Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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View attachment 3270973
This is really what its ALL ABOUT for Republicans ... keeping that stock market UP; about the only thing they can say they accomplished in Trump's first term even though they really had NOTHING to do with it. At least the ORANGE President thinks so, and that's what matters to the drones. If Trump bragged about making the sun come UP, his drones would praise him for it. View attachment 3270974

So what are you saying Mac? you DON'T want the market to recover? Do you WANT us to stay in a depression?
So what are you saying Mac? you DON'T want the market to recover? Do you WANT us to stay in a depression?
Is that what you want to THINK I'm saying? What's the stock market being UP going to do for the pandemic that Trump is YET to take seriously? What's the stock market being UP going to do for all the millions of unemployed? How's the stock market going to benefit the COUNTRY, not just those capable of "investing"?
You really wish you could find a liberal to point that finger at, don't you ... call him the big, bad villain of the country? Nope, not me, as I have investments as well. I'm just saying Republicans have their priorities wrong .... its "the NEEDS of the MANY, not the FEW". Of course your "trickle down" intelligence will argue with that to your last, dying breath.
View attachment 3270973
This is really what its ALL ABOUT for Republicans ... keeping that stock market UP; about the only thing they can say they accomplished in Trump's first term even though they really had NOTHING to do with it. At least the ORANGE President thinks so, and that's what matters to the drones. If Trump bragged about making the sun come UP, his drones would praise him for it. View attachment 3270974
We have to overcome. And we will
Actually there is only 8 and 3 out of those have partial lock downs.

Secondly, those 8 states have the LOWEST number of cases and deaths so using your logic, Republican run states are doing better than Democratic run states. COVID-19 was here long before November. It was already an epidemic. My state is now asking anyone who was sick (cold or flu) as far as 6 months ago to contact their doctor to be tested for anti-bodies. There is only one reason a person would have antibodies from that far back.
So, wait and see if it crosses stateline? I grew up 10 minutes from the Indiana border. Lake county is full Chicagoans and Chicago commuters. How is not shutting down the state OK? Especially when your state borders one of the worst outbreaks? A lot of your economy is tied directly to Chicago.
he inherited it the first time...….if he does it this time he will get credit...
Somebody explain without the asshole factor that we all can bring, how this became a Democrat vs Republican thing? Why were Republican states slow to shelter in, especially when states like Florida and Georgia enjoy extremely high tourism and Florida has the highest number of duel citizens, mostly from the northeast.
Somebody explain without the asshole factor that we all can bring, how this became a Democrat vs Republican thing? Why were Republican states slow to shelter in, especially when states like Florida and Georgia enjoy extremely high tourism and Florida has the highest number of duel citizens, mostly from the northeast.

I closed for a couple days to evaluate been working thru I already have to work till 67 now 67 and a couple days
View attachment 3270973
This is really what its ALL ABOUT for Republicans ... keeping that stock market UP; about the only thing they can say they accomplished in Trump's first term even though they really had NOTHING to do with it. At least the ORANGE President thinks so, and that's what matters to the drones. If Trump bragged about making the sun come UP, his drones would praise him for it. View attachment 3270974
Almost every time you post anything you can't help yourself from being an obnoxious jerk. Guess what oh great one, most of the time you are wrong. Your hate for the right , the stock market, corporations are completely short sighted. Mac if you have a plan to run this country better, than the American dream show all of us every point and every detail. Running down the party in office accomplishes what? I like and voted for Obama one time, I ended up disliking the man, I didn't vote for him or Romney, but in fact , of the two I didn't want Mick. I didn't harp on Obama, I like Trumps Effort as an outsider, am I right or wrong, who knows but one thing for sure now, he is the only option for 2020.
how this became a Democrat vs Republican thing?
The ones not playing as a team are ALL of one party ... that's a fact. Fla-Republican Ga-Republican ... see the other six states - all Republican
See Louisiana now being hit hard .... another non-team state, now saying it wasn't "explained to them" the way it should have been.
If and when the other non-compliance states get hit hard ... listen for their excuse!
Thing is, its like the surfers who go out in hurricane weather to catch the biggest waves and get in trouble. Someone else, who did listen to the warnings, has to risk THEIR LIFE to save the surfers. It'll happen, because it ALWAYS DOES happen!
The ones not playing as a team are ALL of one party ... that's a fact. Fla-Republican Ga-Republican ... see the other six states - all Republican
See Louisiana now being hit hard .... another non-team state, now saying it wasn't "explained to them" the way it should have been.
If and when the other non-compliance states get hit hard ... listen for their excuse!
Thing is, its like the surfers who go out in hurricane weather to catch the biggest waves and get in trouble. Someone else, who did listen to the warnings, has to risk THEIR LIFE to save the surfers. It'll happen, because it ALWAYS DOES happen!

