Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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nice of you to finally point out you don't check your facts...….if you can't dazzle them with brilliance...baffle them with bullshit is that your motto?

I envy the people that don't know you
In the same fashion you do not check your facts either @subhub174014 unless you forgot:


Easier for all to see from @subhub174014 's document here:
Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of Doom Revelation ******* Moon

Located at @subhub174014 's post here:

And I referenced this and more on my post here:
I haven't left yet....you just thought I was gone so you could start some more *******.....how many times have you posted that same altered article?...and how many times have I posted facts against it....you just can't let it go and face the facts!

How many times do I have to flush before you go away?
The Trump coalition threatens a return to the Jim Crow era ...
President Donald Trump's campaign and election has inspired a flurry of unofficial violence and targeted state laws reminiscent of the early Jim Crow era. Trump's apocalyptic inauguration speech ...

Trump tied for most racist president in history ...
Trump tied for most racist president in history Posted by Zach on 7/16/19 at 9:59 am. ... Trump would quite literally have to resign Jim Crow into law to be even in the debate with him. Back to top. Reply. Replies (0) Options Top. Replies (0) 18 1. TD Sponsor TD Fan USA Member since 2001. Thank you for supporting our sponsors Posted by Site ...

By Attacking Baltimore, Trump Lays Bare His Jim Crow Mindset
Donald Trump doesn’t realize that he isn’t living in the Jim Crow south. People of color are not going to submit to his attacks. Instead, they’re going to speak up and fight back.

From Jim Crow to gay cakes: The Trump administration’s war ...
Jun 08, 2018 · From Jim Crow to gay cakes: The Trump administration’s war on civil rights. ... I am unquestionably moving into a new Jim Crow era reestablishing discriminatory laws …

ProfLERoy: Is Jim Crow Now Donald Crow?
Is Jim Crow Now Donald Crow? Jim Crow, as explained by a museum named for this ugly chapter in U.S. history, “was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s.”
Black Voters Say They Won’t Forget Trump’s Racist Tweets ...
DETROIT (AP) — Robin D. Stephens lived through Jim Crow and thought the worst days of racism were behind her. Then President Donald Trump told four American congresswomen of color to “go back” to where they came from. “It was very hurtful to see the person who is the leader of the country that I live in and that I respect and love, speak that way to U.S. citizens,” said Stephens, a ...

How Donald Trump exposed his own Jim Crow mindset — and ...
Jul 29, 2019 · How Donald Trump exposed his own Jim Crow mindset — and his fundamental weakness ... Nazis that he’s still not fooling most Americans into

Washington - Trump Presses Race As 2020 Tactic, Slams ...
Jul 29, 2019 · Washington - President Donald Trump on Monday renewed his attacks on a prominent black U.S. lawmaker from Baltimore and slammed black civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton, further fueling racial tensions as he linked his attacks to his 2020 re-election bid. Trump's weekend remarks disparaging U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, a House of Representatives Democrat and a …

that should take you a week to find one more person to say that trump is not a racist....move it up to seven people
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sucking up just a little?
Hard to believe @subhub174014 but I neither wish our mutual friend nor you any ill will. In fact the entertainment derived from locking horns with you in political debate is scintillating. If these political threads never existed on this site I would have signed off from this site long ago as I find the debates and whatever links of yours that I have time to read ( from the tsunamic amount you regularly post each day where most people can't all regularly read ) is distressing.

Even if Trump is so corrupt and stupid and lucky enough to become president there would be no incentive having his nation go to Civil War against itself. Just like the article I did read talking with @Drillher4me where people can be married to their positions and will raise Hell against anyone that says they are wrong. I have long since analyzed that is your perspective as well.

Had Trump been a Democrat and in a bloodied fashion bested Hillary for the DNC nomination, and then become POTUS, I sometimes wonder if you would still be so against him @subhub174014 ? :unsure:
Also @subhub174014 addressing another point about the verbiage of Donald Trump where he uses simple words signifying he could be a stupid man. Being a twitter user he would know his way around a cellphone, possibly even a computer. If I can use google and use plus a plethora of other sites as resources, why can't he? Moreover if he did start using encyclopedic words that would confound elite champion youngsters at Scripps National Spelling Bee in America, guess what he would lose the ability to reach most people as in aggregate most people do not focus on acquiring a broad lexicon and in so doing "lose" his audience and they cannot relate to Trump and therefore not vote for him. So simple yet memorable messages seem to win.

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Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence - Video - NYTimes.com
Mar 14, 2016 · Donald J. Trump has appealed to the raw anger of voters and encouraged crowds at rallies to use ******* against protesters who are disruptive. ... Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence.

