Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I think you are actually a scrawny white guy living in your moms basement pretending to be black. Feel like a man yet?
Been feeling like a man since I've been 13.
I must be a white guy? Why? I wonder why you think it must be a white guy beating down your arguments and exposing you for who you are. Can't be a black guy, that went to college right near your home.
Photo on 5-13-20 at 11.28 AM #2.jpg
Now show us your birth certificate! I don't believe you're even an American.
Republicans can never believe some black people don't fit in the narrow box they try to put us in. Right TwoBi?
Been feeling like a man since I've been 13.
I must be a white guy? Why? I wonder why you think it must be a white guy beating down your arguments and exposing you for who you are. Can't be a black guy, that went to college right near your home.
View attachment 3350920
Now show us your birth certificate! I don't believe you're even an American.
Republicans can never believe some black people don't fit in the narrow box they try to put us in. Right TwoBi?
I did this, but haven't verified as a real person yet. Probably should get on that.
A "major" huh? So still learning, are you? Becoming a psychiatrist too difficult for you or you just have low goals like an elementary school counselor?

Your OBVIOUS COMPETITION ... View attachment 3350916
.................................................................... View attachment 3350907View attachment 3350917

"argumentum ad hominem" ... something the ORANGE President would definitely know something ABOUT for sure.
You seem upset.

If you cannot or choose not to engage in a dialectic, just ignore me. I won't miss you. May your life be its own reward. I'll add you to my ignore list as well.
If you cannot or choose not to engage in a dialectic, just ignore me.
Thank you for doing that. Every year or so we get a cookie cutter major in psychiatry come along to "straighten us ignorant, uneducated liberals all out" ... we usually just hear a loud word_POP2-2.jpg after a few weeks, and just like THAT they're gone until another one (welcome aboard by the way) comes along. Enjoy your stay!
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Umm, two states he already won.
Ohio is a new thing. The Tara Reade story hit Biden hard last week, when this poll was conducted. Since then, Covid has killed quite a bit more Ohioans. Biden had been leading him there all year and will probably do so in a couple of weeks again. No worries.
What you're showing us is he is struggling to hold on to ruby red Texas where every statewide elected official is a Republican. And, Ohio, where he won in 2016 (and when you add undecideds in their poll, it's tightened to two points).
Here are the battleground states he won- but has been losing in every poll for a couple of years- Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Democrats only need to win just one to flip that electoral college.
He has to hold on to all three. Winning Texas- where he should not have to waste campaign time, and Ohio, is just getting him almost to where he was in 2016.
What this shows us, is that Donald Trump has done nothing to expand the base he was elected with. It's how the Dems took the House and keep winning elections since he was elected. His base has gotten stronger, but his support or approval beyond that has shrunk. Trump's approval numbers are the key state to state.
All you did was ad hominem again. That's a logical fallacy.

Address the logic and the content, not the messenger. Either that or shut up. Your toxicity is uncouth.

I see that you’ve set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. Clearly.

GFY....is that plain enough

uncouth is what your parents stuck us with.....if you had any brains you would realize you are lonely and have no friends
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What this shows us, is that Donald Trump has done nothing to expand the base he was elected with.
Dems will need to be paying closer attention this time around, ed. Trump started campaigning for THIS election the week after starting his first term. This coronavirus plays right into his hands, actually, plus you can bet the Republicans AND the Russian interference are planning something special. Republicans in NC started testing the mail-in ballots in 2014 and 2016, making changes that would help THEM in mail-in ballots and hurt the other party. In NC, for example, the list of voters requesting absentee voting forms is a matter of Public Record. Thus, Republicans had several representatives going around and collecting those ballots for voters, and offering to help fill out the forms for them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the real intentions of all this. The party is in major decline with Trump at the helm. I'm really missing the moderates these days. Extremists from both parties are killing our country right before our very eyes.
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they will get around to helping the killer soon......meanwhile they can continue to try and slander Biden....until all the BOTs get into place along side the one we already have here