All BS. almost all the sates did a lock-down relatively with 2 weeks of each other - you are simply wanting a left-right argument and point the finger. If a finger must be pointed, then point it a China and the WHO. Both hid and down played this from the beginning.
The ones not playing as a team are ALL of one party ... that's a fact. Fla-Republican Ga-Republican ... see the other six states - all Republican
See Louisiana now being hit hard .... another non-team state, now saying it wasn't "explained to them" the way it should have been.
If and when the other non-compliance states get hit hard ... listen for their excuse!
Thing is, its like the surfers who go out in hurricane weather to catch the biggest waves and get in trouble. Someone else, who did listen to the warnings, has to risk THEIR LIFE to save the surfers. It'll happen, because it ALWAYS DOES happen!
Why do you keep wishing then you'll cry a never said that
His admin KNEW...…...and he continued to fuck up and ******* people....cover-up....incompetency……..and stupidity

Coronavirus response delayed despite health officials’ private alarm

By mid-February, some of the nation’s top health care officials were privately expressing alarm over evidence that the coronavirus was spreading from patients without symptoms in a private chain of emails obtained by USA TODAY.

The agencies they help lead failed to translate the information into rapid action, leaving cities and counties to forge their own containment strategies.

Since then, more than 12,000 Americans have died from the virus

The email thread was called “Red Dawn Breaking” – a riff on a 1980s movie. In their candid notes, some of the nation’s leading infectious disease experts and most powerful health care officials traded critical information as the threat mounted.

On Feb. 23, Dr. Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services, highlighted flaws in the government’s approach in an exchange with dozens of high-level federal officers and outside experts, according to previously unreported emails obtained by USA TODAY.

A leading researcher in projecting the toll of a pandemic outbreak had just shared studies showing the disease was spreading widely among people without symptoms in the Wuhan, China, region where the global outbreak started. Some carriers even tested negative for COVID-19.

“Is this true?!” Kadlec responded. “If so, we have a huge whole (sic) on our screening and quarantine effort.”

The U.S. had been trying to hold off the disease with measures ranging from health screenings at airports to restrictions on travelers from China and ramp up limited testing for the virus. Kadlec did not respond to a request for comment.

Dr. Duane Caneva, chief medical officer at the Department of Homeland Security, had kicked off the Red Dawn email threads earlier in the month as an informal forum for the country’s experts to help one another respond to the emergency.

Kadlec’s email was circulated to a running chain of the top pandemic planners outside of government as well as a long list of insiders: senior officers at his agency, Health and Human Services, at the Department of Homeland Security and scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Several are longtime friends who worked together in the George W. Bush administration, where they designed many of the response procedures the government has only rolled out in recent weeks.

Their behind-the-scenes distress stood in contrast to the official positions of federal agencies at the time and, most notably, that of their top boss.

On the day Kadlec sent his email, President Trump repeated at a news conference a refrain he had recited for weeks: “We have it very much under control in this country.”

That was also the day Trump received a second warning from a top advisor that a coronavirus pandemic could cost the country trillions of dollars and endanger millions of Americans, according to the New York Times.

By then, the Red Dawn experts were deep into email discussions about a threat far worse than Americans had been told. The government officers on the chain were trading notes about a drastic, last-resort option to contain the spread: mass closures of schools, businesses and communal spaces.

Eva Lee, a leading infectious disease modeler in the U.S., shared several studies and her own projections with Kadlec and others on the Red Dawn chain.

A Georgia Tech professor who worked on pandemic responses in both the Bush and Obama administrations, Lee told the group what would not become common knowledge for weeks: patients without symptoms appeared to be spreading the disease.

