Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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There Was No Knockout, So Democrats and G.O.P. Regroup for Next Round

WASHINGTON — America’s two major parties had hoped the 2020 presidential election would render a decisive judgment on the country’s political trajectory. But after a race that broke records for voter turnout and campaign spending, neither Democrats nor Republicans have achieved a dominant upper hand.

Instead, the election delivered a split decision, ousting President Trump but narrowing the Democratic majority in the House and perhaps preserving the Republican majority in the Senate. As Joseph R. Biden Jr. prepares to take office and preside over a closely divided government, leaders in both camps are acknowledging that voters seem to have issued not a mandate for the left or the right but a muddled plea to move on from Trump-style chaos.

With 306 electoral college votes and the most popular votes of any presidential candidate in history, Mr. Biden attained a victory that was paramount to many Democrats, who saw a second Trump term as nothing less than a threat to democracy.

Yet on the electoral landscape, both parties find themselves stretched thin and battling on new fronts, with their traditional strongholds increasingly under siege. Indeed, Democrats and Republicans are facing perhaps the most unsettled and up-for-grabs electoral map the country has seen in a generation, since the parties were still fighting over California in the late 1980s.

This competition has denied either from being able to claim broad majorities and prompted a series of election cycles, which could be repeated in 2022, in which any gains Democrats make in the country’s booming cities and states are at least partly offset by growing Republican strength in rural areas.

There Was No Knockout, So Democrats and G.O.P. Regroup for Next Round

WASHINGTON — America’s two major parties had hoped the 2020 presidential election would render a decisive judgment on the country’s political trajectory. But after a race that broke records for voter turnout and campaign spending, neither Democrats nor Republicans have achieved a dominant upper hand.

Instead, the election delivered a split decision, ousting President Trump but narrowing the Democratic majority in the House and perhaps preserving the Republican majority in the Senate. As Joseph R. Biden Jr. prepares to take office and preside over a closely divided government, leaders in both camps are acknowledging that voters seem to have issued not a mandate for the left or the right but a muddled plea to move on from Trump-style chaos.

With 306 electoral college votes and the most popular votes of any presidential candidate in history, Mr. Biden attained a victory that was paramount to many Democrats, who saw a second Trump term as nothing less than a threat to democracy.

Yet on the electoral landscape, both parties find themselves stretched thin and battling on new fronts, with their traditional strongholds increasingly under siege. Indeed, Democrats and Republicans are facing perhaps the most unsettled and up-for-grabs electoral map the country has seen in a generation, since the parties were still fighting over California in the late 1980s.

This competition has denied either from being able to claim broad majorities and prompted a series of election cycles, which could be repeated in 2022, in which any gains Democrats make in the country’s booming cities and states are at least partly offset by growing Republican strength in rural areas.

I'll keep praying that the Democrats walk away lucky on January 5th/21 and gain control of the Senate, and hopefully, with the results culminating in the resignation of Moscow Mitch! (Would you mind if I threw mom Graham in with Moscow? While that may be a bridge too far, it would be nice to witness!)
I'll keep praying that the Democrats walk away lucky on January 5th/21 and gain control of the Senate, and hopefully, with the results culminating in the resignation of Moscow Mitch! (Would you mind if I threw mom Graham in with Moscow? While that may be a bridge too far, it would be nice to witness!)
Hard to say...….the reason the dems lost some seats are so many worried about the green deal and a few other AOC and Sanders programs.....Biden has to reassure them that is not going to happen.....but Biden in a Tough spot he want to work with the right...and yet has to worry about the far left....tightrope
they are getting away with a lot of ******* right now....even trumps appointee in the fbi says they are a problem....but with trump catering to them they can push...…….hope they try some more when Barr and trump are not around...domestic terrorists!....lots of jail time...….put a few away the others will scatter......but hopefully the feds have names and address's
Doctors Are Calling It Quits

Two years ago, Dr. Kelly McGregory opened her own pediatric practice just outside Minneapolis, where she could spend as much time as she wanted with patients and parents could get all of their questions answered.

But just as her practice was beginning to thrive, the coronavirus hit the United States and began spreading across the country.

“As an independent practice with no real connection to a big health system, it was awful,” Dr. McGregory said. At one point, she had only three surgical masks left and worried that she could no longer safely treat patients.

Families were also staying away, concerned about catching the virus. “I did some telemedicine, but it wasn’t enough volume to really replace what I was doing in the clinic,” she said.

After her husband found a new job in a different state, Dr. McGregory, 49, made the difficult decision to close her practice in August. “It was devastating,” she said. “That was my baby.”

Many other doctors are also calling it quits. Thousands of medical practices have closed during the pandemic, according to a July survey of 3,500 doctors by the Physicians Foundation, a nonprofit group. About 8 percent of the doctors reported closing their offices in recent months, which the foundation estimated could equal some 16,000 practices. Another 4 percent said they planned to shutter within the next year.

Other doctors and nurses are retiring early or leaving their jobs. Some worry about their own health because of age or a medical condition that puts them at high risk. Others stopped practicing during the worst of the outbreaks and don’t have the energy to start again. Some simply need a break from the toll that the pandemic has taken among their ranks and their patients.

