Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I try and deal with biggest problems first. I don't play favourites with imigrants do it the right way

Bullshit, No one gives a damn about other immigrants. Go into Boston, how many illegal Irish and Croatian immigrants have overstayed their visas? You know why they don't know, cause they don't care. Here in Chicago, so many Polish, Romanian and Ukrainians who came on a holiday visa just stay.
AOC and the whole squad, just four out of many Democrats were pushing for open borders during the last 3 years before this Pandemic. Now they want all of America to stay quarantined in their homes and watch their lives change as Democrats fight the Trump administration to keep our country closed.
The last three years? They've been in office for 15 months, less than a year and a half.
Trumps Administration put the standards out for social distancing.
You really don't know wtf you're talking about. Here or in the bible.
nothing to hide.....sure seems like he is still trying to hide something...it is not ALL out yet!

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to shield secret ...
13 hours ago · The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to shield redacted grand jury materials related to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe from the Democratic-led House.

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of ...
May 07, 2020 · Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of Mueller material. Robert S. Mueller III, the former special counsel appointed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election ...

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to shield Mueller ...
May 07, 2020 · Trump administration asks Supreme Court to shield Mueller grand jury materials from Congress Published Thu, May 7 2020 1:35 PM EDT Updated Thu, May 7 2020 2:35 PM EDT Tucker Higgins @in/tucker ...
More Trump justice and hiding Russian collusion...changes NOTHING he still worked with trump to be a traitor to his own country

DOJ moves to dismiss case against former Trump adviser ...
12 hours ago · The Justice Department on Thursday moved to dismiss its criminal case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the first national security adviser to …

DOJ Drops Charges Against Michael Flynn, Who Lied to FBI
It may not be a pardon. But the Justice Department has dropped charges against Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Retired Army …

It may not be a pardon. But the Justice Department has dropped charges against Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, an important figure in the war on terror who gave Trump’s 2016 run military validation, will avoid prison time after the Justice Department provided a deliverance that Flynn had long sought. It is also the second redemption that Trump has provided the general, who served as his first national security adviser for less than a month.

“The Government has determined, pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice,” wrote Timothy Shea, the interim U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia and a former senior aide to Attorney General William Barr.

Shea wrote that Flynn’s admitted lies to the FBI needed to have been “not simply false, but ‘materially’ false with respect to a matter under investigation.” It was an astonishing turnaround since 2018, when a federal judge said to Flynn in a sentencing hearing, “arguably, you sold your country out.”

Neither Flynn nor his attorney, Sidney Powell, responded immediately to requests for comment.
AOC and Tlaib both support open boarders. any 2 year old can see that.

The annual meeting of the Democratic Socialists of America group has endorsed open borders.
Open borders are also needed to change Americans’ politics and culture, the group argues: “Borders and immigration enforcement are tools of white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism.” Open borders are also needed to help citizens and immigrants jointly organize against the capitalist system in the United States, the DSA argues: “borders serve to undermine the international working class, by pitting immigrants and citizens workers in American … against each other in a race to the bottom.”

Still no legislation to point to by legislators? This is minutes from a Democratic Socialist Party chapter. Members spoke about open borders. They are probably for it. However, you've been whipping Democrats around about this and can't find legislation that support open borders, in others words, no price to pay for coming on over. That's a lie.
Bernie Sanders is the only socialist dem in the entire congress.
Socialist Democrats are not Democrats.
Try again.
the only people buying any of this are the trumptards blindly supporting a traitor

Never Seen Anything Like This’: Experts Question Dropping of Flynn Prosecution

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s decision to drop the criminal case against Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, even though he had twice pleaded guilty to lying to investigators, was extraordinary and had no obvious precedent, a range of criminal law specialists said on Thursday.

I’ve been practicing for more time than I care to admit and I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Julie O’Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches criminal law at Georgetown University.

The move is the latest in a series that the department, under Attorney General William P. Barr, has taken to undermine and dismantle the work of the investigators and prosecutors who scrutinized Russia’s 2016 election interference operation and its links to people associated with the Trump campaign.

The case against Mr. Flynn for lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with the Russian ambassador was brought by the office of the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. It had become a political cause for Mr. Trump and his supporters, and the president had signaled that he was considering a pardon once Mr. Flynn was sentenced. But Mr. Barr instead abruptly short-circuited the case.

