Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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By the way, I have a letter of recommendation from ESPN proving my credentials. Put some money up and I will prove it. Otherwise, stop the ad hominem and focus on the content. You are being intentionally disingenuous and divisive at this point.
I'm sure you do. However, if you were a 'journalist', the youngest in their history (beating out Jimmy Roberts), then wouldn't you have your press badges, or a pic from a memorial interview, or an interview posted somewhere, or an offer letter from ESPN when they hired you?

Purposely divisive? Let me remind you of your first sentence ever here:
"Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd."
Nope, not divisive at all. Very genuine
I'm sure you do. However, if you were a 'journalist', the youngest in their history (beating out Jimmy Roberts), then wouldn't you have your press badges, or a pic from a memorial interview, or an interview posted somewhere, or an offer letter from ESPN when they hired you?

Purposely divisive? Let me remind you of your first sentence ever here:
"Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd."
Nope, not divisive at all. Very genuine

This is classic rhetorical manipulation. Not falling for it. I eviscerated you and you have nothing left in the chamber but attacking the messenger. Boring. I'll go back to my research.
Hottobe Cucked:
Why are you thumbs up on this? You're a right wing, Trump loving, religious fanatic.
What Andrew is talking about would take apart the whole Republican playbook. He's talking about economic fairness.
This is just proof as I always knew, you don't have a very high comprehension level. I bet you miss your last governor don't you?
Minding your own business might be good. Of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?
This is classic rhetorical manipulation. Not falling for it. I eviscerated you and you have nothing left in the chamber but attacking the messenger. Boring. I'll go back to my research.
Yeah right. Go back to your 'research'.
It's more like you've been busted on your bullshit, and the ESPN credential is easy enough to disprove. Unless your name is Jimmy Roberts, you're lying. Badly.
Eviscerated me? How? I didn't engage with your bs conspiracy after exposing your bs 'credentials'.
Minding your own business might be good. Of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me?
well you went to idiot school ...so naturally you try to use that logic on others.....but it just doesn't apply...…..you are still an idiot....you might consider yourself a higher class of idiot.....but pretty sure you won't get votes here...…...as far as we can see you are still a bumbling ……….you fill in the blanks if you can

remember when I asked for your opinion?.....I don't either
caution killer n thief up to more skullduggery?

a little worried he isn't going to make it so wants to delay election?

Jared Kushner clarifies after saying he’s ‘not sure’ about ...
14 hours ago · Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner raised eyebrows Tuesday by suggesting that there was uncertainty about whether the presidential election would happen in …

Ignoring federal law, Jared Kushner won't "commit” to ...
May 13, 2020 · President Donald Trump's *******-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner said he was "not sure" the country would hold the 2020 presidential election

Jared Kushner Clarifies Comment on Plans to Move Election ...
11 hours ago · After Jared Kushner indicated there was a "plan" in the works to delay the Nov. 3 general election, he quickly tried to backtrack on his comments. In an interview with Time Magazine published Tuesday, Kushner hinted it was possible that the presidential election will get pushed back because of the coronavirus pandemic.
always has been...one of the 3 major news networks...…..and is still popular with 60% of the country (40% trumptards) and only listen to what they are told...…….but it is and always has been a reliable source....mainly because they report on the facts that trump doers not want people to know......they don't hide the truth

Yeah - REALLY - I watched Meet the Press Sunday with Chucky Boy Todd and he edited a tape of Attorney General Barr to 180 what he said - disgusting BIAS !!!!!

You flaming Dems are too far gone to see how biased the media is because they say what ya want them to - even when it’s BOGUS bullshite !!!!!!
A world without U.S. leadership
The pandemic has cost lives and livelihoods, and has also shaken fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism, the singular role that the U.S. played for decades after World War II as an example to the world.​
Our Berlin bureau chief, Katrin Bennhold, writes that for Europeans, the crisis has exposed two big weaknesses of the U.S.: an erratic president who often does not follow scientific guidance, and the absence of a robust public health care system and social safety net.​
Yeah - REALLY - I watched Meet the Press Sunday with Chucky Boy Todd and he edited a tape of Attorney General Barr to 180 what he said - disgusting BIAS !!!!!

You flaming Dems are too far gone to see how biased the media is because they say what ya want them to - even when it’s BOGUS bullshite !!!!!!

you mean like you buying all the trump lies...fake news and etc...all in an attempt to cover up his lies and theft....with a bunch of retards helping is what really makes it bad

you don't think it just a little odd that there was no fake news UNTIL they started reporting on all the corruption trump is involved in......sorry....with you being odd naturally you wouldn't think it odd
Yeah - Dems idea of facts is that which the media feeds them - which is biased horseshite that they just eat up as fast as they can. Unfortunately you regurgitate all that Dem biased media crap back in here.
Yeah - Dems idea of facts is that which the media feeds them - which is biased horseshite that they just eat up as fast as they can. Unfortunately you regurgitate all that Dem biased media crap back in here.

you have just been mind fucked with all that trump ******* and you are confused....plus your regurgitator is broke....so you just end up eating more ******* and it is all just so confusing for you not knowing how to handle it

You have Diarrhea of the mouth; constipation of the ideas.
just another poor republican trying to make a living off the country's trust

FBI serves warrant on Sen. Richard Burr in stock investigation

Federal agents seized a cellphone belonging to a prominent Republican senator on Wednesday night as part of the Justice Department’s investigation into controversial stock trades he made as the coronavirus first struck the U.S., a law enforcement official said.

Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, turned over his phone to agents after they served a search warrant on the lawmaker at his residence in the Washington area, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a law enforcement action.

The seizure represents a significant escalation in the investigation into whether Burr violated a law preventing members of Congress from trading on insider information they have gleaned from their official work

Burr sold a significant percentage of his stock portfolio in 33 different transactions on Feb. 13, just as his committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings and a week before the stock market declined sharply. Much of the stock was invested in businesses that in subsequent weeks were hit hard by the plunging market.

Burr and other senators received briefings from U.S. public health officials before the stock sales.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the Justice Department did not return phone messages seeking comment. A spokeswoman for Burr did not return a phone call seeking comment.

Burr’s selloff — which was publicly disclosed in ranges — amounted to between $628,000 and $1.72 million. The stock trades were first reported by ProPublica.
Take either one....but would prefer Kolbacher….with harris to replace barr!

As Biden veep search ramps up, Harris and Klobuchar get a close look

Joe Biden is conducting an unusually open and public search for a running mate, promising to pick a woman, disclosing that he is looking at about a dozen choices and even confirming specific names — all as contenders jockey for the job in plain sight.

But behind the scenes, two prospects with national experience who are significantly younger than Biden are emerging as the early leaders in the eyes of top Biden allies, according to interviews with a half-dozen people in frequent contact with the campaign: Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Kamala D. Harris.

Although Biden’s search is just getting underway in earnest and there are no strong internal front-runners, according to a person familiar with the campaign’s selection process, many Biden friends, donors and other associates have privately and publicly expressed a preference for the two senators. And they said much of the talk around the campaign focuses on them.

“I would like to see it be Klobuchar or Harris,” said Michael Kempner, a public relations executive and Democratic donor, in a sentiment shared by other Biden allies.

For all the confidentiality of the vetting process, several glimpses have emerged. Among those Biden is consulting, beyond his formal vetting committee, are his wife, Jill, and former president Barack Obama.

Biden has confirmed that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.) are on his list, and he has hosted Whitmer and Klobuchar on his podcast. Another prospect, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, is slated to appear with Biden in a joint interview on MSNBC on Thursday night; she formally endorsed him this week.

Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Harris (D-Calif.) are seen as tested politicians who experienced the rigors of a national campaign alongside Biden during the Democratic primaries, understand the inner workings of Congress and are ideologically similar to the presumptive nominee.

Biden, 77, would be the oldest person elected to the presidency, increasing the scrutiny of his potential vice president. And the pandemic has put an additional premium on political experience and familiarity with the workings of government.

Klobuchar and Harris represent starkly different political paths that have stoked considerable Democratic debate during the Trump presidency. Harris, the ******* of Indian and Jamaican immigrants, could excite nonwhite voters in urban areas who did not turn out four years ago. Klobuchar, a moderate who campaigns as a homespun Midwesterner, has become a beacon for Democrats hoping to reclaim some white working-class voters and Republicans who cast ballots for President Trump

Biden has offered few hints on his thinking, leaving even some longtime confidants in the dark about his views. Those who know him best say that personal rapport will be a crucial factor and that his decision will be informed heavily by his experience serving as vice president to Obama, whom he faced in a presidential primary contest before the two forged a strong friendship

“Klobuchar or Harris would fit right in with where Joe Biden was with Barack Obama in ‘08,” said Dick Harpootlian, a South Carolina state senator who has known Biden for three decades but has not discussed the pick with him. The eventual choice, he said, has “got to be somebody he’s got some chemistry with.”

Biden said Wednesday on “Good Luck America,” a political show on Snapchat, that he is looking for someone who complements him, and he suggested he is consulting with Obama. “As Barack and I talk about it, I’m looking for someone who has strengths that I don’t have as much,” Biden told host Peter Hamby. “I’m not afraid to go out and find someone who knows more than I know about a subject.”

He added, “I’m looking for someone who I can feel comfortable having as the last person in the room giving me advice.”

Still, Harris and Klobuchar have vulnerabilities. Biden’s team was bruised by Harris’s sharp attacks on him over ****** school busing in a debate last year, according to three people familiar with the dynamic who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide a candid account of conversations with top aides. As recently as March, Jill Biden noted the attacks during a public discussion of potential running mates.

At the same time, Klobuchar’s inability to win many African American supporters in the primaries has drawn notice from Biden’s team. And news reports about her poor treatment of staff members have circulated widely in the party, raising questions about her management style.

Compounding their challenges are the other boldface names believed to be in the mix. They include Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has a loyal liberal following and has been speaking on the phone with Biden more frequently over the past few weeks, according to two people familiar with their conversations.

Abrams, an African American woman from Georgia who is seen as a longer shot, has frequently expressed interest in the job in media interviews.

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), who has received praise from former Senate majority leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), is not to be overlooked, Democrats with an eye on the process said. Neither is New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who like Cortez Masto is Latina.

Biden recently announced four co-chairs of his selection committee, which he said is organizing background checks. “It’s going to take six to eight weeks to get that moving and to get through it,” Biden said.

But prominent Democrats are not waiting to make their preferences known. During a recent phone call, the Rev. Al Sharpton said he told Biden that he would prefer if he chose a black woman to be his running mate, a move he recalled telling Biden would “mean a lot” since it has not been done and would “drive out a lot of voters for you.”
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