Donald Trump Hate And Violence Map - americasvoice.org
Report Incidents of Hate. We’ve seen the proof since his campaign launch in June 2015. President-elect Donald Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric didn’t just push his fellow candidates to the right on immigration (in what has become known as the “Trump Effect”).). It’s gone beyond the political world and injected itself into everyday life — and, in many instances across dozens of states …

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

Donald Trump Is Basically A Hate Group All By Himself ...
Donald Trump is a one-man hate group. If the president were an organization instead of an individual, it would not be a big stretch to define him as a "hate group" under the FBI's simple …

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

Gun violence: What Trump said vs. what Trump did
Gun violence: What Trump said vs. what Trump did The killings in Santa Fe, Texas, are the second mass shooting targeting students in recent months. The president pledged action each time.

Trump says gun violence 'isn't a gun problem' | MSNBC
Donald Trump said gun laws aren’t to blame for ... Trump says gun violence ‘isn’t a gun problem’ ... “I’ve seen plenty of people who look pretty sick frankly and nothing over the years ...

Gun deaths rose 12 percent in Trump's first months - The ...
Aug 23, 2019 · Under Trump, however, fears of federal gun-grabs have subsided, driving gun sales down as a result. If that trend continues, it may prove to have more of a concrete effect on gun violence

Massacre President: Mass Shootings Soaring Under President ...
Nov 11, 2017 · Donald Trump is fast becoming the “massacre president.” The number citizens killed or wounded in mass shootings is skyrocketing under his administration, putting it on a pace to become one of the bloodiest in modern political history. Trump’s latest reaction to the mass shooting at a Texas church suggests he has no plans to address the problem.
all these shooters grew up and developed under obama
Also @subhub174014 addressing another point about the verbiage of Donald Trump where he uses simple words signifying he could be a stupid man. Being a twitter user he would know his way around a cellphone, possibly even a computer. If I can use google and use plus a plethora of other sites as resources, why can't he? Moreover if he did start using encyclopedic words that would confound elite champion youngsters at Scripps National Spelling Bee in America, guess what he would lose the ability to reach most people as in aggregate most people do not focus on acquiring a broad lexicon and in so doing "lose" his audience and they cannot relate to Trump and therefore not vote for him. So simple yet memorable messages seem to win.

