Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hey America could get lucky....another one in the white house with the virus!....funny a few days ago trump say all this testing not necessary....now wants everyone in white house tested daily.....more of that do as I say...not as I do....
hopefully nature take him out of office and save the country the embarrassment
That would be Sub and you have no defense for yourself.

good example of what I mean...….not a fucking clue!

The only thing that can be worse than being stupid is when the stupid person doesn’t know that he/she is stupid. Scoffing at such a person with disgust simply cannot be helped. It is tedious to have to endure conversations with such people as it will require huge mental strength just to process their stupidity
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Higher class!! What r u - the prince of fukin wales or some *******!!! , and mofo i dont care what class they are. They need to be pretty, thick (no bbw for me), clean and disease free. I'm here to fuck not marry fool, thats your job "sub" remember. Sice i'm no gonna meet any higher class people(according to you) does that mean you bringing your wife over. And talking about your wife,, post a pic of her, help a brother out so he can jerk himself off... Ha ha

go away....you will never be half the man your mom was
As for the Bible I assure you that I know what I am talking about, and guess what, I will never change my doctrinal beliefs because I am extremely educated through 55 years of studying God's word, by myself and many Bible Studies with other Christians and Non-Christians as well.
Hmmm, Mr Hot To Be Cucked is a judgmental fundamentalist. And, you call yourself 'extremely educated' because you've been reading the bible for 55 years with others?
55 years and you can't speak on how your carnal desires, or even your presence here, lines up with your 'extreme education' with the bible? You judge a whole group of people when the bible clearly warns you against this. How do you square this? Trump has broken half the commandments, and continue to do so, yet, you continue to hold him up. The bible clearly states you are a liar. Don't blame me, that's that Lord's word.

You see, your religion doesn't belong here. And, your lack of knowledge though you consider yourself an expert, shows you need to study up a little a more. Or, switch sects and become Catholic. We go to confession, and usually get our sins washed.
Hey America could get lucky....another one in the white house with the virus!....funny a few days ago trump say all this testing not necessary....now wants everyone in white house tested daily.....more of that do as I say...not as I do....
hopefully nature take him out of office and save the country the embarrassment
It's "Mister Mexican Hating, Put ******* in cages" -Steve Miller's new wife. Miller is the President's domestic policy advisor and his wife is the VP press secretary.
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Dude you make no sense at all, all that talk of rights, responsibilities, and civic duties you forget that the main problem is the system of electing government is currupt and nefarious to begin with - Two currupt choices and being ****** to choose the lesser evil. And i was not complaining to you about anything at all. If you think electroal politics will solve all your problems..Think again. And i said i'll write my brothers name on the ballot,even though hes no longer with us or jessie ventura, what if i want him to be the president.
Let me ask you a simple question who will you vote between trump and biden and why.
And btw just realised this is an interracial porn site. Why ya'll not posting your hotwife's pics and videos, so we all can enjoy while talking politics, thats the whole purpose of being here.. Right. I'm the one who's high as kite but sounds like you's are the one tripping... Ha ha
Jesse Ventura? I was working in the state house when he was there. We (Democrats) go a lot of ******* done through him. He talked a lot of ******* about both sides but when it came to legislation and policy, he was down with us 80% of time. Republicans lost their ******* weekly. Good ol' days.
Moving the goal post I see. Your request to was to name a Senator that supports open boarders - you said nothing of legislation. Make up your mind.
Just like there is no legislation on Trump wanting to change our government to a dictatorship, So are you asking for Names of those that support open boarders, or names of those that have submitted legislation?

Right now most of the Democratic party "support" open boarders because that is what will get them votes. Non of them will actually deliver on any promise they make. It's called "Dangle the carrot" and the dems do it very well. How do you think they keep millions of inner city people in poverty and dependent on their every word. Open boarders, Gun control, Retribution, Free <anything> are all dangling carrots and the sheep simply follow.

I will agree however that Socialist Democrats are not Democrats. Hell, even Democrats, are not Democrat. The fucking Republicans aren't even Republican anymore either. To quote Mr Mike Pence "If you are not corrupt when you enter politics, you soon will be."
"inner city people"??? Later for that. But be prepared to explain who keeps rural white people in poverty where the cost of living is a fraction of the city.

Democrats support comprehensive immigration. A plan that addresses people coming here for asylum, refugees, working permits, children brought here by parents, people already here, that have been law abiding and working, criminal element, and crime prevention.

Republicans try to make everything a simple five or six word crises, Democrats voted against Trump wanting to shut everything down and militarize the Mexican border (cause we're not doing it at the Canadian border), They want open borders.