On Thursday, Timothy Shea, the interim U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia, told the judge overseeing the case, Emmet G. Sullivan, that prosecutors were withdrawing the case. They were doing so, he said, because the department could not prove to a jury that Mr. Flynn’s admitted lies to the F.B.I. about his conversations with the ambassador were “material” ones.

The move essentially erases Mr. Flynn’s guilty pleas. Because he was never sentenced and the government is unwilling to pursue the matter further, the prosecution is virtually certain to end, although the judge must still decide whether to grant the department’s request to dismiss it “with prejudice,” meaning it could not be refiled in the future.

A range of former prosecutors struggled to point to any previous instance in which the Justice Department had abandoned its own case after obtaining a guilty plea. They portrayed the justification Mr. Shea pointed to — that it would be difficult to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the lies were material — as dubious.

“A pardon would have been a lot more honest,” said Samuel Buell, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches criminal law at Duke University.

The law regarding what counts as “material” is extremely forgiving to the government, Mr. Buell added. The idea is that law enforcement is permitted to pursue possible theories of criminality and to interview people without having firmly established that there was a crime first.

James G. McGovern, a defense lawyer at Hogan Lovells and a former federal prosecutor, said juries rarely bought a defendant’s argument that a lie did not involve a material fact.

“If you are arguing ‘materiality,’ you usually lose, because there is a tacit admission that what you said was untrue, so you lose the jury,” he said.

No career prosecutors signed the motion. Mr. Shea is a former close aide to Mr. Barr. In January, Mr. Barr installed him as the top prosecutor in the district that encompasses the nation’s capital after maneuvering out the Senate-confirmed former top prosecutor in that office, Jessie K. Liu.

Soon after, in an extraordinary move, four prosecutors in the office abruptly quit the case against Mr. Trump’s longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr. They did so after senior Justice Department officials intervened to recommend a more lenient prison term than standard sentencing guidelines called for in the crimes Mr. Stone was convicted of committing including witness intimidation and perjury — to conceal Trump campaign interactions with WikiLeaks

It soon emerged that Mr. Barr had also appointed an outside prosecutor, Jeff Jensen, the U.S. attorney in St. Louis, to review the Flynn case files. The department then began turning over F.B.I. documents showing internal deliberations about questioning Mr. Flynn, like what warnings to give — even though such files are usually not provided to the defense.

Mr. Flynn’s defense team has mined such files for ammunition to portray the F.B.I. as running amok in its decision to question Mr. Flynn in the first place. The questioning focused on his conversations during the transition after the 2016 election with the Russian ambassador about the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions on Russia for its interference in the American election.

The F.B.I. had already concluded that there was no evidence that Mr. Flynn, a former Trump campaign adviser, had personally conspired with Russia about the election, and it had decided to close out the counterintelligence investigation into him. Then questions arose about whether and why Mr. Flynn had lied to administration colleagues like Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with the ambassador.

Because the counterintelligence investigation was still open, the bureau used it as a basis to question Mr. Flynn about the conversations and decided not to warn him at its onset that it would be a crime to lie. Notes from Bill Priestap, then the head of the F.B.I.’s counterintelligence division, show that he wrote at one point about the planned interview: “What’s our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Mr. Barr has also appointed another outside prosecutor, John H. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to reinvestigate the Russia investigators even though the department’s independent inspector general was already scrutinizing them.

And his department has intervened in a range of other ways, from seeking more comfortable prison accommodations last year for Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, to abruptly dropping charges in March against two Russian shell companies that were about to go to trial for financing schemes to interfere in the 2016 election using social media.

Mr. Barr has let it be known that he does not think the F.B.I. ever had an adequate legal basis to open its Russia investigation in the first place, contrary to the judgment of the Justice Department’s inspector general.

In an interview on CBS News on Thursday, Mr. Barr defended the dropping of the charges against Mr. Flynn on the grounds that the F.B.I. “did not have a basis for a counterintelligence investigation against Flynn at that stage.”