With all the name calling and harsh treatment being written on this thread and many others, the disrespect show to a Black Bull by cuckold husbands is totally hypocritical . If your wives or girl friends are having sex with other men, in one form or another you are a cuckold, call it has you may you are not doing your job, "But I am a dominate" Cuck! I am a cuckold, my wife is not sleeping with an other man at this time, I don't have a wife, I am still a cuckold, I respect StiffBBC he is a black 50 year old man, an intelligent one at that. My point is all you cuckolds with your noses in the air like you are the most intelligent person on here, and think you know everything to the point of hating your president Trump and his followers, you have to call us vulgar names and question our intelligence. Over confidence is an extreme danger, The world thought Hillary Clinton, quite possibly a felon beyond or wildest expectations, had the election in the bag against Donald Trump, a nobody in politics , a businessman with his successes and failures, a huge ego and the thickest skin in the face of those trying to destroy him even before he was elected. If nothing else he became our president and sent democrats out into the streets, online, even the media crying like a bunch of spoiled babies. Trump may not win again in 2020 but I believe he will, but if he loses I won't scream, cry and find fault for those next four years. I am a Cuckold and proud of it, I voted for Trump and he stills makes me proud. Go Trump 2020
Here's the real reason Mike Pence is staying at Donald Trump's hotel in Ireland
(CNN) Vice President Mike Pence is in Ireland right now, staying at the Doonbeg resort owned by his boss, President Donald Trump.
Which would make sense! Except that Doonbeg is on the extreme western coast of Ireland and Pence's official government business is in Dublin, which is in eastern Ireland. To get from the Trump resort to Dublin involves an hourlong car ride and a 40-minute flight! It's 181 miles!
So why did Pence (or his staff) purposely inconvenience themselves?
"If you have a chance to get to Doonbeg you'll find it's a fairly small place. The opportunity to stay at Trump National in Doonbeg, to accommodate the unique footprint that comes with our security detail and other personnel made it logical," he explained in Ireland on Tuesday.
Marc Short, chief of staff to Pence, also noted by way of explanation that Pence has roots in the town -- his great-grandmother was from Doonbeg and another distant relative operates a pub in the town. Plus, Short added, Pence's schedule was scrambled somewhat because he had to go to Poland over Labor Day weekend as a stand-in for Trump, who canceled his trip due to Hurricane Dorian.
Which, uh, OK? I mean, it makes sense that Pence would want to see the town where his great-grandmother was from. And that his travel schedule got a little wacky with the last-minute addition of a trip to Poland. But Short said something else in explaining Pence's two-night stay at Doonbeg that gets to the real story.
"When we went through the trip, it's like, well, he's going to Doonbeg because that's where the Pence family is from. It's like, 'Well, you should stay at my place,' " said Short, acknowledging that Trump himself suggested that the vice president should stay at a hotel with his name on it.
Before I go any further, let's stop here and take this totally out of the political context. Let's say your boss suggests that you be at a meeting in Ireland next week. She doesn't tell you that you have to be at the meeting but just suggests it. Even if you have a bunch of other stuff going on next week, you go, right? Because you know that a suggestion from your boss isn't exactly a suggestion. It's more of a very strong recommendation.
Now back to Pence. The former Indiana governor has understood from the day he accepted the vice presidential nomination back in the summer of 2016 that his political future -- and any chance of him getting elected to the big office -- was entirely tied to Trump's. Pence's path to the White House in 2024 runs directly through Trump endorsing him and the President's political allies signing on too. And because Pence isn't dumb, he knows that the best (only?) way to stay in Trump's good graces is to always do what the President wants.
Which is exactly what Pence has done so far during the Trump presidency. The veep is always standing stalwartly right off of Trump's right shoulder when the President is signing a bill or making a proclamation. Pence is, quite literally, Trump's right-hand man.
And so, if the President "suggests" it might be a good idea for Pence to spend two nights at a Trump hotel, then Pence does it. No questions asked.
Which is sort of remarkable on two levels.
1) It's a MASSIVE inconvenience. By way of comparison, Pence staying in Doonbeg for meetings in Dublin (181 miles apart) is the equivalent of me staying in Annapolis, Maryland, for meetings in New York City (179 miles). And you are telling me that there isn't a single hotel between Doonbeg and Dublin that could accommodate the vice presidential retinue? None? Like, come on, man. What are we even doing out here, man?
2) How does no one on Pence's team (or Trump's for that matter!!!) quickly realize that this might not look so good -- particularly given the criticism (and lawsuits) directed at Trump for the possibility that he is violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution? Whether or not Pence thinks there is any merit to these claims, he and his people have to know that it's a bad look to go WAY out of his way to stay at a Trump property while abroad. Right? Right?!
Who cares where Pence stays? And whether or not it has a "TRUMP" name on the hotel?
Well, you should. After all, the costs for these trips are paid for by taxpayers. (And Trump is not giving away the rooms at Doonbeg for free; Short confirmed that Tuesday.) And if you think that transporting the vice president from one side of Ireland to the other is cheap, well then you are unfamiliar with the massive undertaking it is to move a dignitary even a few city blocks.
Which is why Pence's if-you-get-a-chance-to-stay-at-a-TRUMP-hotel-you-take-it explanation doesn't wash. He's doing this because the one guy who can break (and maybe make) his political future told, er, suggested he do so. Period.
Pentagon diverts $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build Trump's border wall
Washington (CNN)Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has authorized the diverting of $3.6 billion in military construction funds for 11 wall projects on the southern border with Mexico, according to defense officials and a letter from Esper to the Senate Armed Services Committee, which has been obtained by CNN.
In his letter, Esper told Congress he has "determined that 11 military construction projects along the international border with Mexico, with an estimated total cost of $3.6 billion, are necessary to support the use of the armed forces in connection with the national emergency."
The letter does not include the word "wall," as is typical in Defense Department announcements of this kind, but details how the funds will be used for new fencing projects at various border locations.

The announcement fulfills a promise made by President Donald Trump in February to tap military construction funds to build his border wall. The move was slammed by Congress when it was first announced and only recently completed a Pentagon legal review.
On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called the decision "a slap in the face" to service members.
"This decision will harm already planned, important projects intended to support our service members at military installations in New York, across the United States, and around the world," Schumer wrote in a statement. "It is a slap in the face to the members of the Armed Forces who serve our country that President Trump is willing to cannibalize already allocated military funding to boost his own ego and for a wall he promised Mexico would pay to build."
Schumer said that the lost funding would delay critical construction projects at military installations in New York, such as the US Military Academy at West Point.
Sen. Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, also condemned the move.

"President Trump's immigration efforts have failed since day one. Today, he made it clear he is willing to take funds from our troops and disaster victims and divert them to try to protect his political right flank. And ultimately, that could put Americans at risk," he said in a statement.
"This isn't just an attempt to shift funding, it's a bid to shift power away from Congress to the president. Clearly, this administration is trying to circumvent Congressional authority and this ill-advised attempt should be legally challenged and struck down by the courts." Reed added.
The American Civil Liberties Union announced Tuesday that "it would seek a court order blocking use of the funds as part of its lawsuit challenging the president's abuse of emergency powers to secure funds for a wall Congress denied."