Kadlec seemed uncharacteristically unnerved by her information, she said in an interview, which she assumed would translate into actions at the highest levels above him.

“I was hoping that someone would act,” Lee said. "I guessed, naively, that maybe we will start moving.”

A quick response to the knowledge was critical. Just a few weeks’ head start could drastically reduce the final death toll, a senior medical advisor in the Department of Veteran’s Affairs had noted even earlier, in a Feb. 17 email.

The advisor, Dr. Carter Mecher, laid out the pushback and concerns that would be raised about the closures, even sharing data with the group about the impact on the millions of American children relying on schools for daily meals

Yet it would be a full month before the White House released an initial 15-day plan to “slow the spread” – a plan that fell far short of a national stay-at-home directive.

Trump’s tepidly worded action paper asked Americans to work and take classes from home when possible and to avoid discretionary travel.

The delays and denials at the federal level left states and communities on their own to make decisions about when, and if, to order residents to shelter in place.

Governors and mayors found themselves subject to blistering second guessing from health experts urging immediate and sustained action and business leaders who feared a ruinous impact on the local economy and stressed-out households.

They also were ****** to make critical decisions without testing data to accurately track the rising number of infections, following failures at both the CDC and the Food and ******* Administration to develop and scale up an essential screening measure.

On the Red Dawn threads, experts traded their own research, international headlines and analysis from other publicly available data coming out of China and the cruise ships that were carrying some of the first American patients.

National officials activating response plans across federal agencies in February and into March also were warned through the emails of early signs the virus appeared to be spreading in places such as California and Washington state.

The names copied on the correspondence – a portion of which USA TODAY obtained from direct recipients and public records requests – include division-level leaders at the CDC’s public health offices; Dr. Gregory Martin, a division director at the State Department; Mecher at Veterans Affairs; as well as Kadlec’s key lieutenants at the preparedness agency inside HHS.

Caneva and Martin did not immediately respond to requests for comment, Mecher declined to comment.

The White House did not address the early warnings in the Red Dawn emails to officials who advise Trump or the subsequent delays to respond.

"President Trump took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus,” said White House spokesman Judd Deere.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees both the CDC and FDA, also did not address the emails or what precise steps were taken to inform local authorities about the new information in them.

Gretchen Michael, an agency spokeswoman in Kadlec’s division, said the HHS departments “have been and continue to be committed to providing the latest information about this new virus to state and local health officials.”

Federal health official wrote, 'You can’t outrun it'
Experts in the Red Dawn group treated a cruise ship ****** to quarantine after docking in Japan in early February as a research opportunity – a floating laboratory with reliable data.

Mecher, a senior medical advisor for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, sent an email on Feb. 27 calculating how the spread documented onboard applied to an early case in California: “We already have a significant outbreak and are well behind the curve.”

In the email, Mecher also raised the possibility of closing local schools and instituting other social contact restrictions.

Mecher had helped design how such measures should be applied for a 2007 national pandemic mitigation plan. He had studied how social distancing improved outcomes between cities in the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak.

For at least 10 days, he had been pushing the group about the need to plan for social distancing measures.

“We are now well past the equivalent 5:45 moment at Mann Gulch,” Mecher wrote in his Feb. 27 email, referring to the moment in a historic wildfire when responders realized too late that they needed to turn around. “You can’t outrun it.”

Yet that topic was not emphasized at a White House roundtable that same week between federal planners and state and local public health officers, in Washington for an annual series of meetings on Capitol

Earlier in the day, Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC had detailed to reporters the range of social changes that would likely be needed eventually to contain the virus, from teleworking to canceling large events and closing schools. She described telling her children at breakfast that “we as a family need to be preparing for significant disruption of our lives.”

The comments by Messonnier, who directs the agency’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, helped propel the stock market into a downward spiral.

In a White House annex, more than 40 people – not yet concerned about social distancing – packed around conference tables arranged in a square for the public health planning discussion. Many of the local officials had never been invited to a White House meeting, which had been added to their agenda.

Among those attending were health officers from New York and Washington, states soon to become early hotspots for the disease. Federal health leaders present included Kadlec, who two days earlier had sent the email warning about inadequate screening.