Angela Merkel says ‘hard evidence’ she was target of ...
5 hours ago · German Chancellor Angela Merkel has cited 'hard evidence' that she was the target of Russian hacking. Der Spiegel magazine reported last week …

Angela Merkel says she is 'pained' by Russian hacking ...
May 13, 2020 · German Chancellor Angela Merkel has confirmed that she was targeted by hackers thought to be Russian military intelligence (GRU). She was asked in parliament about a German magazine report that ...
Subhub, MacnFries and the other uneducated participants in this thread speak to the inevitability of the U.S.'s collapse. The more they steal and lie to you, the more you engage in the theater of the absurd.

This is exactly why they don't have any respect for the masses. An individual human is more prone to critical thinking than a small group, which is more prone to critical thinking than a large group, and so on.

As a psychology major, I have tremendous respect for the corporate media's psy-ops.

It's every man for himself at this point. Police states,--especially here in California--environmental disasters, stagflation/hyperinflation, and an escalation into violence of our many-generations ideological war.

I've been preparing for years. The best thing to do is be quiet, conserve resources, gain perspective of the lay of the land, and plan to compete in the new terrain rather than bothering to seriously compete in old, dying terrain.

It's the folk who graduated in worthless liberal art degrees who are most in need of the Nanny State.

(Psychology included, by the way, "Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work. As a whole, the taxpayer-funded, for-profit public education system is many times weaker than what the free-market offers. When I say "cronyism" or "cartel-ism" or "Mafia-ism," the education system is one small example of what I mean in practical terms.)

America has devolved into cronyism, cartel-ism and self-protective fraud. Large swaths of the population--40% real unemployment--are completely unproductive to the New Economy. If you don't have a STEM skill set, I suggest you learn to code.

Those without such a skill set are quite aware they're on borrowed time. They know they're overpaid, and when the bubble pops--as it just did--their lack of investment in marketable skills ensures their demise.

Coronavirus is obviously a cover for a global reset of the economy, but it's obvious only to those of us who have been studying and tracking the situation for years, if not decades. No, I'm not going to debate you on it. I have oodles and oodles of research, and I'm working on turning it into monetizable content. Arguing with Dodo Brain #2080 who has not done his
or research and is married to the sunk-cost fallacy is a waste of my time.

Use the "free" money wisely. The cost of select, necessary goods will skyrocket, while the cost of less necessary goods will plummet. You're either in or out. Your service jobs are not coming back. The dollar will crash within five years, maybe.

Even though, deep down, you know this, you likely won't do anything. Primal, animalistic fight, flight or freeze response. I decided to fight long ago. They have conditioned you to choose freeze.

Disbelief. Shock. You can't even believe it. That's the point. Hide in plain sight. By the time you realize the truth--the State's only object is to collect more power-- you are too useless to the system to even sustain yourself or your loved ones.

Buckle up. We're just getting started.
As one who has completed graduate school, and have three degrees around here somewhere, allow me to opine:
You said, 'as a psychology major'... Whatever, how about you finish your degree, put in expertise time- about 10,000 hours of real world work, before you wave your 'major' around as some basis of credibility?

You said, '"Bachelor's of Science" be damned. I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician'...
And here is where we call bullshit on your credentials. The Bachelor of Arts Degree is usually where the majors you're shitting on are (sociology, psychology, political science, social work, Art History, History etc..), the Bachelor of Science Degree is the hard sciences, engineering, computer and research majors. Clearly you don't have either one, but, feel free to give your opinion on them. Sound like every ******* guy in a bar that didn't go to college and hate those who did.
Finally, you state "I specialize in stats, and aside from four or five classes training you to think like a scientist/statistician, it's a worthless degree from an economic standpoint, only gaining value through Graduate work."
I happen to consult and statistics, data analysis and predictive analytics are used every single day in politics, governing, psychology, economics, investments, etc. If you only have five classes that train you to think like a statistician or scientist, then you are doing it wrong, or not doing it at all. Here is a list of Upper level course for psychology majors in the California State University system.
The rest of your post is all conspiracy theory bs. The conservative governments of the world got together to bring down the economies?