Military construction projects put on hold

Defense Department officials say 127 military construction projects are being put on hold in order to use the $3.6 billion to fund building 175 miles of southern border wall.
Construction is expected to begin in about 135 days in areas where the federal government already owns the land along the border, including the Department of Defense's Barry M. Goldwater test range in Arizona, according to Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller Elaine McCusker.
McCusker said projects on private land could go past 2020 due to issues involved with land acquisition.
According to chief Pentagon spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman, half the money is coming from deferred projects overseas, and the other half were planned for projects in the US.
The money originally intended for overseas projects will be tapped first.
Though it was not immediately clear which military construction projects would be put on hold, the move could jeopardize the construction of command and control, drone and cyber projects as well as training facilities in the US and overseas.

Which projects will be impacted?

Defense officials said Tuesday that members of Congress whose states or districts will be impacted by the decision are being informed about the list of projects and once that process is completed the public will be told. US allies are also being informed about the impact to overseas facilities.
Hoffman called the impacted projects "important" and said the Defense Department is working to get Congress to appropriate additional money to back fill the funds which are being re-directed to the border as well as attempting to get allies to pick up the tab for the US construction projects overseas.
Democrat appropriators sent a letter to Esper Tuesday requesting additional information about the projects that will be impacted.
Though it's unclear which military construction would be put on hold, the move could put at risk projects such as command and control, drone, cyber and training facilities in the US and overseas.
White House officials have held talks in the last weeks to begin planning for the move, two administration officials said, which would shift funds from the Department of Defense's military construction budget to fund the border wall.
The move would rely on Trump's February emergency declaration, which has faced stiff legal challenges.
Lt. Gen. Andrew W. Poppas, director of operations, J-3, Joint Staff, says "we do" expect to be able to reduce some of the troops assigned to the border mission with the construction of these barriers but would not say by how much.
There are currently some 5,500 active duty troops on the border in addition to some 2,000 National Guard forces.
Washington (CNN)Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has authorized the diverting of $3.6 billion in military construction funds for 11 wall projects on the southern border with Mexico, according to defense officials and a letter from Esper to the Senate Armed Services Committee, which has been obtained by CNN.
The Pentagon NEVER accounts for the BILLIONS they spend ... several times Congress has asked them to present receipts and budgets for their spendings and they never do.
Congress should step up and deny any additional funds to the Pentagon until they start accounting for all that they spend.

Hard to believe @subhub174014 but I neither wish our mutual friend nor you any ill will. In fact the entertainment derived from locking horns with you in political debate is scintillating. If these political threads never existed on this site I would have signed off from this site long ago as I find the debates and whatever links of yours that I have time to read ( from the tsunamic amount you regularly post each day where most people can't all regularly read ) is distressing.

Even if Trump is so corrupt and stupid and lucky enough to become president there would be no incentive having his nation go to Civil War against itself. Just like the article I did read talking with @Drillher4me where people can be married to their positions and will raise Hell against anyone that says they are wrong. I have long since analyzed that is your perspective as well.

Had Trump been a Democrat and in a bloodied fashion bested Hillary for the DNC nomination, and then become POTUS, I sometimes wonder if you would still be so against him @subhub174014 ? :unsure:

Oh my, your words are so cold & cruel ...

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I stepped on every other sacred political landmine @MacNfries. I think the question is valid as it is not pornographic, rude, or overtly offensive, yet plausible? Say in a parallel universe Donald Trump decided that he was going to be the leader of the Democrats, your team. After he defeated Hillary and after he became a Democratic POTUS would there be such hate from the left? Would Madonna have her protest? Would there still be the outcries of the involvement of Russia and MrPutin's involvement with Donald Trump being elected? Would the late night comics crucify him every night? Would there still be celebrities like the stars of "Will & Grace", Debra Messing & Eric McCormack, express such a hatred of Donald Trump that they would desire to catalogue of list of those who attended his rallies so that their careers can be ruined? A move so vile that even Whoopi Goldberg, a known critic of Donald Trump, expressed that was going too far!

And lastly would you and our pal @subhub174014 be so critical of him?

Had the events of that timeline proceeded exactly as this one where I recognized each of the things you know I cited over the years I would expect both you and @subhub174014 to like if not love everything I said of Trump?

I think that would be a fair assessment? If I am in err, feel free to point out any flaw in that argument?
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

My Evidence
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