You take our opposition to Trump's actions, and apply it to a ridiculous policy that you CANNOT find any Democrat supporting. You can see what the Democrats have passed in the House. You know, legislation that let's you know where they stand.

Still can't find that open borders bill. AOC and the whole squad voted for the above bill which lays out standards and qualifications.You're kind of full of *******.
suits me...I'm all for it....I like when the pumpkin turns red...just what we need pre-election

Constitutional scholar argues Trump should be impeached over Dr. Bright whistleblower complaint

After Dr. Rick Bright's whistleblower complaint, one law professor is arguing for impeaching President Trump a second time.

Bright was recently removed as the director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority while leading vaccine development, a move he alleged was taken because he wouldn't put "politics and cronyism" above science, insisting congressional funding not go toward "*******, vaccines, and other technologies that lack scientific merit" and limiting the "broad use" of the Trump-touted hydroxychloroquine. He filed an official whistleblower complaint this week alleging "cronyism" at HHS.

Kim Wehle, a constitutional scholar and professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, on Thursday wrote in a piece for The Bulwark that Bright's story must "not be treated as just another Trump administration scandal," arguing it's evidence of Trump's "unabashed corruption" and is a "good reason to once again impeach the president."

Wehle acknowledges that the Republican-controlled Senate again wouldn't remove Trump from office after acquitting him in the Ukraine scandal but argues that "the pandemic creates new reasons to remove the president" and "at least the effort again to remove this singularly unfit president would be a worthy historical act of devotion to the Constitution."

Asked to comment on Bright's complaint this week, Trump dismissed him as "a disgruntled employee that’s trying to help the Democrats win an election." Read Wehle's full piece at The Bulwark.
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Ex-Australian Prime Minister Comes Up With Biting New Way To Describe Donald Trump

Former Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ripped Donald Trump’s botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic in a new op-ed, describing the U.S. president as a “quack apothecary” for hyping unproven cures.

Trump last month pondered injecting disinfectant or using powerful lights to treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Following widespread anger and disbelief, Trump claimed he was being sarcastic. He also has touted unproven ******* that were later shown to be ineffective and dangerous.

Rudd, who led Australia from 2007 to 2010 and again in 2013, this week called out the Trump administration’s “chaotic management” of the crisis in a lengthy column for Foreign Affairs. The article, headlined “The Coming Post-COVID Anarchy,” explores the future relationship of China and the U.S. and their standings in the world.

Wrote Rudd:

The world has watched in horror as an American president acts not as the leader of the free world but as a quack apothecary recommending unproven “treatments.” It has seen what “America First” means in practice: don’t look to the United States for help in a genuine global crisis, because it can’t even look after itself. Once there was the United States of the Berlin airlift. Now there is the image of the USS Theodore Roosevelt crippled by the virus, reports of the administration trying to take exclusive control of a vaccine being developed in Germany, and federal intervention to stop the commercial sale of personal protective equipment to Canada. The world has been turned on its head.

Trump says coronavirus will 'go away without a vaccine'

President Trump on Friday broke with health experts, telling reporters that the coronavirus will “go away without a vaccine.”

“This is going to go away without a vaccine, it’s gonna go away, and we’re not going to see it again, hopefully, after a period of time,” Trump said at the White House. “You may have some flare-ups, and I guess I would expect that.”

Just days ago the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed, a project to accelerate the production of a vaccine for the coronavirus, which as of Friday had infected at least 1.2 million Americans and killed more than 76,000 here.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert on infectious diseases on the coronavirus task *******, has repeatedly cautioned that a vaccine is still at least a year to 18 months from being made available to the public.

In an interview last week with Fox News, Fauci said the coronavirus outbreak was “not going to be over to the point of our being able to not do any mitigation until we have a scientifically sound, safe and effective vaccine.”

Asked what led him to believe that the virus would disappear without a vaccine, Trump claimed he had received that information from medical professionals.

James Carville Warns Trump: Your 'Grifter' Campaign Aides Are Lying To You

Democratic political consultant James Carville said President Donald Trump is getting fleeced by members of his own campaign who know he’s going to lose reelection but won’t tell him for one simple reason: they’re trying to make money off the campaign.

“It don’t matter if the Dow is 35,000, he’s not going to win,” Carville said on MSNBC on Wednesday. “He wasn’t going to win when unemployment was 3.5 percent, he’s certainly not going to win now.”

Carville dismissed Trump’s top campaign aides as a “pack of grifters.”

“HIs campaign manager’s got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover,” he said.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and his companies collected $38.9 million from the president’s reelection committees between January 2017 and the end of March. Parscale has also amassed all of the properties and vehicles Carville described.