Upper Division Required Core Courses 28 units
Psychology majors normally take these courses at CI. Students may substitute equivalent courses taken at other universities in each area by articulation agreement or by permission of the Psychology program. All courses must be passed with a grade of C or better to apply toward the Psychology major.
  • PSY 300 - Psychological Research and Statistical Methods I Units: 4
  • PSY 301 - Psychological Research and Statistical Methods II Units: 4
  • PSY 310 - History and Systems of Psychology Units: 3
  • PSY 312 - Social Psychology Units: 3
  • PSY 313 - Clinical and Abnormal Psychology Units: 3
  • PSY 314 - Behavioral Neuroscience Units: 4
  • PSY 317 - Theories of Personality Units: 3
  • PSY 318 - Learning, Cognition and Perception Units: 4
Upper Division Psychology Electives 12-13 units
Psychology majors must take 12-13 units of Upper Division Psychology Electives. Up to 6 units from interdisciplinary Psychology courses numbered 330-349 or 430-449 may be double-counted toward the upper division GE requirement. Not all courses will be taught in all years. Students must obtain a grade of C or better (or CR) in each of these courses to apply them to the psychology major. The current list of Upper Division Elective courses in Psychology is as follows:
  • PSY 303 - Statistical Applications in the Social Sciences (Cross-listed as SOC 303, POLS 303) Units: 4
  • PSY 305 - Field Research Methods Units: 3
  • PSY 315 - baby Psychopathology Units: 3
  • PSY 327 - Parenting Units: 3
  • PSY 330 - Behavioral Finance: The Psychology of Decision-making (Cross-listed as BUS 330) Units: 3
  • PSY 333 - Measurement and Testing of Groups and Individuals Units: 3
  • PSY 337 - Psychological Ethics and Moral Philosophy Units: 3
  • PSY 338 - Psychology of Art and Artists (Cross-listed as ART 338) Units: 3
  • PSY 339 - Psychology and Literature (Cross-listed as ENGL 339) Units: 3
  • PSY 340 - History and Psychology of Nazi Germany (Cross-listed as HIST 340) Units: 3
  • PSY 342 - Complementary and Alternative Health (Cross-listed as NRS 342) Units: 3
  • PSY 344 - Psychology and Traditional Asian Thought Units: 3
  • PSY 345 - Individuals with Disabilities in Society (Cross-listed as SPED 345) Units: 3
  • PSY 346 - Human Motivation Units: 3
  • PSY 348 - Healthy Aging (Cross-listed as NRS 348, SOC 348) Units: 3
  • PSY 357 - Psychology of Families Units: 3
  • PSY 370 - Fundamentals of Counseling Theory Units: 3
  • PSY 375 - Psychology of Health Counseling Units: 3
  • PSY 383 - Chicana/o Latina/o Identity and Empowerment (Cross-listed as CHS 383) Units: 3
  • PSY 400 - Case Studies in Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology Units: 3
  • PSY 410 - Psychological Testing Units: 3
  • PSY 420 - African American Families Units: 3
  • PSY 424 - Organizational Behavior (Cross-listed as MGT 424) Units: 3
  • PSY 429 - Intergroup Relations Units: 3
  • PSY 432 - Seminar in Leadership Units: 3
  • PSY 436 - Psychology and History of East Asian Warrior Cultures (Cross-listed as HIST 436) Units: 3
  • PSY 445 - Adolescent Development Units: 3
  • PSY 449 - Human-Computer Interaction (Cross-listed as COMP 449) Units: 3
  • PSY 457 - Criminal Behavior Units: 3
  • PSY 460 - Addiction Studies Units: 3
  • PSY 461 - Advanced Topics in baby and Adolescent Development Units: 3
  • PSY 470 - Seminar in Freud and Object Relations Theory Units: 3
  • PSY 471 - Seminar in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology Units: 3
  • PSY 473 - Bizarre Behavior and Culture Bound Syndromes Units: 3
  • PSY 482 - Intermediate Statistics Units: 3
  • PSY 490 - Topics in Psychology Units: 1-3
  • PSY 492 - Internship or Service Learning Units: 1-3
  • PSY 494 - Independent Research in Psychology Units: 1-3
  • PSY 497 - Directed Study in Psychology Units: 1-3
  • PSY 499 - Senior Capstone Course Units: 1-3
Pretty Republican District. she won as a backlash to Trump. They hated him so much they sent a super liberal to Congress. She messed up with her TMI life (the whole Poly-marriage thing). We'll flip this back in the November with Trump on the ticket.
Aren't you being a hypocrite here? You come to this site, and then vote against a woman who's only crime is living a lifestyle you all do behind closed doors.
Pretty Republican District. she won as a backlash to Trump. They hated him so much they sent a super liberal to Congress. She messed up with her TMI life (the whole Poly-marriage thing). We'll flip this back in the November with Trump on the ticket.
Aren't you being a hypocrite here? You come to this site, and then vote against a woman who's only crime is living a lifestyle you all do behind closed doors.
I don't vote in California, glad to see normalcy in a district. "Get in where you fit in"
As one who has completed graduate school, and have three degrees around here somewhere, allow me to opine:
You said, 'as a psychology major'... Whatever, how about you finish your degree, put in expertise time- about 10,000 hours of real world work, before you wave your 'major' around as some basis of credibility?

