Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I'm sure some of you remember Ferguson

Ella Jones Is Elected First Black Mayor of Ferguson - The ...
Jun 03, 2020 · Ella Jones became the first African-American and first woman elected mayor in Ferguson, Mo., on Tuesday, nearly six years after the city erupted in …
And thereby the authorities and the general public at large learn that to effect change you must go out onto the streets and cause havoc.
And thereby the authorities and the general public at large learn that to effect change you must go out onto the streets and cause havoc.

Maybe....but that was strange town and situation.....the rioting shined a light on it....and it got corrected.....but the majority of town if I remember right is black....and yet all the people in key positions especially the police ******* were white
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One of the primary goals of a dictator is to get the crowd/followers questioning & doubting the media. Seems Trump has been successful with you. I can't imagine taking Trump's words over ANY reliable news source. Your illusion of Trump is going to be crushed someday; your recovery is going to be a long one.

Wait, isn't that what Obama try to do to Fox News and Media Sources he didn't like? Didn't he spy on reporters? Don't you and subhub do the same thing? Not mention you want the US To fall. You said so.

When Obama Went to War on Fox News - Newsweek
Jul 06, 2017 · "Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," charged high-ranking Fox News executive Michael Clemente. The network...

Obama administration spied on Fox News reporter James ...
May 20, 2013 · Obama administration spied on Fox News reporter James Rosen: Report The Justice Department spied extensively on Fox News reporter James Rosen in 2010, collecting his telephone records, tracking his...

Now that is what a dictator or a wannabe dictator does. That and spy on his party's opponent during an election. Then attempt a coup via impeachment.

The best part- most logical thinking people didn't trust the media going back Carter and was confirmed under Clinton. Trump just made them all show their true colors.
Hottobe, so EVERYONE ELSE is wrong about Trump? So many people WRONG about Trump, huh? This is just one more case of the "majority" of sources being right, and the minority being wrong. Do you really think there are THAT MANY sources that are WRONG about Trump? Will you at least admit that he's a habitual liar, that he's narcisstic, that he's cheated on all 3 of his wives, that he's been sued over 10,000 times? Because all those things are a matter of PUBLIC RECORD ... can you agree to THAT?
That said, here are some major points about dictators in general ... see if Trump fits into any of these ... OK?

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Yes Donald Trump is a blowhard salesmen like all the other politicians and last 7 Presidents. Especially the previous one.
He cheated on his first and second wives. And?
Yes Donald Trump has been sued. The size of his holdings and public facing properties of course he will be sued. He has the money to pay, duh. Ever heard of slip and fall. He owns property in NYC. The NY dems have fucked up rental law so bad you can't own rental property in NYC and not get sued.
And none of that means a fucking thing.

Now your turn. With the multiple source showing/proving, can you admit Obama lied a lot? Can you admit Obama broke the law? Can you admit Obama spied? Can you admit Obama was using, illegally, the intelligence community to try to help Hillary win? Can you admit Pelosi and Schumer lie all the time?

And your graphic is a joke. That is all collectivist and Marxist actions to take over. You keep forgetting the Nazis and The "Fascists" in Italy were all National Socialist fighting the Communist for control. The Communist use the rich and race, the National Socialists, aka "Fascists" used the Rich and the Jewish people, and now the Democrats, aka 'democrat socialist' are using what? Oh yeah "eat the rich and white people are the root of all evil" says the rich white democrat who has been in office since the 70s or 80s or even 60s. And you fools eat it up.

This is what people, like you, who want to bring down their country say. This is classic Rules for Radicals- Accuse the other side of what you are guilty of doing.
Don’t know what’s going on but had 3 of my posts deleted in here last night.

Looking like freedom of speech is suffering in here if you support the President now :{
When CDNYC post were deleted, I'm guessing any response to the deleted ones were also deleted because it's all some kind of code string. I had about 11 deleted. And, I'm no supporter of the President.
Watching Ben Crump - The Floyd family has a GOOD lawyer - he is asking for the justice they deserve !!!!!
I cannot stand him. He's a TV PR lawyer, not a system changer. I hope there is a real attorney with experience filing and winning civil cases against the government.
When CDNYC post were deleted, I'm guessing any response to the deleted ones were also deleted because it's all some kind of code string. I had about 11 deleted. And, I'm no supporter of the President.

Really Ed - and here I thought ya loved the ole Trumpster ;}
I cannot stand him. He's a TV PR lawyer, not a system changer. I hope there is a real attorney with experience filing and winning civil cases against the government.

As do I - but he came across as sincere and I personally liked what he had to say as well as how he seemed protective of Quincy, George’s *******.
This is what people, like you, who want to bring down their country say. This is classic Rules for Radicals- Accuse the other side of what you are guilty of doing.v
word_YEP.jpg..... word_EXACTLY.jpg, that's what the Republicans and the Great ORANGE PRESIDENT do, alright. Appreciate your agreement.
The union rep is always an asshole. He fights against the Cheif and Leadership, he fights against the public, he fights against the legislature. Sometime before I lived there they got the right to remove the residency clause from their contract. In other words, cops, city employees, didn't have to live in the city they police. Second thing they did was recruit a majority of officers from other places. So what you've had for a couple of decades is men who grew up elsewhere, usually the smaller towns in Minnesota and Iowa, become police officers, and live outside of the community/city they patrol.
That's an occupying *******. Focused and on containment, not crime prevention.
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