“They’re all just fleecing the campaign,” Carville said, adding that the aides were also lying to Trump about his chances to keep the gravy train rolling.

“It’s just about making money and they’re going in, they’re giving him fake polls,” he said. “This whole thing is just like a crumbling empire right before your eyes. Everybody is trying to take everything they can get on the way out and they’re trying to prop him up so they all can make money. ”

Carville: Look what his campaign is doing. They’re a pack of grifters. His campaign manager got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover and they’re all just fleecing the campaign. This is all about making money and they’re going in there and giving him fake polls. pic.twitter.com/Xj5Bk18GeG

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Hmmm, Mr Hot To Be Cucked is a judgmental fundamentalist. And, you call yourself 'extremely educated' because you've been reading the bible for 55 years with others?
55 years and you can't speak on how your carnal desires, or even your presence here, lines up with your 'extreme education' with the bible? You judge a whole group of people when the bible clearly warns you against this. How do you square this? Trump has broken half the commandments, and continue to do so, yet, you continue to hold him up. The bible clearly states you are a liar. Don't blame me, that's that Lord's word.

You see, your religion doesn't belong here. And, your lack of knowledge though you consider yourself an expert, shows you need to study up a little a more. Or, switch sects and become Catholic. We go to confession, and usually get our sins washed.

I have a fishing buddy who happens to be a RC Priest, with a great sense of humour I might add, anyway, I digress! We were at our cottage in N.B.C a couple of years ago and after dinner one evening the conversation got around politics, et al, which eventually bought up the subject of Donald Trump and his morals, or in fact, his lack thereof! I now recall this was during the U.S. Presidential race! It was inevitable that Trumps womanizing would be breached, then his business antics, his lying, his exaeragerations, and on and on! All through this the good ******* didn't comment or say much. Then one of my guests, I guess in an attempt to get the good ******* to take part in the conversation, looked him straight in the eye and said, and I quote: "*******, if you had Trump go to confession to you what do you think he'd tell you?" There were seven of us in the room and five of us took a deep breath as we looked toward the priest in expectation of how he'd respond! He stood up, looked around at each of us, and said, quote: "I'm not sure! There's one thing I'm absolutely sure of however, if he told me he had committed suicide, I'd know he'd be lying! Then again he'd probably have the same difficulty with truth with the other nine (9) remaining commandments! Good night gentlemen! The fish will be rising early in the morning and I have to be there to greet them, in the meantime Mr. Donald in need of a prayer no matter what the source!"
We all had a great laugh at his very dry humour as we wished him a good night!
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Still can't find that open borders bill.

Never said there was one - You asked for those the SUPPORT open border - exactly what I gave you. You DO know the difference I hope. Then you moved the goal post, and now trying to put words into my mouth - typical lefty.

I don't see why immigrants can't take the path to citizenship just like all the others, why does it need to be changed?
Hmmm, Mr Hot To Be Cucked is a judgmental fundamentalist. And, you call yourself 'extremely educated' because you've been reading the bible for 55 years with others?
55 years and you can't speak on how your carnal desires, or even your presence here, lines up with your 'extreme education' with the bible? You judge a whole group of people when the bible clearly warns you against this. How do you square this? Trump has broken half the commandments, and continue to do so, yet, you continue to hold him up. The bible clearly states you are a liar. Don't blame me, that's that Lord's word.

You see, your religion doesn't belong here. And, your lack of knowledge though you consider yourself an expert, shows you need to study up a little a more. Or, switch sects and become Catholic. We go to confession, and usually get our sins washed.
I refuse to cast my pearls before swine. Your understanding of Catholic doctrine is typical, only God can forgive sins. I never said I claim to be an expert but a am well versed in scripture. Your opinion of others is harsh and close minded, I refuse to communicate with you concerning faith any further.
If I were to reply you right now, It would be an historic win for your species.

you don't have discourse with anybody.....you just whine.....and whine alot

which explains why you don't understand so much....having trouble with all those tears

Such a Dem - I accuse you of being the WHINER you ARE and you turn around and accuse me - of that which you do incessantly - you Dems are so obviously pathetic.
Never said there was one - You asked for those the SUPPORT open border - exactly what I gave you. You DO know the difference I hope. Then you moved the goal post, and now trying to put words into my mouth - typical lefty.

I don't see why immigrants can't take the path to citizenship just like all the others, why does it need to be changed?
Because it's not a path for brown people. We literally have different policies for different countries. This is why a Melania Trump can come on a six month visitor visa, then get a workers visa and eventually become a citizen through the Einstein Visa. That path is not available for countries like Mexico, Central America etc...
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