President like it or not, that is a fact.

you mean killer trump...….the racist Russian plant......that should have been impeached....never my president

I spent a lot of time in the military fighting against people like trump....and for the right to to use my freedoms to speak...…..you choose to be a sheep that follows a false god....and willingly support the corruption and perversions and all of the rest this man has pulled....with your support
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How Government Red Tape Stymied Testing and Made the ...
Mar 11, 2020 · FDA and CDC bureaucrats stopped private and academic diagnostic tests from being deployed.

The government stopped Seattle doctors from getting ahead ...
Mar 14, 2020 · In Seattle, the hardest-hit city in the United States so far, doctors suspected that the virus was more widespread than previously thought as early as late January, but they say state and federal government officials prevented them from testing samples for coronavirus.

The Dangerous Delays in U.S. Coronavirus Testing Haven’t ...
The Dangerous Delays in U.S. Coronavirus Testing Haven’t Stopped Without adequate testing, people with coronavirus symptoms are left to agonize over the right course of action on their own ...
Since he owns a stake in the company that produces the *******, an unproven ******* for the masses, I will not. He's doing enough promotion of it. A room full of scientist pushing for caution, and tRump is pushing for what's best for him. That's leadership!

Utter BS.
1- What company produces it and show what stake Trump has in it.
2- It's not a ******* for the masses, only those with sever illness need take it
3- How on earth would Trump have any clue this ******* would work? Think about it.
If you watch any news other than Communist News Network you would realize that the Russia thing was debunked years ago. Two year investigation and they came up with nothing except fraud in the DOJ. So, then they tried impeachment. We sucked it up when Obama was our president even though we didn't agree with some of his policies.
Used to be in a crisis we pulled together - I guess their hate for our President is too strong and they are just the world’s biggest sore LOSERS!!!!!!!
Used to be, a president would rally the country together. The early days of this he was slamming the Governor of Washington personally. Talking about how some of the governors were not very nice to HIM! This guy is so focused on self, he choose to LIE to us about the pandemic severity. He LIES in every single press conference, that he has every single day. For instance, Today he lied about the United States testing capability. Doing his usual we're the best in the world bullshit. Yet, some lesser countries are testing at higher rates, and have flattened that curve a bit and lifted social distancing restraints.
He lies. He sows divisions. People cannot trust him at his word. It's hard to rally around someone like that.
You people are RIDICULOUS !!!!!!

You’re the SAME people calling him xenophobic for closing down travel from China!!!!!!

It’s hard to even comprehend your hypocrisy : |
1. He is xenophobic/racist/nationalistic clown
2. Closing down China is only thing he did in the 8 weeks he knew about this being a pandemic level virus. And he even fucked that up.
He never really closed down China. He made an announcement. In reality, 40,000 people came back here. ZERO were being tested in airports after getting off the plane.
See? He fucks up everything he touches and then lies to you, and says the corrupt media is out to get him. You take that ******* sandwich and eat it up like it's pappardelle and braised boar (my favorite).
O and by the way IT is China’s FAULT !!!!
Yep. No argument from me.

It doesn't stem from eating or fucking bats. It's from their completely unregulated farming and food system. Overcrowded farms with pigs and chickens eat food from each others *******, sometimes there are bat/rat/you name it ******* in that *******, and they slaughter, and send off for human consumption. So something as common as chicken, can contain all kinds of viruses and bacteria not meant for the human body.

We've had three of the last five pandemics come from Asia. Each time, they lied about the severity, and number of infected until they could not deny. Same thing this time. I guarantee that tens of thousands more are dead that the Chinese government spoke of.

If the news looks bad for China, and the Chinese appear to be sharing information, then know they are lying and whatever it is, is much much worse.
Unless he continues to step on his own dick. Problem with tRump is, he can't let anything be. instead of letting the experts and professionals come out and answer questions, he must be there because the visual of looking like he's leading. But, every time he steps to the mic, he loses potential support. He does not come across as knowledgable and in charge. Fighting with reporters over accountability questions? That's some petty *******, that he's not above. Touting his approval numbers or words of praise toward himself, while the world is watching for information on a pandemic that will ******* more Americans than he won the election by, is surreal.
A normal President would be soaring high in approval ratings. He is so bad, he makes the dull Coumo look like a leader. Lock him in his fucking office. If you want a chance.
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