Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'm understanding Trump a lot more than I'm understanding the 53 73million voters who voted to give Trump a second term in office.
Trump's easy to figure out ... its all about his making money on whatever the topic is. PERIOD! I suppose Trump sees that personal debt coming due soon and wants to take care of it ... if every Trump voter gave a donated dollar to Trump, he might be able to get his IOUs paid off before those he owes money to him come take it from his hide.
But these 53 73 million voters who want to give Trump a SECOND TERM in office ... I simply don't understand them after what we know about Trump now. This man will take America DOWN before he gives in.
Two more documented lies from MacnLies....You're up to 29,926 lies now, impressive!
Self loathing is a very pathetic existence...but you seem to have found your calling.

well fuckhead….you bring your sorry ass on here...probably pissed because half of your state woke the fuck up and voted democratic....and the other half is dying from the trump vitus….but anyway you have said nothing since being here...or if you did it went unnoticed...….so it would appear all you want to do is fuck with me....well take a fucking number...better people then you are ahead of you

You are such a Tool.....
don't that just frost your ass....

Joe Biden wins Wisconsin, earns swing-state statement …

Nov 04, 2020 · With just a 20,000-vote margin and the Trump campaign demanding a recount, Wisconsin was called as a win for Joe Biden on Wednesday. The unofficial triumph in America’s Dairyland delivers Biden

but then I'm surprised I would think you would be happy....Biden probably allow same sex marriages for you
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Who gives a ******* what Trump owes -- Joe Dementia took your tax dollars and funneled it thru Ukraine and China to his ******* Crackhead ******* !!
Guys like you lack the ability to see the forest for the trees. Still hung up on getting shoved in a HS locker....
You trump’s supporters are stupid.
Seriously this is made up *******!
As yourself who makes ******* up and is against science- trump and his idiots.
Don’t feel bad he also lied and cheated on all three wives
Better be careful - looks like ole Uncle Joe is owned by China - Ukraine - and most of the countries ending in stan.
well fuckhead….you bring your sorry ass on here...probably pissed because half of your state woke the fuck up and voted democratic....and the other half is dying from the trump vitus….but anyway you have said nothing since being here...or if you did it went unnoticed...….so it would appear all you want to do is fuck with me....well take a fucking number...better people then you are ahead of you

View attachment 3728563
well fuckhead….you bring your sorry ass on here...probably pissed because half of your state woke the fuck up and voted democratic....and the other half is dying from the trump vitus….but anyway you have said nothing since being here...or if you did it went unnoticed...….so it would appear all you want to do is fuck with me....well take a fucking number...better people then you are ahead of you

View attachment 3728563
subhub, TrumpAssholes like the aforementioned need more pity than criticism - but they're in the wrong forum if they think they'll find it here! Your response is 110% dead on!
Two more documented lies from MacnLies....You're up to 29,926 lies now, impressive!
Just an error while "working" and talking with a work friend .... things you don't have to worry about .... a "job" or work "friend" since you have neither. A lot of difference between a lie & an error, but I wouldn't expect you to give it that deep of thought.
Your correction of my number simply makes it WORSE ... and I'm pretty sure that was NOT your intention there.
So, FU and ....
.............. gif_FuckingYourMOM.gif
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You trump’s supporters are stupid.
Seriously this is made up *******!
As yourself who makes ******* up and is against science- trump and his idiots.
Don’t feel bad he also lied and cheated on all three wives
Jane...You are a Second class country built mostly on the Genetic Junk the UK cast away eons ago...at yet we still accept you. Please keep your nose in the problems of your own Island of Misfits and we will worry about paying the freight for the rest of the globe.
Just an error while "working" and talking with a work friend .... things you don't have to worry about .... a "job" or work "friend" since you have neither. A lot of difference between a lie & an error, but I wouldn't expect you to give it that deep of thought.
Your correction of my number simply makes it WORSE ... and I'm pretty sure that was NOT your intention there.
So, FU and ....
.............. View attachment 3728652
funny how when Trump makes an error it gets counted as a "documented lie" but not with you....hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Democrat Party!

