Those cities run by Democrats ?
Nope. Time to learn, and burn.
There are nearly 60 thousand community water systems in the United States and 93 percent of them serve populations of fewer than 10,000 people—67 percent serve populations of fewer than 500 people. In 2015, 9 percent of all water systems had a documented violation of water quality standards, exposing 21 million people to unhealthy drinking water. These violations were more likely to occur in rural areas, where communities often have trouble finding the funds to maintain their systems.
These rural areas are typically represented by politicians promising lower taxes, anti regulations and lower penalties.
Lower taxes lead to little money for the aging infrastructure.
Anti-regulations have led to agricultural waste and pollutants levels to rise and be accepted.
Lower penalties to these major agri corporation means an illegal dumping or runoff is not really is a big deal to the bottom line.
Enjoy your well water, I'm sure that government that you hate, is giving it 100%.
Major American cities, almost all ran by Democrats, rank as having some of the best drinking water in the world. Chicago, Washington DC, Philadelphia and Toronto has the top drinking water in North America.
The first Arcadis Sustainable Cities Water Index shows that North American cities, threatened by both water scarcity and natural disasters, are among the most at risk in the developed world. In fact, no U.S. cities placed in the top 10 of the global rankings ofRead More
What was your point of that question? I'll wait until you process this.