Another analysis, from the Larry A. Green Center with the Primary Care Collaborative, a nonprofit group, found similar patterns. Nearly a fifth of primary care clinicians surveyed in September say someone in their practice plans to retire early or has already retired because of Covid-19, and 15 percent say someone has left or plans to leave the practice.

The clinicians also painted a grim picture of their lives, as the pandemic enters a newly robust phase with record case counts in the United States. About half already said their mental exhaustion was at an all-time high. Many worried about keeping their doors open: about 7 percent said they were not sure they could remain open past December without financial help.

For some, family obligations left them no choice.

Honestly, if it hadn’t been for the pandemic, I would have still been working because it was not my plan to retire at that point,” said Dr. Joan Benca, 65, who worked as an anesthesiologist in Madison, Wis.

But her ******* and *******-in-law hold administrative positions in a hospital intensive care unit, treating the sickest Covid patients, and they have two small children. When cases climbed in the spring, their day care center closed, and Dr. Benca’s ******* desperately needed someone she trusted to look after the children.

It wasn’t the way I wanted to end my career,” Dr. Benca said. “I think for most of us, we would say, you would fall on your sword for your family but not for your job,” she said, adding that she knows other female colleagues who have stayed home to care for children or older relatives.

Dr. Michael Peck, 66, an anesthesiologist in Rockville, Md., decided to leave after working in April in the hospital’s intensive care unit, intubating critically ill patients, and worrying about his own health. “When the day was over, I just said, ‘I think I’m done’ — I want to live my life, and I don’t want to get ill,” said Dr. Peck, who had already been cutting back his hours.

He is now spending a few hours a day as the chief medical officer for a start-up.

I've really tried to understand the 73 million people who voted for Trump in this election. No doubt, there are those who have been raised in a Republican or Democrat environment and will probably never consider any other party, regardless of the flaws/fuckups of their candidate. Trump had four years to either prove himself a legitimate president, or to prove he was unfit to be president. We all sat on the outside and watched him day in and day out make a total shambles of the economy, the constitution, environment, healthcare, etc ... he WAS a total flop.
I found this article, however, which might provide another consideration as to why those 73 million voters chose to stick with Trump with all his known flaws and fuckups.
Initially, I flunked this test, however, once told there were 18 true options, I ****** myself to look deeper and identify what I wasn't initially seeing ... to look past the apparent overlooked options that make the correct answer 18.

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I'm understanding Trump a lot more than I'm understanding the 53 million voters who voted to give Trump a second term in office.
Trump's easy to figure out ... its all about his making money on whatever the topic is. PERIOD! I suppose Trump sees that personal debt coming due soon and wants to take care of it ... if every Trump voter gave a donated dollar to Trump, he might be able to get his IOUs paid off before those he owes money to him come take it from his hide.
But these 53 million voters who want to give Trump a SECOND TERM in office ... I simply don't understand them after what we know about Trump now. This man will take America DOWN before he gives in.
I'm understanding Trump a lot more than I'm understanding the 53 million voters who voted to give Trump a second term in office.
Trump's easy to figure out ... its all about his making money on whatever the topic is. PERIOD! I suppose Trump sees that personal debt coming due soon and wants to take care of it ... if every Trump voter gave a donated dollar to Trump, he might be able to get his IOUs paid off before those he owes money to him come take it from his hide.
But these 53 million voters who want to give Trump a SECOND TERM in office ... I simply don't understand them after what we know about Trump now. This man will take America DOWN before he gives in.
Who gives a ******* what Trump owes -- Joe Dementia took your tax dollars and funneled it thru Ukraine and China to his ******* Crackhead ******* !!
Guys like you lack the ability to see the forest for the trees. Still hung up on getting shoved in a HS locker....
Who gives a ******* what Trump owes -- Joe Dementia took your tax dollars and funneled it thru Ukraine and China to his ******* Crackhead ******* !!
Guys like you lack the ability to see the forest for the trees. Still hung up on getting shoved in a HS locker....
The funny thing is, you so fucking out of league commenting on politics, you have no idea how tremendously ignorant that first statement is. It's like you only realized the federal government exist in 2016. It's shows a lack of understand to our history, traditions, and norms.

Do you know why certain low level security positions need a credit check- like FBI employees (non agents included), or military base civilian employees, IRS agents and employees, Homeland Security employees, State Department employees, Department of Defense employees, etc? And, why ALL senior appointments in our federal government are given a thorough background check including credit, debt, and financials?
Well because it gives a huge opening for enemies, traitors and adversaries to leverage position over them and compromise our security and safety.
Only elected officials are not required by law to do it.

Patriots should care when their president is dealing with foreign policy, or foreign threats that his only focus is safety and security of the United States, not covering an almost half billion dollar debt, or future billion dollar developments. That's why.
This president has shown us that his priority is himself, this should have bothered more than the 80 million that voted against him.

What tax dollars did Joe funnel through Ukraine and China to his ******* (Trump is one tied into ******* and admitted his perversion of walking in on young young girls while changing clothes.)? When was Joe Biden in a position to move tax dollars like that????
You really, really, really don't know the American government system. #sad

You probably didn't or couldn't read this far, but what made you think you were informed enough to make any of these comments?
And, who the fuck actually talks about shoving people in lockers? How many 80s movies did you watch? It's not reality Sporto.
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