Anne Milgram, a former federal prosecutor and former New Jersey attorney general who teaches criminal law at New York University, defended the F.B.I.’s decision to question Mr. Flynn in January 2017. She said that much was still a mystery about the Russian election interference operation at the time and that Mr. Flynn’s lying to the vice president about his postelection interactions with a high-ranking Russian raised new questions.

But, she argued, the more important frame for assessing the dropping of the case was to recognize how it fit into the larger pattern of the Barr-era department “undercutting the law enforcement officials and prosecutors who investigated the 2016 election and its aftermath,” which she likened to “eating the Justice Department from the inside out.”
no more info on the amount of people he has killed?
In other words as far as trump is concerned the Virus is over....who ever dies now.....to bad....other things to worry about...like re-election

Trump tightens grip on coronavirus information as he pushes to restart the economy

President Trump in recent weeks has sought to block or downplay information about the severity of the coronavirus pandemic as he urges a return to normalcy and the rekindling of an economy that has been devastated by public health restrictions aimed at mitigating the outbreak.

His administration has sidelined or replaced officials not seen as loyal, rebuffed congressional requests for testimony, dismissed jarring statistics and models , praised states for reopening without meeting White House guidelines and, briefly, pushed to disband a task ******* created to combat the virus and communicate about the public health crisis

Several Republican governors are following Trump’s lead as an effort takes shape to control the narrative about a pandemic that has continued to rage throughout a quickly reopening country. With polls showing most consumers still afraid to venture out of their homes, the Trump administration has intensified its efforts to soothe some of those fears through a messaging campaign that relies on tightly controlling information about a virus that has proven stubbornly difficult to contain.

“If the message were to go out with complete objectivity, it would be disastrous for Trump,” said Max Skidmore, a political science professor at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and the author of a book on presidential responses to pandemics. “So he is doing his best to prevent experts from speaking out or using their expertise, and he’s simply trying to divert attention.”

Trump’s information-control tactics are being replicated in states across the country, where governors are lifting stay-at-home orders against the advice of public health officials.

In Arizona, where Gov. Doug Ducey (R) is pushing businesses to reopen, the state health departme
nt abruptly halted the work of a team of experts who predicted the outbreak’s peak was still about two weeks away. The department reversed the decision amid an outcry after it became public.

Governors in Georgia, Texas, Iowa and elsewhere have been praised by Trump as they ignored recommendations from doctors and health officials in their states to begin phased reopenings. States such as Florida have limited or redacted public information about their coronavirus deaths.

Administration officials say the moves reflect a shift, driven by Trump, away from focusing on the health challenges caused by the pandemic and toward restarting economic activity and pulling the country out of recession. The evolution is being driven in part by the political calendar, with just six months before voters decide the president’s fate.

While Trump reversed course Wednesday and declared that the White House coronavirus task ******* would continue indefinitely, its public-facing role had already been curtailed.

One senior administration official said the public-health experts are scaring people, and their dire warnings have often been at odds with the president’s call to “open up our country.”

Meetings by the task *******, which had been happening on a daily basis, have reduced in their frequency, the official said. Like others, the official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

The task *******’s daily press briefings, which previously featured key health experts alongside Trump, have been reduced and reconfigured to showcase the newly appointed White House press secretary while other events are staged to highlight the president conferring with business owners.

The administration also has not released guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that have been in the works for weeks and offered advice on how to reopen certain businesses and facilities.
funny testing not needed...but now that HE has been exposed ….wants it done to himself daily!

Senate GOP breaks with Trump on Covid-19 testing: 'We ought to step it up'

President Donald Trump likes to boast about how well testing for Covid-19 is going in the United States, saying just this week: "We have the greatest testing in the world."

"We have so much testing," Trump told reporters on the south lawn of the White House. "I don't think you need that kind of testing or that much testing, but some people disagree with me and some people agree with me."

On Capitol Hill, many Republicans don't agree.

A wide range of GOP senators on Thursday had a far different message: Much more needs to be done to ramp up testing before the country can safely reopen.

"We ought to step it up," Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby, a Republican of Alabama, told CNN. "We ought to make the test as quickly as we can, accelerate it and do it. I think it's key to getting people back to give them confidence and also ascertaining who is carrying the virus."

Sen. Joni Ernst, an Iowa Republican up for reelection this year, said, "We just really want to ramp up testing. We need more tests produced ... because I think consumer confidence would certainly be better if we could be testing out there, get the economy up and going."

