Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah mostly where they have been for the last 40 years split, no super majority and only able to agree on stealing our right, raising their pay, increasing their benefits, excessively regulate and pay their banker/corporate masters with our ******* future labor.
Pelosi's House has passed over 300 Bills. Moscow Mitch's Senate stops and then chooses what they will debate and pass. Bitch at him.
Dr. Borio should stick to her venture capital job. She is spewing bullshit which you parroted. I gave you the scientific paper on the study which proves she (and you) are wrong.

Given the results of the French study, it is entirely reasonable to expand the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin when in the midst of fighting the worst pandemic we've had in a century. There's quite a few doctors across the nation that would prescribe it off label regardless under these circumstances.

Caveat anyone reading: Don't be an idiot and go buy fish tank chloroquine to medicate yourself....or maybe idiots should....it can only improve the gene pool. These are serious ******* which impact the QT interval...(porn site dolt translation: fucks with your heart rhythm). They need to be administered by doctors with careful observation of the patient.
Didn't some couple in Arizona hear this was a solution, and go and take this or a similar chemical they thought was the same? Husband died and woman was in critical condition.
It is very evident you have no idea how to look up facts...so here

The Black And White Numbers – Democrats Are Better Than Republicans

here is a different one...with information you won't like either

Democrats vs. Republicans: Which Is Better for the Economy?

Reasons Democrats Are Better Than Republicans - TheTopTens
This is a political list for mostly Democrats to vote on. In my opinion, the Democrats are better than the Republicans, and there are reasons for that. I want others to add more and vote on my existing reasons. Exactly. We move towards the future and we consider it as well. We've abandoned old ...

Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! - Forbes
Oct 10, 2012 · Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better ...
Nov 07, 2016 · It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic...
Dr. Borio should stick to her venture capital job. She is spewing bullshit which you parroted. I gave you the scientific paper on the study which proves she (and you) are wrong.

Given the results of the French study, it is entirely reasonable to expand the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin when in the midst of fighting the worst pandemic we've had in a century. There's quite a few doctors across the nation that would prescribe it off label regardless under these circumstances.

Caveat anyone reading: Don't be an idiot and go buy fish tank chloroquine to medicate yourself....or maybe idiots should....it can only improve the gene pool. These are serious ******* which impact the QT interval...(porn site dolt translation: fucks with your heart rhythm). They need to be administered by doctors with careful observation of the patient.
Nothing wrong with venture capitalism. You said it like its an insult. And there are many researchers who are like me, skeptical about the speed of this decision.
Did you write it? Did you answer my questions?


You posted a bull ******* hit piece written by some leftist propagandist and you don't even realize the simple reason why it is either wrong or irrelevant.

look the ******* up for yourself...…..you just refuse to admit.....your party sucks and has done nothing good for America in 70 years

the internet is full of facts on all the fuck-ups your party has pulled.....spending...big government..wages…....taxes.....on and on
Pelosi's House has passed over 300 Bills. Moscow Mitch's Senate stops and then chooses what they will debate and pass. Bitch at him.

Oh No the Republican is doing what the Democrats do when they hold the majority. How dare a Republican not take up a Democrat bill diametrically opposed to his stands. Has Pelosi take up the Republican bills in the house? Did she pass the Republican bills when she took over? Did she call them up? Did she and her acolytes allow them to call witness and cross?

See typical liberal if you 'don't do what I want or agree with me you are evil' but when the 'Dems do the same they are good.'
Nothing wrong with venture capitalism. You said it like its an insult. And there are many researchers who are like me, skeptical about the speed of this decision.
No, you assumed it was "like an insult". Dr. Borio and yourself clearly weren't aware of the recent research and spewed BS because of it.
Oh No the Republican is doing what the Democrats do when they hold the majority. How dare a Republican not take up a Democrat bill diametrically opposed to his stands. Has Pelosi take up the Republican bills in the house? Did she pass the Republican bills when she took over? Did she call them up? Did she and her acolytes allow them to call witness and cross?

See typical liberal if you 'don't do what I want or agree with me you are evil' but when the 'Dems do the same they are good.'
WTF are you talking about? If Congress passes a pay raise, that means the House and the Senate passed it, and in most cases the president signed off on it. You criticized the House for it, and I assumed you understood basic civics and pointed out it must have passed the Senate too. The Senate is ran by Republican Moscow Mitch McConnell.
It is very evident you have no idea how to look up facts...so here

The Black And White Numbers – Democrats Are Better Than Republicans

here is a different one...with information you won't like either

Democrats vs. Republicans: Which Is Better for the Economy?