To the state and local health officers, the rock star in the room was Anne Schuchat, the CDC’s principal deputy director.

Discussion centered on containing the threat by screening, testing and tracking the contacts of anyone exposed, recalled Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

“It was still a containment conversation, like we have got to get out there and test and find people and try to get this under control,” he recalled of a meeting that went on long enough for his back to hurt.

State health officers left impressed that the federal leaders had listened more than they presented.

That evening, Caneva, the Homeland Security medical officer, fired off an email to the Red Dawn chain noting a “good discussion.”

“We are all in this together, and preparedness and response slowly transitions to community mitigation efforts and the frontline boots on the ground,” he wrote. “Still only 14 cases detected.”

The word “detected” was singled out in italics.

'The cat is out of the bag,' a county health official said of the spreading virus

Washington State Secretary of Health John Wiesman was among the health officers who ended up cutting short his visit to the capital that week.

Back in his home state, planners in Seattle were reviewing a state guide to restrictions that might be needed to contain a virus for which there was no medication or vaccine.

Public records show health officials decided that the new coronavirus did not appear deadly enough to outweigh the economic toll of widely imposing the most restrictive types of distancing measures.

By week’s end, a man in his fifties would succumb to COVID-19 symptoms in Kirkland, a Seattle suburb. He was the first to die in the United States.

Soon worrisome reports about a cluster of cases linked to a mid-February cruise were surfacing in California – evidence of the type of worries raised in the Red Dawn email chain.

In Placer County, public health officer Dr. Aimee Sisson thought the virus was likely out in Northern California by the time she announced on March 4 the death of a local man, the state’s first COVID-19 victim.

She recalled counting back through the cruise passenger’s contacts during the days it took for him to progress from infection to hospitalization just 20 minutes from the state capital, as well as other cases from the same voyage beginning to surface.

Sisson told USA TODAY that she sensed “the cat (was) out of the bag” and was ready to strongly alert her community about what was coming.

The federal posture at the time, however, remained cautious.

An official from the CDC questioned her choice of wording in a news release advising the community to prepare for the local transmission of the virus, emails obtained from Placer County through a public records request show.

“In the quote, you mentioned community spread and that could lead people to think you currently have community spread cases,” CDC press officer Scott Pauley wrote, “but I do get that it’s possible you will have the possibility of that in the coming days.”

Sisson included the language anyway, telling residents that although the case did not appear to be a locally acquired infection, “we expect to see additional cases in coming days, including cases of community spread, not linked to travel.”

She told USA TODAY that she did not feel pressured by the CDC to tone down her approach.

warn local residents that the risk to their community no longer was low.
“While we are not at the point where I would consider canceling events, closing schools or requiring widespread social distancing measures, we do want the public to prepare for that possibility,” she said.

The CDC official dispatched to talk to reporters downplayed the threat during the same news conference. Asked whether people should avoid cruise travel, Dr. Chris Braden noted that some communities were seeing cases but many more were not, “so it is very hard to make generalizable statements.”

An assistant director at the California State Health Department was similarly vague. Yet Dr. Charity Dean may have known better: she was on the Red Dawn email chain, where she had been warned about other flares arising in the state.

Dean could not be reached for comment.

In a statement to USA TODAY, CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes said the agency provides guidance to states and local communities to help them decide which what measures to use.

“All CDC recommendations are based on the best available data and science we have at that time,” Haynes said.

It would be two full weeks before the state’s governor became the first in the nation to issue a stay-at-home order. By then, 15 more had died in California, and the U.S. death toll had begun its steep climb.
Do you have a will if not leave it to me
Christ! I just want to know about addressing the pandemic. I have four children, 2 very young adults, 2 old teens, and not sure if they earned the right to my money yet, anyway, my ex wife is savvy and vicious, good luck getting past her. As far as the ******* go, outside of basic support, nobody should get free money before 35, unless it's a signing bonus.
The ones not playing as a team are ALL of one party ... that's a fact. Fla-Republican Ga-Republican ... see the other six states - all Republican
See Louisiana now being hit hard .... another non-team state
all the "non team" states are of one party....then you use Louisiana as an example of a non-team state.....Louisiana's governor is from the Democrat Party, John Edwards.

and let the excuse makin begin!
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