Republicans say that testing availability has improved significantly in recent weeks, but they contend it's still far from where it needs to be to keep the number of cases from dramatically increasing and to allow Americans to return to work. Democrats are already pushing to dramatically expand money for testing in the next relief package, something that could gain bipartisan support.

"There are still shortfalls; I mean, we got to address the shortfalls," GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said of testing. "In perspective, it's much, much better than it was but it's still not where it needs to be."

On Thursday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee heard testimony from National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, who announced a new program "to help make millions more accurate and easy-to-use tests per week available to all Americans by the end of summer, and even more in time for the flu season."

Collins acknowledged shortfalls in existing tests, noting that one of the rapid coronavirus tests, the Abbott ID Now machine, has about a 15% "false negative rate," meaning roughly 15% of patients are told they are negative for the disease when they are in fact positive. There are just 18,000 of those rapid machines performing the 15-minute tests right now, Collins said.

"If you're in a circumstance where you really, really don't want to miss a diagnosis of somebody who's already carrying the virus, you'd like to have something that has a higher sensitivity than that," Collins said. "And I know they're working on how to make that happen

Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Tennessee Republican who's chairman of the committee, told CNN that "it's impressive what we've done" in terms of testing, noting it's far more than the rest of the world.

"But it's even more impressive about what we've got left to do," said Alexander, who helped secure provisions in the latest rescue package to promote efforts to find new technologies aimed at improving testing.

"We need to be producing tens of millions of tests in order to be able to get all the campuses open, 100,000 public schools open," Alexander said. "We've never tried to do that before in this country."

In the US, around 8.1 million tests have been done so far. The White House said last month that its goal was for each state to have the capacity to test 2% of its population, with 2 million tests per week by the end of May.

The issue of testing is bound to become a focus in the next relief package Congress may soon consider. After approving $25 billion for testing in the latest legislation, three House Democrats -- Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson of Minnesota along with Reps. Filemon Vela of Texas and Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware -- urged congressional leaders to include an additional $250 billion for testing and contact tracing in the next package.

Many say the focus needs to be on improving the capacity of rapid tests.

"It's not the number of tests that are out there -- it's the speed of the test result," said Sen. James Lankford, a Republican of Oklahoma, calling for more tests where patients could have results within minutes. "We're not at that point but we need to be at that point."

Sen. Roger Wicker, a Mississippi Republican, said: "We need a massive manufacturing of testing."

While Republicans are sounding the alarm, few of them are willing to criticize Trump's rosy assessment, with Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota arguing the President simply has been "consistently optimistic" and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida saying Trump has a "tricky balancing act" between "being realistic and open about the reality before us."

Asked if Trump's positive rhetoric is the right message to send, Ernst said: "I would refer to the White House on their facts and figures," adding: "To get students back to school in the fall and again open up all these businesses, we just really need to have a lot of tests."
Sub and the rest of you die hard Democrats are the real unintelligent, dense and dogmatic fools. Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Proverbs 20: 3 It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.
You know, you're getting personal and preachy. I don't go after people's beliefs until they try to use it to establish their own righteousness, or to try and show superior morality over others.
So, I know plenty of versus in the bible that condones *******, ******* and the selling off your own ******* to name a few things, what i am not familiar with is the part where it's OK to give your wife to other men to fuck so that you may find pleasure Mr, Hot To Be Cucked. How the fuck are you going to stand on any grounds preaching the bible with your dick hanging out? You pay money to support a site, that is full of wonderfully dirty and sexually depraved images, and want to act like you're some kind of pious prick???
1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Matthew 6:1
Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your ******* who is in heaven.
1 John 2:9
He that saith he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness.
Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
1 John 2:4
Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

And you support Trump and think we have a problem for not? You quote the bible in support. Well, I can do this all day and twice on Sunday. Let's go.
thanks to good old American greed we have made them rich and powerful....and soon to be kissing their ass just to survive

China’s Military Is Tied to Debilitating New Cyberattack Tool

An Israeli security company said the hacking software, called Aria-body, had been deployed against governments and state-owned companies in Australia and Southeast Asia.

