Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Republicans Admit They Lose When Elections are Fair and ...
Apr 10, 2020 ·
BILL MOYERS: Well, Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said election assistance funding such as that in the stimulus bill, “has nothing to do with COVID-19.” …

Trump's dirty tricks: Unethical, even illegal campaign ...
May 02, 2019 ·
Donald Trump pulled some pretty unseemly stunts to win the 2016 United States presidential election. He threatened to put his opponent, Hillary Clinton, in jail and publicly asked

How Russian election meddling is back before 2020 vote - CNN
Mar 12, 2020 · Russian trolls have outsourced their disinformation campaigns to Ghana and Nigeria, focusing on racial issues in the US ahead of the presidential election.

Kind of like what allfor is doing continuing with false information

US intelligence warned House members Russia is working to ...
Feb 20, 2020 · US intelligence officials are reported to have warned members of Congress last week that Russia was trying to interfere in the 2020 election campaign in favour of Donald Trump

Report: Russian social accounts sow election discord - again
Mar 05, 2020 · Report: Russian social accounts sow election discord - again. The report comes weeks after U.S. intelligence officials briefed lawmakers on Russian efforts to stir chaos in American politics
Trump Lawyer Admits He Paid ******* To Hide Encounter ...
However, if you are to believe President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, he said Tuesday he paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a porn actress who was working as a ******* in 2006. …

Russian ****** who had sex with Donald Trump mocks his ...
According to Ivana Kamensky, Donald Trump paid $30,000 for one night with her and two other prostitutes in July 2011 and asked them to perform many perverted sex acts. Ms. Kamensky’s

Feb 21, 2017 · Work with deprived, vulnerable and disadvantaged young people who are easily swayed by peer pressure in the street and in the family. We ... Work with …

Typical Dem deflection - Biden has a problem with sexual allegations make it all about the opposition. Trouble is no one gives a fuck about President Trump we all knew he was a sexual rogue BEFORE he got elected !!!!!
Get it ???? This is about BIDEN - NOT Trump.
The hypocrisy of the Democrat Party and the media knows ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY no bounds - look what they did to Kavanaugh with a fruit loop witness with no contemporaneous witnesses and how they virtually ignore a woman that worked for Biden and has multiple contemporaneous witnesses.
Can you NOT see how pathetic you people look - REALLY NOW - I mean REALLY!!!!!
Mmmm trumps DIS approval rating has dropped 6 points in the past 2 weeks
already about as low as whale *******!

maybe he needs a few more of his self appreciation hours on every night again
Keep believing those polls !!!!

Those that fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it - some really smart person said that 😆
The comments being posted on these threads are absolutely nonproductive. I agree with you blkdlaur in most if not all of your posts. Allforthewifey I can see that you are holding down the fort, I appreciate your keeping others on their toes. Thousands of people are dying around to world because of this pandemic, and we are here beating on our President and each other debating sexually who is more immoral, on a porn site mind you. Trump is America's President, Biden is running for the same office, he shouldn't be running, Joe really is slow, both physically and mentally. From the many videos where we have seen him wrongly touching young girls, making some of them very uncomfortable, how has this man been in politics for over 30 years touching other parents children? Trump isn't politically correct, even at 70 plus years old he is learning and both mentally and physically his energy level is unreal. Grabbing a woman's pussy, that statement often used along with others has been dissected like a frog in science class. Trump has been, for most of his adult life wealthy and sexually active with many different women, often while married. Immoral, not one of us on this site can point a finger at him concerning sex, but using baby-ren is forbidden here and in our countries justice system and if suspected of improper touching of baby-ren should be investigated, if evidence leads to the claims having merit they should be arrested, tried and if convicted sentenced to jail time. I as a young boy have been through ******* and abuse. It is no laughing matter.
The comments being posted on these threads are absolutely nonproductive. I agree with you blkdlaur in most if not all of your posts. Allforthewifey I can see that you are holding down the fort, I appreciate your keeping others on their toes. Thousands of people are dying around to world because of this pandemic, and we are here beating on our President and each other debating sexually who is more immoral, on a porn site mind you. Trump is America's President, Biden is running for the same office, he shouldn't be running, Joe really is slow, both physically and mentally. From the many videos where we have seen him wrongly touching young girls, making some of them very uncomfortable, how has this man been in politics for over 30 years touching other parents children? Trump isn't politically correct, even at 70 plus years old he is learning and both mentally and physically his energy level is unreal. Grabbing a woman's pussy, that statement often used along with others has been dissected like a frog in science class. Trump has been, for most of his adult life wealthy and sexually active with many different women, often while married. Immoral, not one of us on this site can point a finger at him concerning sex, but using baby-ren is forbidden here and in our countries justice system and if suspected of improper touching of baby-ren should be investigated, if evidence leads to the claims having merit they should be arrested, tried and if convicted sentenced to jail time. I as a young boy have been through ******* and abuse. It is no laughing matter.
In your opinion. Greenhouses and stones spring to mind.
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