Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Christ! I just want to know about addressing the pandemic. I have four children, 2 very young adults, 2 old teens, and not sure if they earned the right to my money yet, anyway, my ex wife is savvy and vicious, good luck getting past her. As far as the ******* go, outside of basic support, nobody should get free money before 35, unless it's a signing bonus.
It was a joke lighten up
So, wait and see if it crosses stateline? I grew up 10 minutes from the Indiana border. Lake county is full Chicagoans and Chicago commuters. How is not shutting down the state OK? Especially when your state borders one of the worst outbreaks? A lot of your economy is tied directly to Chicago.

Oh it already has crossed. If you look throughout the maps history, you can clearly see the number increase along the main ******* route between Chicago and Detroit.

We should have done 1 of 2 things. Either 1. Send out the NG to ensure everyone had supplies for a 2 week period. Then shut down the entire country for 2 weeks - no one leaves home. Or, 2. started testing and quarantining those infected as South Korea did. Those are pretty much your only options, or it will get like it has. Notice the entire globe has done stay at home orders and the entire globe has had just about the same outcome.

Further more, a lot of people seem to think the lock downs are supposed to get rid of COVID19. That's not what the stay at home orders were meant to do. They are simply a means to control the influx of the hospitals, that's it.
still finger pointing avoiding his inability to do the job!

Trump threatens World Health Organization funding
The president also blasted the U.N. agency’s early recommendations for countering the coronavirus.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to slash federal funding for the World Health Organization, accusing the United Nations specialized agency of being “very China centric” and criticizing its early guidance aimed at countering the international spread of the coronavirus.

“The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on,” he added. “Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?”

Throughout the administration’s response to the pandemic, the president has repeatedly promoted his decision in late January to close the border to foreign nationals who had recently been in China while instituting a mandatory two-week quarantine for U.S. citizens returning from the country’s Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak.

Those directives contradicted a series of WHO recommendations cautioning that “travel bans to affected areas or denial of entry to passengers coming from affected areas are usually not effective in preventing the importation” of coronavirus cases, but may instead “have a significant economic and social impact.”

In general, evidence shows that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies is ineffective in most situations and may divert resources from other interventions,” the WHO reported, adding that such measures could “interrupt needed aid and technical support” and “disrupt businesses.”

The WHO did acknowledge, however, that travel restrictions “may have a public health rationale at the beginning of the containment phase of an outbreak, as they may allow affected countries to implement sustained response measures, and non-affected countries to gain time to initiate and implement effective preparedness measures.”

But the restrictions “need to be short in duration, proportionate to the public health risks, and be reconsidered regularly as the situation evolves,” the WHO advised.

The president’s initial order and the administration’s subsequent actions, of course, did not heed any of those conditions.

Trump’s travel ban was announced after the disease had already begun rampaging across China, not in the opening stage of the outbreak, and it did not accompany broader federal efforts to prepare the U.S. for the coming pandemic.

The ban, which has now extended beyond two months, also was not “short in duration” and included exemptions that reportedly allowed nearly 40,000 people to enter the U.S. on direct flights from China

Public health experts have also noted that the enforcement of travel bans requires considerable governmental resources that could be allocated toward more effective methods of fighting the spread of infection, including the mounting of a comprehensive testing operation.

The inability to screen Americans for the coronavirus on a larger scale as it began proliferating within the U.S. has been perhaps the most criticized aspect of the administration’s early response, in addition to Trump’s attempts to downplay the nature of the disease’s threat.

Although WHO was instrumental in bolstering testing operations in dozens of countries at the outset of the global public health crisis, U.S. officials chose not to use the agency’s kits and struggled to develop their own tests.

Trump’s suggestion to reduce WHO’s funding comes after he already proposed in the White House’s budget request for fiscal year 2021 cutting in half the amount Congress allocated the agency in 2020 — from roughly $122 million to less than $58 million.
still finger pointing avoiding his inability to do the job!

Trump threatens World Health Organization funding
The president also blasted the U.N. agency’s early recommendations for countering the coronavirus.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to slash federal funding for the World Health Organization, accusing the United Nations specialized agency of being “very China centric” and criticizing its early guidance aimed at countering the international spread of the coronavirus.

“The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on,” he added. “Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?”

Throughout the administration’s response to the pandemic, the president has repeatedly promoted his decision in late January to close the border to foreign nationals who had recently been in China while instituting a mandatory two-week quarantine for U.S. citizens returning from the country’s Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak.

Those directives contradicted a series of WHO recommendations cautioning that “travel bans to affected areas or denial of entry to passengers coming from affected areas are usually not effective in preventing the importation” of coronavirus cases, but may instead “have a significant economic and social impact.”