On the morning of Jan. 3, an email was sent from the Indonesian Embassy in Australia to a member of the premier of Western Australia’s staff who worked on health and ecological issues. Attached was a Word document that aroused no immediate suspicions, since the intended recipient knew the supposed sender.

The attachment contained an invisible cyberattack tool called Aria-body, which had never been detected before and had alarming new capabilities. Hackers who used it to remotely take over a computer could copy, delete or create files and carry out extensive searches of the device’s data, and the tool had new ways of covering its tracks to avoid detection.

Now a cybersecurity company in Israel has identified Aria-body as a weapon wielded by a group of hackers, called Naikon, that has previously been traced to the Chinese military. And it was used against far more targets than the office of Mark McGowan, the premier of Western Australia, according to the company, Check Point Software Technologies, which released a report on Thursday about the tool.

In the preceding months, Naikon had also used it to hack government agencies and state-owned technology companies in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and Brunei, according to Check Point, which said the attacks underscored the breadth and sophistication of China’s use of cyberespionage against its neighbors.

“The Naikon group has been running a longstanding operation, during which it has updated its new cyberweapon time and time again, built an extensive offensive infrastructure and worked to penetrate many governments across Asia and the Pacific,” said Lotem Finkelstein, head of the cyberthreat intelligence group at Check Point

What made these attacks so alarming, according to Check Point and other experts on Chinese cyberespionage, was the intrusive capabilities of Aria-body, the group’s new tool.

Aria-body could penetrate any computer used to open the file in which it was embedded and quickly make the computer obey the hackers’ instructions. That could include setting up a secret, hard-to-detect line of communication by which data on the targeted computer would flow to servers used by the attackers.

It could also replicate typing being done by the target user, meaning that had the Australia attack not been detected, the tool would have allowed whoever controlled it to see what a staff member was writing in the premier’s office, in real time.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade did not immediately respond to questions about the report.

“We know that China is probably the single biggest source of cyberespionage coming into Australia by a very long way,” said Peter Jennings, a former Australian defense official who is the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Faced with such criticism in recent years, Beijing has maintained that it is opposed to cyberattacks of any kind and that the Chinese government and military do not engage in hacking for the theft of trade secrets.

China’s cyberespionage efforts have shown no sign of relenting globally and may be intensifying as tensions with Australia, the United States and other countries have risen over trade, technology and, more recently, disputes over the coronavirus pandemic. Experts say its aim is to steal vast amounts of data from foreign governments and companies.

“This may be different in design, but these attacks all have the same purpose,” said Matthew Brazil, an American former diplomat and author of a new book on Chinese espionage, referring to Aria-body.

According to Check Point, the hacker using Aria-body was able to take over the computer used by an Indonesian diplomat at the embassy in Canberra, the Australian capital. The hacker found a document that the diplomat was working on, completed it and then sent it to the staff member in the Western Australian premier’s office, armed with the Aria-body tool.

It was discovered only because of a simple human error.

The hacker sending the email dispatched it to the wrong address. When the server in the premier’s office returned it with a note saying the email address had not been found, the transmission aroused suspicion that something in the original message was fishy, the authors of Check Point’s report wrote. That prompted the investigation that revealed the attempted attack — and its novel weapon.

Naikon was previously investigated by an American cybersecurity company, ThreatConnect, which in 2015 published a wide-ranging report on the group’s connection to the People’s Liberation Army.

The hacking group appeared to operate as part of the military’s Second Technical Reconnaissance Bureau, Unit 78020, based mainly in the southern city of Kunming, according to ThreatConnect. It is said to be responsible for China’s cyberoperations and technological espionage in Southeast Asia and the South China Sea, where Beijing is embroiled in territorial disputes with its neighbors.

A report by the Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity company, called the group one of Asia’s most active “advanced persistent threats,” a term that security experts often use to describe state-backed hackers who run long-term campaigns of intrusion.

After the 2015 report disclosed Naikon’s main cyberweapons, the group seemed to disappear. Mr. Brazil, the former diplomat, noted that China had since reorganized its cyberespionage forces, shifting some from the People’s Liberation Army to the Ministry of State Security, effectively dividing their duties between military intelligence and diplomatic and economic espionage.

Check Point’s report suggests that Naikon may have remained active, though it is not clear whether it has shifted out of the military chain of command.