This is another logical fallacy. Appeal to authority.

Degrees are presumably a proxy for a skill set. The authority assigned to the credential is not in and of itself proof of the skill set. So let's see your logic.

And here is where we call bullshit on your credentials. The Bachelor of Arts Degree is usually where the majors you're shitting on are (sociology, psychology, political science, social work, Art History, History etc..), the Bachelor of Science Degree is the hard sciences, engineering, computer and research majors. Clearly you don't have either one, but, feel free to give your opinion on them. Sound like every ******* guy in a bar that didn't go to college and hate those who did.

You do not know what you speak of. I suggest you do your research. Many California universities offer a BSc in Psychology. Look it up.

When did you last go to school? I am attending right now. I do not know why you are trying to lecture me on what I am living on a daily basis. What is your point?

I happen to consult and statistics, data analysis and predictive analytics are used every single day in politics, governing, psychology, economics, investments, etc. If you only have five classes that train you to think like a statistician or scientist, then you are doing it wrong, or not doing it at all.

Cool. I worked for ESPN while still in high school. I'm still the youngest journalist in their history. Then I went into poker, quite successfully. Then I moved to sports betting, and now investing. In other words, I apply my skill set on the market, directly. I went back to school to work on building a proper statistical model. I want to scale my work and I need complete fluency in statistical analysis to do it. Good for you on your education.

The rest of your post is all conspiracy theory bs. The conservative governments of the world got together to bring down the economies?

Why do I have citatations for everything I claimed?

I read a lot. I process very quickly. I would be happy to engage in a logical polemic about my sources and my "opinions"--with numerous sources for each and every thing I say. I, too, will look into your sources and explain why I may or may not find them adequate, or point out conflicts of interests or other information that you weren't aware of.

So, if it's just conspirary BS, it should be easy to knock down, right?
This is another logical fallacy. Appeal to authority.

Degrees are presumably a proxy for a skill set. The authority assigned to the credential is not in and of itself proof of the skill set. So let's see your logic.

You do not know what you speak of. I suggest you do your research. Many California universities offer a BSc in Psychology. Look it up.

When did you last go to school? I am attending right now. I do not know why you are trying to lecture me on what I am living on a daily basis. What is your point?

Cool. I worked for ESPN while still in high school. I'm still the youngest journalist in their history. Then I went into poker, quite successfully. Then I moved to sports betting, and now investing. n other words, I apply my skill set on the market, directly. I went back to school to work on building a proper statistical model. I want to scale my work and I need complete fluency in statistical analysis to do it. Good for you on your education.