In general, evidence shows that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies is ineffective in most situations and may divert resources from other interventions,” the WHO reported, adding that such measures could “interrupt needed aid and technical support” and “disrupt businesses.”

The WHO did acknowledge, however, that travel restrictions “may have a public health rationale at the beginning of the containment phase of an outbreak, as they may allow affected countries to implement sustained response measures, and non-affected countries to gain time to initiate and implement effective preparedness measures.”

But the restrictions “need to be short in duration, proportionate to the public health risks, and be reconsidered regularly as the situation evolves,” the WHO advised.

The president’s initial order and the administration’s subsequent actions, of course, did not heed any of those conditions.

Trump’s travel ban was announced after the disease had already begun rampaging across China, not in the opening stage of the outbreak, and it did not accompany broader federal efforts to prepare the U.S. for the coming pandemic.

The ban, which has now extended beyond two months, also was not “short in duration” and included exemptions that reportedly allowed nearly 40,000 people to enter the U.S. on direct flights from China

Public health experts have also noted that the enforcement of travel bans requires considerable governmental resources that could be allocated toward more effective methods of fighting the spread of infection, including the mounting of a comprehensive testing operation.

The inability to screen Americans for the coronavirus on a larger scale as it began proliferating within the U.S. has been perhaps the most criticized aspect of the administration’s early response, in addition to Trump’s attempts to downplay the nature of the disease’s threat.

Although WHO was instrumental in bolstering testing operations in dozens of countries at the outset of the global public health crisis, U.S. officials chose not to use the agency’s kits and struggled to develop their own tests.

Trump’s suggestion to reduce WHO’s funding comes after he already proposed in the White House’s budget request for fiscal year 2021 cutting in half the amount Congress allocated the agency in 2020 — from roughly $122 million to less than $58 million.

Let China pay make their ownership official
Your "probable predictions" are always Doom and Gloom. Tell me why that is.
Well, if you'll go back to the first parts of the Politics Politics Politics thread when Obama was President, you can see the reverse of it all ... go see what YOU and H-H and several other Rightards had to say about Obama back then. They're still THERE for YOU to read.
And let me bet my testicles that if and when a Democrat gets elected President and Democrats have a trifecta in Washington, you'll do the EXACT same thing again as you did to Obama.
I use to say there was no politician I hated more than Cheney; that was UNTIL the ORANGE Man became alt-president.
Does THAT answer your question of Doom & Gloom?
Intelligence reports warned about a pandemic in January

US intelligence officials reportedly warned President Donald Trump and Congress about the threats posed by the novel coronavirus beginning in early January — weeks before the White House and lawmakers began implementing stringent public health measures and as the president minimized the threat posed by the virus in his tweets and public statements.

Intelligence reports warned about a pandemic in January. Trump reportedly ignored them.

As Trump reportedly received intelligence reports about the seriousness of the coronavirus threat, he continued to downplay its severity in public.

US intelligence officials reportedly warned President Donald Trump and Congress about the threats posed by the novel coronavirus beginning in early January — weeks before the White House and lawmakers began implementing stringent public health measures and as the president minimized the threat posed by the virus in his tweets and public statements.

The fact those warnings were largely disregarded — something first reported by the Washington Post’s Shane Harris, Greg Miller, Josh Dawsey, and Ellen Nakashima — suggests Trump administration officials failed to take action that could have prepared the health care system to handle an influx of patients, helped Americans avoid mass social distancing, and saved lives.

Top health officials first learned of the virus’s spread in China on January 3, US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Friday. Throughout January and February, intelligence officials’ warnings became more and more urgent, according to the Post — and by early February, much of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA’s intelligence reports were dedicated to warnings about Covid-19.

All the while, Trump downplayed the virus publicly, telling the public the coronavirus “is very well under control in our country,” and suggesting warm weather would neutralize the threat the virus poses.

Privately, Trump reportedly rebutted health and intelligence officials’ attempts to get him to take action to prepare communities in the US while rebuking officials who were delivering sober risk assessments.

For instance, in late February, when Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said, “It’s not a question of if [community spread] will happen, but when this will happen, and how many people in this country will have severe illnesses,” Trump reportedly responded by calling Azar to complain “that Messonnier was scaring the stock markets, according to two senior administration officials,” the Post reports.

In a statement, the administration rebutted the Post’s reporting, calling it part of a attempt by the media and Democrats “to rewrite history” and claiming “President Trump has taken historic, aggressive measures to protect the health, wealth and safety of the American people.”

The administration did begin taking some limited action about a month after Azar says the administration first began receiving warnings, blocking non-citizens who had been to China in the last two weeks from entering the country on February 3 — a move public experts have argued at best bought the US time to ramp up its testing capabilities, which it did not use, and at worst had no beneficial effects at all.