Since early 2019, according to the Check Point report, the group has accelerated efforts to expand its online infrastructure. The hacking group has purchased server space from Alibaba, the Chinese technology company, and registered domain names on GoDaddy, an American web-hosting firm.

In one case, Naikon commandeered a server of the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology and used it to help disguise the origin of a Naikon attack, by making it seem as though it came from that server.

The group would intrude into computers by hiding Aria-body in Microsoft Word documents and files that install Microsoft Office programs. What made it difficult to discover was its ability to conceal itself much more effectively than other such tools.

Aria-body could attach itself as a parasite to various types of files so that it did not have a set pattern of movement. Its operators could change part of its code remotely, so that after attacking one computer, Aria-body would look different when it breached the next one. Such patterns are often telltale signs for security investigators

“People sometimes fail to see the industrial-strength capacity that China has to do this on a global scale,” said Mr. Jennings, the Australian former defense official. “We’re talking about tens of thousands of people who are operating in their signals intelligence unit and Ministry of State Security. China has both the capacity and a long-demonstrated intent to do this wherever it thinks it can extract useful information.”

Check Point did not disclose all of the targets it said Naikon had infiltrated, but said they included embassies, ministries and state-owned corporations dealing with science and technology.

“Throughout our research we found that the group adjusted its signature weapon to search for specific files by names within the compromised ministries,” said Mr. Finkelstein, the Check Point expert. “This fact alone strengthens the understanding that there was a significant, well-thought infrastructure and pre-operation intelligence collection.”

You know, you're getting personal and preachy. I don't go after people's beliefs until they try to use it to establish their own righteousness, or to try and show superior morality over others.

You know, you're getting personal and preachy. I don't go after people's beliefs until they try to use it to establish their own righteousness, (ignorance) or to try and show superior morality over others
You know, you're getting personal and preachy. I don't go after people's beliefs until they try to use it to establish their own righteousness, or to try and show superior morality over others.
So, I know plenty of versus in the bible that condones *******, ******* and the selling off your own ******* to name a few things, what i am not familiar with is the part where it's OK to give your wife to other men to fuck so that you may find pleasure Mr, Hot To Be Cucked. How the fuck are you going to stand on any grounds preaching the bible with your dick hanging out? You pay money to support a site, that is full of wonderfully dirty and sexually depraved images, and want to act like you're some kind of pious prick???
1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Matthew 7:5
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Matthew 6:1
Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your ******* who is in heaven.
1 John 2:9
He that saith he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness.
Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
1 John 2:4
Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

And you support Trump and think we have a problem for not? You quote the bible in support. Well, I can do this all day and twice on Sunday. Let's go.

Can not for the life of me...….how a fucking person ..anyone....who claims to be so religious and pushes it all the time....yet supports trump.....someone who's only use for religion is to get votes......he has broken just about every commandment there is.....and admitted it himself several times...…….AND these same people want to condemn Biden on hearsay.....
i keep it simple when it comes to voting. Here's my criteria (in this election or past and future ones).
If you ever started a war, continued a war, planning to start a war, supported a war---not voting for you. (my brother died in combat because of Bush's lies)
if you ever supported outsourcing of jobs, tried outsourcing of jobs---not voting for you.
if you are a religious fundamentalist ---not voting for you.
if you take corporate money ( i.e a sellout)---not voting for you.
if you are a social justice warrior type---not voting for you.
so i never voted or will vote for Trump , Obama, Biden, Hillary etc etc.
USA haven't been a true democracy for a long time because big money has controlled outcome of every election since WW2.
you are given two choices both have same donors, economic and foreign policies but with different social policies.
When Bush took over we were involved in 5 wars, Obama took them to 7 and expanded and extended the patriot act ( i.e all your rights can be suspended in the name of national security). Trump wants a war with Iran and Venezuela. With trade Obama was pushing TPP giving our sovereignty to Multinational corporations). Trump says one thing but does the opposite behind closed doors.
So this year I'm writing My brothers name in (like i have always done) till someone comes along who fits the criteria.
wish you all the best.
so i never voted or will vote for Trump , Obama, Biden, Hillary etc etc.

then you really have no say in anything....and your opinion does not amount to *******!