Reasons Democrats Are Better Than Republicans - TheTopTens
This is a political list for mostly Democrats to vote on. In my opinion, the Democrats are better than the Republicans, and there are reasons for that. I want others to add more and vote on my existing reasons. Exactly. We move towards the future and we consider it as well. We've abandoned old ...

Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat! - Forbes
Oct 10, 2012 · Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better ...
Nov 07, 2016 · It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic...

Again posting articles you have not read and don't know if they back you. And probably don't understand.

Again, You type your answers to my questions with your own arguments. Your own understandings and thoughts.
No they drank fish tank cleaner because it sounded the same.
No they took chloroquine phosphate which is one of the same ******* we're discussing and used in humans for malaria (which is a human parasitic infection). Chloroquine phosphate is also used to treat fish parasites....and remove idiots from the human gene pool
No, you assumed it was "like an insult". Dr. Borio and yourself clearly weren't aware of the recent research and spewed BS because of it.
Yep, you're right. tRump said it and I immediately doubt him. Always will. col2010. was reacting too, as usual defending him by insulting his detractors. However, a broken clock is right twice a day. This is one, the other one was on China.
You're caught in the crossfire, no offense but that's what happens to people in the middle. However, you bring good information more times than not. I'm good with being wrong in this case, not to cpl2010. That is new feeling.
Again posting articles you have not read and don't know if they back you. And probably don't understand.

Again, You type your answers to my questions with your own arguments. Your own understandings and thoughts.

again you are making assumptions because you can not deal with facts.....I have posted that one...several times over the years.....think I have read it front to back and back again.....the second article I found looking for a link to the first one....it is just comparing the 2 parties...you draw your own conclusion...…..but I could guess how that would work...….you have been trump mind fucked and lack the ability to comprehend

really bothers you to see facts showing how fucked up your party is.....love it when a plan comes together
70 years...the right has fucked the country
40years since they passed any kind of law benefitting anyone...and that wasn't for the worker
numbers not good...…...need a towel?
WTF are you talking about? If Congress passes a pay raise, that means the House and the Senate passed it, and in most cases the president signed off on it. You criticized the House for it, and I assumed you understood basic civics and pointed out it must have passed the Senate too. The Senate is ran by Republican Moscow Mitch McConnell.

Read your claims quoted then read my response.

You accuse Mitch of not passing bills Pelosi's Dems rammed through the house. And I pointed out when the Dems are in power they do the same thing, You are ok with the Dems doing it but not the Republicans.

Again, you just think the Republicans and Trump are evil and you are blind to the same sins of the party you agree with.
Read your claims quoted then read my response.

You accuse Mitch of not passing bills Pelosi's Dems rammed through the house. And I pointed out when the Dems are in power they do the same thing, You are ok with the Dems doing it but not the Republicans.

Again, you just think the Republicans and Trump are evil and you are blind to the same sins of the party you agree with.
"evil" is not word I use. I have called them, lying, ruthlessly cruel, sycophants, that have formed a cult around the persona of tRump. It's illing the party and they don't even see it. You don't see it.
Yeah, I see that. And I see, without doubt, you think this is on level with the Spanish Flu.
Yes I do...because it is based on the best evidence we have....now you'll say that evidence is bad or wrong, and I'll point out it isn't as precise as we'd like, but that doesn't equate to being wrong.... This is like trying to have an intelligent discussion with a merry-go-round.

Think I'll leave the merry-go-round and look around....I heard there was going to be a big parade!
Pelosi's House has passed over 300 Bills. Moscow Mitch's Senate stops and then chooses what they will debate and pass. Bitch at him.
1- I noticed how fast you ran from the Malaria Vaccine questions I asked you. What are you afraid of? Oh I know you strawmaned about him lying but still. What are you afraid of with off script trials?
2- See my other response to this
3- Why would you not be asking what the fuck could they pass that would need 300 bills? And were they all 1400 pages?
4- How many bills get rid of or fix bad or outdated laws?
5- You should also be asking if they are passing 300 bills how safe are my rights and my property. Do you really think at this point in our history a free country needs either party passing 300 bills?
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