You did manage to get one thing right for a change.... thanks to the incredible economy under Trump, I'll never have to work another day in my life. :cool:
YEP !! Think about that for a 2nd and he beat the "finest the Democraptic party " had in Killary.... and since it could not improve on their 2016 candidate they offered up the oldest most racist mentally unfit walking corpse they could find... and then paired him with a woman --its really a stretch to us that word - with a candidate to not earn ANY support in her own primary. Why would they do this...Cuz the fix was in from the get go !! Its ok that you dont like Trump...What not ok is you blind allegiance to a flawed corrupt system... But Alas...stay inside with your butt plug firmly inserted...real men will take care of it.....Nutless Wonder
Think about that for a 2nd and he beat the "finest the Democraptic party " had in Killary....
Still denying that Russia had anything to do with it, huh? Even as Trump sent Rudy Guiliani to request help from more foreign adversaries AGAIN for the 2nd election.
I'll be the first to say Hillary Clinton was not a great choice, particularly after the Benghazi incident in which Democrats failed at countering those charges. I mean, its not like there weren't 8 or 9 Republican led committees that tried to sink Hillary. At least Hillary sat before a biased Republican led oversight committee and got drilled under oath for 11 straight hours. Trump wouldn't do it ... the big LIAR.
The Democrats did run a weak campaign against Trump, and Trump was a NEW LIAR the voters had never experienced.
And, do you not think the "week before election" New E-mails announcement by Comey had anything to do with it? Turned out to be e-mails already screened once.
Trump didn't SNEAK UP on the voters THIS TIME, now did he? AND he'll never run for President again ... his BIGGEST EMBARRASSMENT is yet to come. Just wait until after the New Year ... its gonna get really interesting. And when he steps down, OFF TO NEW YORK he goes for state charges and they won't be playing by Trump's bullshit biased rules anymore. And I fully expect Rudy to be hit with Federal charges after Pence is gone.
So, hang around, LOUD MOUTH ... more Republican embarrassments to come.
Still denying that Russia had anything to do with it, huh? Even as Trump sent Rudy Guiliani to request help from more foreign adversaries AGAIN for the 2nd election.
I'll be the first to say Hillary Clinton was not a great choice, particularly after the Benghazi incident in which Democrats failed at countering those charges. I mean, its not like there weren't 8 or 9 Republican led committees that tried to sink Hillary. At least Hillary sat before a biased Republican led oversight committee and got drilled under oath for 11 straight hours. Trump wouldn't do it ... the big LIAR.
The Democrats did run a weak campaign against Trump, and Trump was a NEW LIAR the voters had never experienced.
And, do you not think the "week before election" New E-mails announcement by Comey had anything to do with it? Turned out to be e-mails already screened once.
Trump didn't SNEAK UP on the voters THIS TIME, now did he? AND he'll never run for President again ... his BIGGEST EMBARRASSMENT is yet to come. Just wait until after the New Year ... its gonna get really interesting. And when he steps down, OFF TO NEW YORK he goes for state charges and they won't be playing by Trump's bullshit biased rules anymore. And I fully expect Rudy to be hit with Federal charges after Pence is gone.
So, hang around, LOUD MOUTH ... more Republican embarrassments to come.
You're right on, MacFries!
I wonder if Ruddy Rudy has made arrangements to have his cell next to his Liar-in-Chief's!
Perhaps not, a choice of Cell is not a privilege he'll be granted!
YEP !! Think about that for a 2nd and he beat the "finest the Democraptic party " had in Killary.... and since it could not improve on their 2016 candidate they offered up the oldest most racist mentally unfit walking corpse they could find... and then paired him with a woman --its really a stretch to us that word - with a candidate to not earn ANY support in her own primary. Why would they do this...Cuz the fix was in from the get go !! Its ok that you dont like Trump...What not ok is you blind allegiance to a flawed corrupt system... But Alas...stay inside with your butt plug firmly inserted...real men will take care of it.....Nutless Wonder
want more? although all of these about sums up Atilla the Nun!13 (1).jpg16 (1).jpg16.png23 (4).jpg27 (6).jpg
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