Trump finally assembled a task ******* to address the virus, putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the effort on February 26, and declared a national emergency on March 13. And, just this week — nearly three months after first receiving warnings from his intelligence officials — the president’s public tone about the crisis shifted: “I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” he said Tuesday as he admitted, “[the virus is] not under control for any place in the world.”

Ignoring intelligence reports contributed to the country being underprepared for widespread testing

Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the severity of the virus early on had real effects on how the virus spread throughout the US and how most Americans are experiencing the pandemic.

As the president and top White House officials dismissed the potential severity of the virus’s spread in the US, they failed to mobilize the national health system to prepare for widespread testing. Now, the country is struggling to scale up testing and lags far behind other countries — even those like South Korea, whose first cases were discovered around the same time as the United States’. As Vox’s German Lopez reported:

First, the Trump administration refused to use the tests deployed by other countries and offered by the World Health Organization, seemingly out of concern that those tests weren’t accurate enough. Secondly, the homemade test the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention went with had technical problems, leading to further delays in getting widespread testing off the ground. Finally, a series of political, technical, and bureaucratic issues in recent weeks have further stalled testing, even as the Trump administration has promised “millions” of tests.

All the while, most Americans continued about their daily lives, placing themselves at risk of infection. And the president’s laissez-faire attitude has had lasting effects even as he has shifted his tone: as recently as this week, after the White House asked all Americans to practice strict social distancing for 15 days, spring breakers took to Florida beaches to party despite warnings.

The lack of testing availability not only means people across the country beginning to show symptoms are clamoring for limited testing to get lifesaving treatment, but also that failures in providing testing has meant the US must rely more heavily on social distancing than it might have otherwise, Yale University epidemiologist Nathan Grubaugh told Lopez.

“Without surveillance, we don’t even know where to look [for concentrations of infection],” Grubaugh said. “We don’t even know where to employ self-isolation or social distancing. So now we’re stuck in this situation where it’s pretty much everywhere, and so we have to apply these methods across the board.”

Experts warn that distancing measures will likely be necessary for months, even as the country ramps up to more aggressive testing. And the need to rely on social distancing to reduce risk of infection has already caused stocks to plummet and started to have a massive effect on the US economy as the service, hospitality and, in many cases, manufacturing industries have ground to a halt. That’s left hundreds of thousands of workers without a paycheck and little safety net. Trump is finally taking the virus more seriously, but it’s still unclear how widespread the effects of delays in action will be.

Well, if you'll go back to the first parts of the Politics Politics Politics thread when Obama was President, you can see the reverse of it all ... go see what YOU and H-H and several other Rightards had to say about Obama back then. They're still THERE for YOU to read.
And let me bet my testicles that if and when a Democrat gets elected President and Democrats have a trifecta in Washington, you'll do the EXACT same thing again as you did to Obama.
I use to say there was no politician I hated more than Cheney; that was UNTIL the ORANGE Man became alt-president.
Does THAT answer your question of Doom & Gloom?

You got another term to go
You got another term to go
Maybe, and maybe NOT. I'm willing to go another 4 years and even "turn it up a notch" if he does. The real question is, are you willing to set through 4 years if he ISN"T?

Here's what I know ... if a Democrat is elected President:
• The media won't keep score of the number of LIES he tells daily​
• He and/or his cabinet members won't be hauled into Impeachment hearings or be going to prisons​
• He won't walk all over the Constitution and declare himself "above the laws of the country"​
• He won't go before the media to daily bash & belittle the Republican party as Trump does Democrats NOW even when its about the VIRUS.​
• He won't be laughed at and/or piss off our closest allies​
• He won't implement "presidential" orders that benefit HIMSELF​
• He won't have an issue at providing 5-10 years of his income tax records​
• He won't ask a doctor to provide him a letter of "good health" which was dictated to the doctor "to sign".
• He won't interfere and obstruct court proceedings or instruct members of his cabinet to ignore subpoenas​
• He won't privately collude with our adversary countries AND share highly classified information with them​
• He won't curse and swear in front of the American people OR restrict reporters from his meeting​
• He won't belittle women or minorities and THEN deny them​
• He'll abide by the emolument clause and work FOR the majority of the citizens of the United States​
Should I continue?​
If Trump is re-elected President, here's what we can expect from him:​
• And EMBOLDENED continuation of the very same things he's done for the past 3 years. Read ALL the list above!​
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Didn't replenish stock neither did trump

ignorance is no excuse when the facts have been posted here and you choose to ignore them

America Has PPE Shortage Because Trump Sent Ours to China

Trump sent the medical supplies to China on February 7th. Yet knowing all of this, Trump waited until March 13th to declare a national emergency. And after pleading from dozens of government officials and politicians, Trump invoked the Defense Production Act on March 27th, ordering GM to produce ventilators.
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