Why do I have citatations for everything I claimed?

I read a lot. I process very quickly. I would be happy to engage in a logical polemic about my sources and my "opinions"--with numerous sources for each and every thing I say. I, too, will look into your sources and explain why I may or may not find them adequate, or point out conflicts of interests or other information that you weren't aware of.

So, if it's just conspirary BS, it should be easy to knock down, right?

Not interested in debunking conspiracy theories. Why? Because, if you are in statistics, you know that correlation does not imply causation.
When debunking conspiracy theories, especially world wide economic ones, you have to take a leap to tie random events as pre conceived actions, carried out knowingly by individuals. Somewhere along the way, the debunker is ****** to prove several negatives. Impossible.

My point on the BA and BS degrees in Psychology was pointing out how you said it was worthless because you only have five classes that are geared toward being a scientist or statistician. I simply showed you that that is impossible. Even with a BA Degree, you have to take much more than 5 research and clinical classes. I provided that list from the California State University system showing the mandatory and elective classes. If you wanted that strong research background you can have it with a BA, so don't ******* on the degree. ******* on yourself for not taking the proper classes.

You were a high school employee at ESPN, a journalist to boot???? With the competition for those jobs and Syracuse only a few hours away, I find this a little hard to believe. The poker playing and then investing, yeah, I've seen similar, but a working journalist as a teen, without a high school diploma at the time- in the 1990's??? You've gone to Earth 2 on me there.

Back to what's important. No conspiracy worldwide or in the US. Just people getting the shitty government they deserve. You vote for a lying, cheating, selfish, clown, and surround him with a supporting cast, you're going to get one hell of a show. It will destroy the institution and fuck up the country, but wow, what a show.
Yes, but not the middle class. The middle class is hollowed out. Who are middle class tradesmen going to sell to?

It's a massive stratification of wealth. The Fed just printed 2 trillion dollars! Our deficit was ~1 trillion in ~2009. It's now $6 trillion. We could see $18 or $20 trillion by 2025.

What is the Fed doing when they print all this money?

Do the math. $1200 x 225 million? We're talking $270 billion. So out of $2 trillion, Main Street got ~12%. That won't even cover the inflation.

Where does most of the money the Fed prints go? To buy toxic assets from financiers.

So banks get to speculate with 0% interest. Borrowing money is free. Speculating is free. When it doesn't work out, taxpayers will bail you out.

Every time this happens, they take more and more wealth. That's how this scheme works.

There will be a second round of stimulus payments. Maybe even a third. Universal Basic Income will be rolled out soon.

But if inflation is *already* at 6% year over year--before the economy officially imploded-- how much worse do you think it will be when trillions of fake money is pumped into the economy?

It means the value of every dollar declines.

Meanwhile the cost of all necessary goods--shelter, education, healthcare--skyrocket.

It won't stop until the American people stand up and make it stop.

It's called a Ponzi scheme. Financiers, politicians and technocrats hollowed out the greatest economy ever into a cancerous Ponzi scheme.

Heads will roll as the collapse continues.
Hottobe Cucked:
Why are you thumbs up on this? You're a right wing, Trump loving, religious fanatic.
What Andrew is talking about would take apart the whole Republican playbook. He's talking about economic fairness.
This is just proof as I always knew, you don't have a very high comprehension level. I bet you miss your last governor don't you?
Not interested in debunking conspiracy theories.

Another logical fallacy: strawman and begging the question. You have not proved it's a "conspiracy theory." You haven't even defined what a conspiracy this, or why it is inherently damming, as you seem to imply. I don't share your assumptions. Where's the evidence? What position of mine are you even debating? Be specific and clear.

I didn't read the rest of your response, as it seemed quite disingenuous and not worth my attention.
By the way, I have a letter of recommendation from ESPN proving my credentials. Put some money up and I will prove it. Otherwise, stop the ad hominem and focus on the content. You are being intentionally disingenuous and divisive at this point.
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