people have fought for and died for this fundamental right...learn something from your brothers death!.....all you want to do is belittle the process…..go stand on your soap box someplace else....you have no right to complain about who ever is in office
got to wonder about this whole process....not one to believe in conspiracy theories......and a guy in trumps HHS wrote a book about all this 5 years ago predicting the virus...…..which is probably the reason trump is selling all this *******

but trump has shown not to be a trust worthy MF so his word is no good

but wonder how well things are in china?....the rest of the world not doing well...….China has volunteered to work with WHO to get under control…..but again

trump has china pissed with his big fucking mouth.....and has also shown what he thinks of the WHO...so again the guy has us out on a limb while he works a fucking saw....killer trump
More Trump justice and hiding Russian collusion...changes NOTHING he still worked with trump to be a traitor to his own country

DOJ moves to dismiss case against former Trump adviser ...
12 hours ago · The Justice Department on Thursday moved to dismiss its criminal case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the first national security adviser to …

DOJ Drops Charges Against Michael Flynn, Who Lied to FBI
It may not be a pardon. But the Justice Department has dropped charges against Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Retired Army …

It may not be a pardon. But the Justice Department has dropped charges against Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, an important figure in the war on terror who gave Trump’s 2016 run military validation, will avoid prison time after the Justice Department provided a deliverance that Flynn had long sought. It is also the second redemption that Trump has provided the general, who served as his first national security adviser for less than a month.

“The Government has determined, pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice,” wrote Timothy Shea, the interim U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia and a former senior aide to Attorney General William Barr.

Shea wrote that Flynn’s admitted lies to the FBI needed to have been “not simply false, but ‘materially’ false with respect to a matter under investigation.” It was an astonishing turnaround since 2018, when a federal judge said to Flynn in a sentencing hearing, “arguably, you sold your country out.”

Neither Flynn nor his attorney, Sidney Powell, responded immediately to requests for comment.
Welcome to the "World of Banana Republics!"
Repugnant would be a gross understatement!
This action is the final "nail in the coffin of equal justice for all under the law!"
A justice system gone amuck in servitude to those in high places with deep pockets and political clout! Tis a very very pathetic state of affairs!
then you really have no say in anything....and your opinion does not amount to *******!

people have fought for and died for this fundamental right...learn something from your brothers death!.....all you want to do is belittle the process…..go stand on your soap box someplace else....you have no right to complain about who ever is in office
listen cuck,
here's the truth ,my brother fought and died, so i could have the right to say fuck you to anyone who says that says i owe them my vote, you didn't read carefully, i said i vote but i not for the cocksuckers you and other stupid mofos want me to. so if my opinion doesn't count then why does your's matter?? elitist thinking fuckin morons like you who pledge their allegiance to the politicians or parties are the reason democracy becomes a joke. i don't owe my vote to anyone, they need to come and get it and convince me ( democracy remember).
i keep it simple when it comes to voting. Here's my criteria (in this election or past and future ones).
If you ever started a war, continued a war, planning to start a war, supported a war---not voting for you. (my brother died in combat because of Bush's lies)
if you ever supported outsourcing of jobs, tried outsourcing of jobs---not voting for you.
if you are a religious fundamentalist ---not voting for you.
if you take corporate money ( i.e a sellout)---not voting for you.
if you are a social justice warrior type---not voting for you.
so i never voted or will vote for Trump , Obama, Biden, Hillary etc etc.
USA haven't been a true democracy for a long time because big money has controlled outcome of every election since WW2.
you are given two choices both have same donors, economic and foreign policies but with different social policies.
When Bush took over we were involved in 5 wars, Obama took them to 7 and expanded and extended the patriot act ( i.e all your rights can be suspended in the name of national security). Trump wants a war with Iran and Venezuela. With trade Obama was pushing TPP giving our sovereignty to Multinational corporations). Trump says one thing but does the opposite behind closed doors.
So this year I'm writing My brothers name in (like i have always done) till someone comes along who fits the criteria.
wish you all the best.

While appreciating the frustration you express, you're inaction solves nothing! It's DEFINATELY NOT going to change anything! You should remember, "IT'S FAR BETTER TO LIGHT A CANDLE THAN TO CURSE THE DARKNESS!"
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